Chapter 13 - Eyes

She stood frozen as the man's eyes locked onto her. Her heart raced, and a lump formed in her throat. The dog barked loudly, straining against its leash as it tried to reach her. She wanted to run, but her body wouldn't respond. She was trapped, fixed by fear.

The man's piercing gaze seemed to cut through her, as though he could see into her very soul. She could hear the dog's nails scraping against the pavement, its frantic movements making the leash go taut in the man's firm grip. His gaze remained fixed on her, heavy and intense.

He wore a long coat, his head tilted slightly as he studied her direction.

Her mind raced, scrambling for a plan. Escape. She had to get away. Taking a sharp breath, she forced her legs to move, bolting down the street away from the man and his barking dog.

She ran blindly, weaving between buildings and leaping over obstacles until she felt certain she had put enough distance between herself and them. Eventually, she slowed and stopped, panting to catch her breath.

Her thoughts tumbled over her options. She could keep running, find another place to hide until the danger passed, or she could turn back, follow him, and find out who he was and what he wanted. Perhaps he was the person she had been looking for. She weighed the risks before deciding to go back. She had to know.

Cautiously, she made her way back to where she had fled. Her heart pounded in her chest, but she couldn't turn away now. She slowed, creeping forward as quietly as possible.

A distant voice reached her ears, the man's, but she couldn't make out his words. She flattened herself against a wall, listening intently. The dog's barking had grown fainter, though it continued. Peering around the corner, she scanned the area.

Then she saw him. The man appeared in her line of sight, walking toward the dog, his grip firm on its leash. She shrank back, trying to make herself as small as possible. But then, she froze again. His eyes, sharp and unyielding, were staring right at her again.

A chill ran through her. How did he know she was there? The dog hadn't noticed her at all, yet the man's piercing gaze was locked on her hiding place. Preparing to take a step back, instinct urging her to run, but her curiosity held her in place. She flicked her tail nervously, weighing her options. She could flee again or she could stay and learn who this man was.

Resolving to stay, she crept closer, careful to remain in the shadows. The man spoke to the dog in a low voice, trying to calm it, but the dog remained agitated, pulling at the leash.

She edged forward, inch by inch, keeping herself hidden. The man's eyes, dark and intense, seemed to pierce through the dimness. It felt as though he could see straight into her thoughts. For a moment, fear rooted her to the spot, but she reminded herself that he hadn't moved toward her yet.

When he turned his gaze skyward, distracted by something in the distance, she hesitated. Following his line of sight, she noticed a commotion near the church. The sound of shattering glass and shouting voices reached her ears.

She moved cautiously forward, her attention divided between the man and the chaos at the church. He was fixated on the scene there, giving her a chance to get closer. But as she approached, he spun, his eyes locking onto hers once again.

Her heart leapt. This time, there was no mistaking it, he could see her. She stayed rooted in place, waiting for him to act first. His piercing gaze held her in an uneasy balance of fear and fascination.

Finally, he spoke, his voice soft. "What are you doing?"

Her fur bristled, but she didn't run. She stood her ground, watching him warily, ready for whatever came next.

Surprise washed over her as she realized she could understand his words. Clear and familiar, despite being surrounded by incomprehensible sounds for so long.

The man muttered something to the dog, which barked in response, still oblivious to her presence. She waited, tense, her curiosity warring with her instincts. Was this man a threat? Or could he somehow be an ally, here to help a small, frightened cat? The uncertainty was almost unbearable.