Chereads / Naruto: The Life Changer / Chapter 15 - Chapter:15 TENTEN?

Chapter 15 - Chapter:15 TENTEN?

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

{P} {A} {T} {R} {E} {O} {N}


Tenten gaped at him for a moment. "That…that will get you quite a lot." she said at last, "Which would you like to get first? Weights or clothes?"

Naruto looked at Iruka for advice.

"Clothes." Iruka said firmly, "You can then get weights that can be concealed beneath the clothes."

"What he said." Naruto told Tenten, who giggled.

"This way then." Tenten led them through a door in the side of the room. The next room was a smorgasbord of ninja clothes and armour. There were racks of the standard Konoha chunin and Jonin outfit, as well as a great many other uniforms.

"Where the heck should I start to look?" Naruto wondered aloud.

"Try wandering around and point out something you want to look at more closely." Iruka suggested, "And Tenten, have you anything new in that you could show Naruto?"

"Hmmm…." the girl mused, "There was a new shipment of ninja outfits in from a one-time sale in Arashi no Kuni (Land of Storms). I think there's one left. I could pull it out for Naruto-san to look at."

"Just call me Naruto." the blond told her, "I'm not one for formality."

"Sure. You just call me Tenten as well." the kunoichi replied with a smile, "Wait here."

She walked into a room off to the side to fetch the shipment she had spoken about. Naruto meanwhile gazed at all of the clothes in the room and felt more than a little overwhelmed by the selection. How was he to choose any clothes from among all of this? It was like giving a starving man a feast.

"For now, I think you should get something simple to wear for day to day wear at the Academy." Iruka advised, sensing that Naruto was out of his depth, "Once you get closer to graduation, you can come back and order something to be your standard ninja outfit as a Genin."

"Sounds like an idea." Naruto replied in relief. Now that he had a guideline, he calmed down and began looking. He found a lightly armoured shirt that went over a t-shirt that didn't look as if it restricted his movement by any serious degree. It came in three different colours, black, dark red and dark green.

"{Observe}" Naruto whispered in an undertone.

[Konoha Battle Top - Amakusa Style] [Black]

A standard shirt made for entry level Genin in Konoha. It is lightweight and resilient to shuriken and thrown kunai.

DEF +7

Durability: 45/45

'OK, this is way better than my jacket.' Naruto admitted to himself, 'I'll get a couple of these…black, of course. Sakura-chan looks good in red, but I don't. And I don't like green.'

He placed three Amakusa Shirts to one side and looked through the trousers section, completely ignoring the shorts. No way was he going to look anything like Sasuke-teme, in his silly-looking toy boy shorts.

[Konoha Battle Breeches - Amakusa Style] [Black & Grey]

Standard trousers for entry-level Genin in Konoha. Lightweight, it is lightly armoured to resist thrown weapons.

DEF +7

Durability: 45/45

'Not bad. Three of these as well, I think.' Naruto thought. Just then, Tenten came back in with a box in her hands.

"Whew. Took a while to find the one I was looking for." she muttered, "Damn Oyaji and his bad organisation skills."

"Tatsuhiko always was bad at that." Iruka remarked, "I'm surprised that Kanae-san doesn't lose her temper with him about it."

"Kaa-san does." Tenten said with a grin, "Last week she chased him around the house with a frying pan."

"She's been taking lessons from Nara Yoshino then." Iruka shuddered slightly at the mention of the Nara Matriarch, "So, what have you got in the box for Naruto?"

"Well, it's a funny story that." Tenten replied, "The guy who made this set only managed to make and sell ten or so sets before he died. One of the buyers was my Oyaji. It's a complete set of shinobi armour, designed to resemble regular clothes. The whole ensemble actually provides slightly more armour than the regular chunin and Jonin outfits, although it is slightly heavier as a payoff."

"Sounds like an awesome outfit!" Naruto said in awe.

"Uh-huh. It is." Tenten confirmed, "It even has detachable areas for if you have to visit a tropical area and additional attachable parts for a winter country."

"I think Naruto would like a look at it." Iruka said dryly as he saw Naruto's eyes shining at how adaptable the outfit was.

Tenten placed the box on the floor, opened it up and removed a top from it, showing it to Naruto and Iruka.

"Wow…" Naruto muttered.

The top was a size bigger than Naruto himself. Black, with blue stripes in a simple bar-like pattern. The sleeves stopped just short of the elbows and it came with a blank metal shoulder protector.

Overall, it looked kick-ass.

"I'll take it." Naruto said firmly.

"Nice choice." Tenten said, "Do you want anything on the shoulder plate?"

Naruto detached the spiral symbol from his jumpsuit's left arm and handed it over to her. "This please." he told her.

"Interesting…" the kunoichi muttered, "What is it?"

"Jiji told me it's my clan's symbol." Naruto shrugged, "Dunno who the Uzumaki were, but I'm the last of 'em."

"I see." Tenten looked a bit sad at that, "So you're an orphan too?"

"Eh?" Naruto looked surprised by this question.

"I'm adopted." Tenten explained, seeing the look of confusion on his face, "Kaa-san can't have kids, so they adopted me from the orphanage."

"Oh…yeah, I am." Naruto replied, "Tough, isn't it?"

"Yeah…well, I'm good now. Kaa-san and Oyaji love me like a real daughter." Tenten said with a fond smile on her face.

"I'm happy for you." Naruto told her honestly, "Now, how much does this outfit plus the three shirts and trousers come to?"

"Let me see…" Tenten did a quick mental calculation, "Thirty-five thousand Ryo."

"Huh. Cheaper than my jumpsuits." Naruto commented.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

{P} {A} {T} {R} {E} {O}