Moreno's lax expression changed. But rather than surprise, it was as though he had suddenly woken up.
His hair fluttered, strings of white coming from it as the threads on his heavy robes lit as well.
The tendrils extending from his hair quickly reached out and snagged his spiraling rings out of the air. At the same time, his robes seemed to have finally activated in full, a pulsing barrier crashing against [Water Scythe].
The long blade shattered as the tendrils of white Soul Mana flexed in the air.
Two rings were snapped toward Theron's back, two more circulating to protect Moreno's back, while the final five of them converged to the latter's front, blocking Theron's path.
They moved much faster than Theron could dash. And with Moreno having Quasi Third Eye, [Touch of Mirage] seemed to have become useless.