Chapter 46 - Chapter 42

February 9th 2025

Another day, another… well, another everything, I suppose. Sometimes I still can't wrap my head around it all. 

The school's spirit week is kicking off, and it culminates in the big football game this friday. Honestly? I'm just going to do my best, I've always been more of a… well, a flier and a laser-vision kinda guy. Football feels a bit earthbound. But I'm doing it for the team, for the school. And mostly because Izuku's practically vibrating with excitement to see me play. Gotta make my little bro proud. I even let tried to teach him the basics, which was both hilarious and heartwarming. It's these little things, the normal, everyday moments, that sometimes make me realize how far I've travelled.

Speaking of normal, it feels so…normal now with Momo. She's incredible. I mean, really incredible in every sense of the word. Her intelligence, her kindness, the way she effortlessly pushes me to be better. What we have… it's real. I can finally say it, wholeheartedly. I don't think about Diamond romantically at all anymore. It's just… friendship. It's a good thing, right? She's such an awesome friend, my best friend along with Peter of course. Speaking of which, Peter dropped this morning – called himself "our friendly neighborhood web-slinging consultant," which was good for a laugh. It's good to have him around, another link to… well, to that life.

Diamond and I have been hanging out a lot lately too, as usual. She even helped me pick out the most ridiculous football jersey ever – neon green with sparkly shoulder pads. Honestly, I think she just enjoys seeing me embarrassed. Marcus kept teasing me and Diamond ofcourse making fun of us. Eliza was there just giving me thumbs ups and Katsume was just being his usual self. Alex was just filming everything. Hannah was just laughing and smiling at everyone. Anix was making frog noises to make us laugh.

The weird thing is, despite all this… good, it could even be called great... I can't shake the feeling that something's wrong. Like a faint hum beneath all the noise. Like a picture that's just a little bit out of focus. I try to place it, to analyze it like I always do, but it's elusive. It's not work-related, I've been adjusting to school, hero training and this new life. It's not my family, everyone's doing well. It's not Momo, because things with her are perfect. Not Diamond either. It's not Peter either, he is his usual self. So then what?

Riley and Ryan were there today as well. Riley gave me a cold glare as usual, but Ryan seemed alright, both even gave me a smile for once. That is..odd. But it is good I guess? I did try to shake this feeling off but… it's still there. Like a knot in my stomach, pulling me down. This is probably just me being stressed, that must be it.

Maybe it's just the pressure of the game, the weirdness of being a teenager again after… well, being Superman. Maybe it's just the sheer strangeness of this whole situation finally hitting me. Maybe it's nothing at all.

But I can't help but feel… unsettled. Like I'm standing on the precipice of something. I just hope whatever it is, I'm ready. I just… feel it. It makes me uneasy. I don't like it.

I need to train harder and get ready for friday, maybe that'll clear my head. If anything, I need to at least make sure I'm a presentable-looking human. Wish me luck.
