Ryker's POV
"We've done this before Ryker, and I am sure you know how it's going to end this time around"
"Your words are not intimidating and they can never be intimidating to me."
We circled as we talked.
I had fought with Asher before, and I lost; well, actually, I didn't technically lose; I saw an out, and I took it because I knew that there was no way I was going to win him in that fight.
But this time around was different; I was stronger than I was, back then, and I had something else to fight for.
Someone else to fight for, though I wasn't quite sure of the way I felt about it, and I wasn't sure about the part I wanted her to take in my life, but one thing was certain: she meant more than just a wolf to me, more than just the moon keeper she had become.