Chereads / Broken Phantom / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3



Amity Park—the most haunted place in the world… or at least it used to be. After the unspoken incident two years ago at the edge of town, which was claimed to be a research project gone wrong by the so-called GIW, fewer and fewer ghosts began coming to the town. Those who were captured would break out and escape, and Valerie could tell the GIW was getting desperate at the so-called lack of Subjects.

It was a nice and beautiful Saturday morning, but for some reason, we seniors at Casper High were called to be present at school for a special event. No one knew why or what brought us to school.

We had just finished our finals and were two weeks away from graduation when we were called in for this event. Everyone showed up and gathered in class, discussing in our respective groups: the nerds, the neutrals, the losers, and the A-listers. Star and Kwan weren't with the A-list anymore; they had left the group a year after Danny's disappearance.

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing a middle-aged bald, overweight man. Standing behind him was the school's guidance counselor, a red-haired woman in her early 20s, both carrying a box each, Jazz.

Valerie could see how much the young woman had changed during the past years, She had grown Taller, and fit, it was like looking at an Amazon. And it seemed to suit the red hair.

Setting it down on the teacher's desk, I heard someone suddenly ask, "Why are we here, Mr. Lancer?" Dash.

"Good question, Mr. Baxter," the man answered. "The school has decided to send the class on a field trip." The class was suddenly filled with noise.

"To where?" Valerie asked. She was talking with Star and Kwan.

"That would ruin the surprise, Mrs. Gray," Lancer replied. Then, he gestured for the class to follow him. Valerie quickly moved to the female teacher.

"Hey, Jazz."

"Hey, Val."

"Do you know where the trip is going to be?" She couldn't help but ask, for some reason, her senses were just feeling off.

"No, only Mr. Lancer knows."


We followed Lancer to the bus. The ride lasted about 30 minutes before stopping in front of a building with a giant sign that read 'FENTON WORKS.'

"Sir, why are we at Fenton's house?" Mikey asked.

"They will be our chaperones," Lancer said.

"WHAT?" everyone shouted.

We got off the bus to see the Fentons waiting by the door. "Welcome," Maddie's voice greeted us. "We will be coming along with you to—".

"Why the hell are they going to be there?" Val asked with venom in her voice, cutting her off.

"Mrs. Gray, aren't you being rude? Show them some respect," Mr. Lancer said, confused by Valerie's behavior.

"They don't deserve it," she growled. He was taken aback but before he could speak, Maddie cut in angrily.

"You watch your mouth, young lady. I will not tolerate this behavior."

Val was about to reply when Jazz interrupted, "Val, calm down… don't let it get to you." Jazz tried not to show her anger toward the Fentons. But she could see it in her eyes just how much she wanted to lash out too.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted, we will be going on a field trip to…".

"TO THE GHOST ZONE," Jack's voice boomed.

"WHAT?" She and Jazz Yelled out, with others not too far behind. What did they mean by 'The Ghost Zone? Have they finally used up all of their brain cells'?

"You can't be serious," Jazz yelled. Some students were in awe of going to the Ghost Zone, but all were shocked, and she could understand. What fools would decide to jump into the Zone with Teenagers, that was not only Stupid but Dangerous, Especially for people who they themselves have never been there.

"Miss Fenton, calm down. That is no way to talk to your parents," said Lancer.

"My name is Nightingale, Jasmine Nightingale, and these people are not my parents," Jazz said in a calm but dangerous tone.

Lancer was stunned. "R-R-Right, Miss Nightingale," he stuttered. Everyone by now knew that Jazz and her 'parents' don't get along. Most had speculated that it had something to do with Danny's disappearance and they would be right.

Val chimed in, "Well, I don't think it's a good idea to go into another dimension." She turned to Lancer, hoping to change his mind.

"What, is the loser scared of a little ghost?" I heard Dash say, the other A-listers laughing behind him.

Ignoring him, Val continued, "Sir, I really don't think it's a good idea to go into the Ghost Zone, especially with people who haven't been there before."


Lancer's Head snapped to the Fentons. "Is that really true? You've never been to the Ghost Zone?" he asked, glaring at them. And she could understand. 

They had always been reckless but these past few years have been something else entirely. Ever since they lost Danny, their precious 'Guinea Pig', Ghost attacks had suddenly started to die down, and with most natural portals 'mysteriously' closing. The Ecto around Amity had dwindled down to almost nothing, Leaving the GIW and Fentons with their lack of energy Resources.

"Well, you see…" Maddie started, but Jack cut her off.

"Never… but don't worry, teach-man! Any ghost that comes close will be caught by me, JACK FENTON!"

I smiled, thinking the trip was canceled. But then Sam interjected, "Don't worry, Mr. Lancer. We've been to the Ghost Zone. Tucker and I will guide you."

The blood in my body boiled, but I didn't have time to dwell on them. I quickly moved to the back of the bus and pulled out a small headphone.

Val seemed to notice what I was doing and came to buy me some time.

"Mr. Lancer, I don't believe this is safe for the students and advise we refrain from going," she said, turning to him.

"I understand your concern, Mrs. Grey," he said, "but I can't do anything at this point, the Trip was a collaboration of the school and the Government. She could see even from where she was that the man too was not onboard with this moronic trip but seemed to have no choice in the matter likely the GIW hands in the background.

"Okay, kids, move to the lab in the basement," Maddie instructed, letting the students move into the house.

After reaching the lab, Val moved closer to me. "Hey, anything?" She whispered. Shaking my head I replied.

"Nothing, it's not working," I whispered back. "It's not going through; it's like something is blocking the transmission," she sighed.

"Blocking the transmission? But that only happens when… oh no," I realized something. "Val, it's today," I whisper-yelled.

She watched as realization hit me. My eyes widened. "What are we going to do?".

By this time, the students were being instructed on what to do once they entered the GZ. Maddie was explaining the weapons, and Jack was blabbing something about ghosts. "Now remember, any ghost you see is evil," Maddie said as Tucker and Sam handed out weapons. Val and I rolled our eyes.

"Now everyone onto the Specter Speeder Bus, or the SSB for short," Jack said. Everyone entered and took a seat. Maddie was driving, which everyone was glad for, and Jack was sitting up front with her. Sam and Tucker were at their backs manning the weapon systems and controls. The A-listers sat at the front, nerds in the middle, and Jazz and I at the back, with Star and Kwan in front of us.

"Everyone ready? Then let's go," Jack's voice boomed as the portal opened, and the green light washed over the SSB as we went in.