Sarah joined Ethan in the cockpit, as he skillfully maneuvered the Night Angel out into the sea. It was not until the dock was out of view and they were far out in the sea that Ethan finally stopped the boat. Turning off the engine before leading Sarah to the deck.
Retreating briefly into the cabin, Ethan returned with a fishing line. Baiting the hook, Ethan threw the line into the water. And they both sat down on the deck, sipping Scotch.
It was a good day for them as they caught three salmons in rapid succession. Sarah was elated and Ethan felt proud. Sarah prepared the fish in the kitchen with Ethan at hand to assist her.
When the meal was ready, they returned to the deck to feast. Ethan found a sparkling bottle of champagne and poured them a glass each. After washing down the meal with the wine, they both stretched out on the deck and enjoyed the serenity of the sea.