Meanwhile Morgan sat against a recliner in his house and swirled a glass of wine, deep in thought.
'I am a reputable human and a royal vampire... Why the hell will I be attracted to an underaged werewolf... Bullshit!'
He stood up hastily and ran a hand through his hair.
'this can't be... This cannot be...'
The next day as Layna came down the stairs she was surprised to see a familiar male silhouette.
"Daddy!!" She yelled and threw herself into Thatcher's arms.
"My baby... You're all grown up now"
Layna blushed fiercely while Enzo and their mother chuckled.
"Daddy " she said "the last time you saw me was three months ago... How much could I have grown?"
Thatcher rubbed her hair,
"You're a college student now... Oh... How time flies"
"Alright you can reminisce later... The kids have to get to class " said Evangeline
"Bye mum... Bye dad" they said.
On their way to pick May up, Enzo asked Layna,
"So are you going to tell me what transpired between you and Morgan or..."
"Hmmm" Layna sighed
"He intrigues me" she said
Enzo's eyes widened.
"Say again?"
Layna laughed and hit him lightly on the back.
"It's nothing... He just seems interesting. He said I make him lose control "
"Oh my God! Oh my God! Layna you need to stay away from that man"
"I don't think he meant it that way ... Maybe I made him lose his cool... I can be quite unnerving" she said raising her chin.
Enzo just laughed.
When Morgan came into Layna's class he glanced once in her direction and continued with the lesson.
May nudged Layna.
"Did something happen between you and Mr hotshot?"
"No... You think too much"
"Well you can't blame me... That look carried a lot of fire"
After class Layna ran after Morgan.
"Layna where are you going?" May called out
"I'll be right back!"
She followed Morgan into his office and shut the door behind her.
Morgan turned in his seat and looked at Layna , his eyes gleaming.
Layna was heaving from running and her chest pressed against the tight shirt she wore. His eyes roamed her body and lingered for a while on her chest. He glanced away and asked,
"Why are you here doll?"
"I don't... I don't know... You just... You can't ignore me after all that happened"
Morgan cocked his brows obviously amused.
"All that happened?" He questioned slowly.
"Yes..." She breathed "You... You... Know what I am and you said I make you lose control..."
"Well I don't see you losing control..." She pouted "You seem perfectly fine to me"
"And that is a bad thing because?" He asked, the corner of his lips tilting upwards
"I..." She swallowed nervously "I don't know... I just ... I'm sorry for barging into your office Sir " she said
Morgan was in front of her in a blink,
"Doll... You don't do that in front of me... How about this, I can be your friend... Hmmm" He was smiling enticingly like the devil tempting someone.
"Oh... Okay then " she said smiling.
Morgan's heart fluttered and he turned away.
"Alright now go on back to class doll"
"How old are you anyway? They say you're a genius professor..."
"I'm..." He stepped closer to her " older than you"
"Duh... I know that... Just how old... Are you one of those who look younger than their actual age?"
He rubbed his face , " For God's sake Layna... Hmmm... 27... I'll be 28 in a few weeks... Satisfied?"
"Pretty much... See you later Morgan"