If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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Naruto paid for the books and decided to head to Higurashi's. That tantō had been bugging him ever since he'd gotten it.
As soon as he could, Naruto slipped into an alley and dispelled his Henge. Picking up the cookbook, he smiled as he read the window.
[You have acquired the '101 Recipes for Beginners' book]
Do you wish to learn this?
"Hell yeah." Naruto hit the 'Y' button, "No more malnourished flaw for me!"
[Cooking] (Passive) [LV2, 03.10 EXP]
One of the oldest skill sets in human history, cooking is something that all people do at some point in their life, even if it is merely adding water to Instant Ramen.
- Passively adds 20% to the Success Ratio of all [Cooking] actions.
- Passively reduces food wasted during preparation by 3%.
- Passively reduces chance of a Food Accident during preparation by 5%.
- Adds a further 5% bonus to all of the above if the meal being prepared is from your [Recipe Book].
- Requires [Cooking Tools] to use.
Current Cooking Rank: Raw Amateur.
"Nice!" Naruto grinned, "Next…sewing!"
[You have acquired the 'Stitch in Time' book]
Do you wish to learn this?
"Yep!" was all he said as he eagerly awaited the next screen popping up after hitting 'Y'.
[Sewing] (Passive) [LV1, 00.00 EXP]
Sewing is a basic skill taken up by housewives and bachelors all over the world. Darning socks, stitching seams and sewing on patches all fall under this skill.
- Requires [Sewing Tools] and [Thread] to use.
- Passively reduces wasted thread by 1%.
- Passively increases the quality of all [Sewing] actions by 5%.
- Passively raises DEX by 1%.
Current Rank: Bloody Needle
"'Bloody Needle'?" Naruto muttered with a tick mark on his forehead, "I am not that clumsy!"
Scowling at the insinuation that he had such low DEX that he would poke himself with a needle, Naruto moved on to the last book.
[You have acquired the 'One Stroke, One Love' book]
Do you wish to learn this?
"Let's see what this looks like." Naruto muttered as he mashed the 'Y' button.
[Calligraphy] (Passive) [LV1, 00.00]
Calligraphy, or Shodō, is the Way of Artistic Writing. Often seen as merely being that, the eye of a Shinobi can see the true potential of Calligraphy.
- Requires [Calligraphy Brush] and [Calligraphy Ink] to use.
- Passively reduces Failure Ratio of all [Calligraphy] actions by 7%.
- Passively reduces the amount of wasted Ink by 5%.
- Passively increases Success Ratio of all [Calligraphy] actions by 5%.
"Huh…at this rate, I'm not going to have the time for any pranks, cause I'll be to busy studying!" Naruto grumbled, "Tch. Ah well. The things I have to do to become Hokage."
Shrugging philosophically, he set out towards Higurashi's, not noticing the masked figure who was following him.
With Tenten
Higurashi Residence
Higurashi Tenten was not best pleased with her father at this particular moment. This wasn't exactly an unheard of occurrence, as her father, though she loved him dearly, had this annoying tendency to somehow get into trouble whenever he set foot outside Konohagakure.
Take his current appearance for example. He was dressed up like a pirate. A long black coat with golden filigree, a long sash wrapped around his waist and an odd tricorne hat atop his head.
"So." Tenten said with a forced calm, "Do I really want to know how you ended up dressed like this?"
Her father, a veritable mountain of muscle, flinched away from his adopted daughter's steely gray glare as if she had brandished a whip at him.
"Now Tenten…" he said pleadingly, "This isn't what it looks like…"
"Oh? So you did not in fact get roaring drunk on your way back to the village and dress up as a pirate as you are now?" Tenten growled with a glower, "How Kaa-san lost track of you, I'll never know!"
"I'd like an answer to that question as well." Higurashi Kanae said as she joined her daughter. Kanae was a slender woman, with long black hair reaching down to her waist. Her smoky onyx eyes boring into her husband as she spoke.
Tatsuhiko was a mountain of a man, his arms rippling with muscle from his blacksmithing work. His close-cropped brown hair was kept that way to avoid any accidents in the forge and his warm brown eyes were very expressive. Right now, for example, they had a slight quiver of fear in them.
"Ahhhh…now dear…" he said nervously.
"Anata, we discussed this before." Kanae stated coolly, "Your bad habit of getting drunk and then doing something embarrassing when you leave Konoha is getting to the point of ridiculousness now. I mean, a pirate costume?"
"I honestly can't remember where I got it." Tatsuhiko admitted.
"Now, what are you going to do?" Kanae asked patiently.
"Take the costume off and go sober up." he recited dully.
"Yes, you are." Tenten said with an eye roll, "Next time Kaa-san can go get the ore. She knows what to look for just as well as you do. I'm heading back to the shop floor. I still have to finish polishing the kodachi."
She turned and walked off before remembering something. "Oh, Oyaji. You've got an order to finish off as well. Uzumaki Naruto bought the Storm Suit and wants the shoulder plate engraved with his Clan symbol. The plate's in your workshop."
With that, she sauntered off.
"The Uzumaki bought the Storm Suit?" Tatsuhiko asked in bemusement. There was only ever one Uzumaki in Konoha, so anybody who wasn't a bigoted asshole who thought that he was the Kyūbi referred to Naruto as 'The' Uzumaki, like his mother before him.
"Looks like he's finally getting serious about graduating." Kanae said softly.
"Belike." Tatsuhiko agreed, "He also has good taste. That outfit should last him a good long while as he grows into it and when he grows out of it, there'll probably be a good piece to replace it."
The sudden wordless roar of anger from their daughter made the two adults look at each other in surprise. Only one thing made Tenten as angry as she currently sounded so the question had to be asked…
…who had been stupid enough to destroy one of the weapons she had forged?
With Naruto, a few minutes previously…
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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