Chereads / Naruto: The Life Changer / Chapter 34 - Chapter:34 Isuca!

Chapter 34 - Chapter:34 Isuca!

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Now one of her Clan had been proven to have orchestrated a campaign of intimidation and harassment against the boy all of Konoha knew he considered to be his surrogate grandson and Haruno Mebuki was dreading the consequences of that foolish girl Isuca's actions!

"Naruto-kun never told me about the constant harassment because he didn't want to cause me trouble." Sarutobi said, casting an amused yet stern look at his favourite orphan, "I have since talked to him about that and he assures me that any future incidents will be reported promptly from hereon out. The question now…is what to do about Isuca and the backlash of this incident on the Haruno Clan."

This was what Mebuki was dreading. The Shinobi Clans of Konoha may put on an indifferent façade to the world regarding one Uzumaki Naruto, but they made their displeasure known at any mistreatment he suffered.

When he had been thrown out of the Orphanage at the age of five, an unknown buyer had bought the Orphanage from Konoha and had fired all of the staff, replacing them with ex-Shinobi who were strict, but firm with kids. Everybody knew it had been a Shinobi Clan that was responsible, but no one knew which one.

The Haruno Clan depended on hiring Konohagakure Shinobi to guard their caravans and supply shipments. If the Clans heard about Isuca's foolishness, the Haruno might never be able to hire Shinobi as guards again, which would force them to hire mercenaries, who were unreliable and far more expensive per man than a Shinobi.

"What…what is your judgement, Hokage-sama." she asked shakily.

"Naruto-kun, what do you think?" Sarutobi asked his surrogate grandson, who looked thoughtful.

"It depends on the answer to a couple of questions, I think." Naruto replied before turning to the Haruno Clan Head. "Did you know about what Isuca-san was doing to me, Haruno-san?"

"No." Mebuki replied tightly, "Had I been aware, I would have put a stop to it and disciplined Isuca firmly."

"Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked as he turned to his pink-haired crush.

"I had no idea." she told him honestly, "I would have told Okaa-san if I knew."

"Fair enough." Naruto nodded, before looking at the Hokage, "Hokage-sama, I don't think letting Isuca-san's crimes known would be a good idea. The Haruno Clan had nothing to do with Isuca-san's actions."

"Very well, Naruto-kun." Sarutobi nodded, making the two Haruno sag with relief, "However, they should have been more aware of their relative's actions, so they must be penalised for that."

"Isuca-san is a failed genin candidate and the Haruno don't exactly have a Clan Compound." Naruto pointed out, "For all we know she lives by herself."

"Except she doesn't, Naruto-kun." Sarutobi replied, "She lives next-door to Mebuki and Sakura's home. The Haruno have their own guards patrolling the area, who should have reported any odd movements by a Clansmen to Mebuki."

"So long as the Shinobi Clans know not to repudiate the Haruno Clan from their lists of clients, I agree to a punishment." Mebuki said stoically, praying that it would not cripple her Clan.

"Naruto-kun? Would you care to declare the punishment for the Haruno Clan?" Sarutobi offered, "Isuca's punishment has already been decided upon; she will be fined ten-thousand Ryo, payable to Naruto-kun in instalments, as well as being banned from leaving the village for any reason for the next year, nor may she enter into any contracts on her own name for an equal length of time. She will also be required to check in with her Clan leader once a day to give in an itinerary of where she plans on going in the village, why and how long she will take to go there and return."

Mebuki winced at that. A financial penalty, house arrest inside the village, reduced to the level of an indentured servant, as well as being forced to outline her day's destinations, reasons for travelling and duration to Mebuki every single day for the next year? Harsh, but more lenient that she had been expecting.

"Well…" Naruto frowned in thought, "Sakura-chan's the smartest person in class. Even Sasuke-teme has to admit that. How about she helps me with the theory work until graduation without pay for…two hours a day after class? In addition to being forbidden to diet?"

"I need to diet otherwise I'll get fat!" Sakura protested.

"No, you don't." Neko informed her as the ANBU stepped out of the shadows, making the civilians jump in shock, "My apologies, but I cannot keep quiet at this juncture. No one who walks the path of the Shinobi needs to diet. The regular training and exercises that shinobi undertake see to that. Eat a balanced diet, yes, but do not cut down on the amount of food you eat. It prevents your body from growing properly and makes you useless in training. Uzumaki-san could easily beat you in a Taijutsu spar just by outlasting you."

"But…" Sakura looked on the edge of protesting again until Naruto interrupted her.

"Care for me to prove it, Sakura-chan?" he asked calmly, leaving the girl speechless.

"I don't think that is necessary, Naruto-kun." Sarutobi interjected, "I will say to you, Sakura-chan, that Neko is absolutely correct. Dieting is unnecessary for any Shinobi. Now, will you accept Naruto-kun's punishment of your daughter serving as his private tutor for the next…seven months in lieu of any fines or other punishments?"


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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