Theron not knowing much more than surface information about Mancer Spells was only natural. He had hardly known anything about Imbued Resonance just days ago.
But even if he did know, it wouldn't help much, or so it seemed.
After all, this was the Luminiscent Moon Sect's method, not some Water Forbidden Spell. There was only so much he could do.
That said… he had figured out that this Mancer Spell and this jade were connected.
What he wanted to understand was… why the Sect mentioned the very important jade as though it was singular, and yet…
Theron looked down at the beads on the ground. Not every one of them was the same as the jade in his palm, but about 20% of them were, for a total of about 17.
They were all around the same size as well, and they didn't look like they had been broken.
Were they mistaken? Or was this another lie by the Sect in hopes that he wouldn't figure things out?
What was the purpose of all these lies?