Yuki Celestine... A sophomore who's studying in Clark National University in United States of America.. An average looking ninteen year old boy, Quite funny eh? He usually had those freckles, a messy hair that usually people found it a little funny. Wearing those long sleeve shirt, shitty pants that probably just bought it from the thrift store.. But at least he wear something nice.. probably because it was his style... Or not?
Another day had begun.
Yuki felt complete unease in the whole time being in class, not knowing what to do. suddenly felt a pair of eyes on him but couldn't feel who is that someone that looking at him directly. Suddenly, the professor spoke loudly in front of the class as she tried to get everyones attention. She stands in front with her arms folded to her chest, a common thing to see in every strict professor.
"Alright! We'll have a new project for today, all of you would do it with your designated partner. Be sure to be seated besides to your partner, the task is simple. Make a short reflection on each other, be sure to submit it on Friday." The professor instructed before she started to say names aloud in class.
"This is boring.." Yuki murmured as the professor continue to call out each name, the lingering feeling of someone's gaze continue to haunt him at this moment, he didn't even notice that the professor already called out his name and his partner.
"Yuki Celestine and Leonard Dewhurst.."
Leonard? I had a classmate with that name?
He was a little startled when he finally heard his name, he couldn't help but thought about it as something.. Weird. The only word he can think was that, the continues feeling was stopped when he looks up as he saw Leonard walks to his desk. He looks odd and sus for no reason. He was tall.. Probably 6'0 above, with that emo style but not totally.. Probably called grunge? He had that weird eyes that was looking at Yuki with a hidden intentions, having a wolf cut or Jellyfish cut style on his hair with a purple streaks at the very end.
How come I've never seen him in this class?
The thought continue to rummage his mind as he continue to stare at Leonard. "You must be Leonard.. I'm Yuki Celestine." Yuki said with a cheerful yet awkward tone of voice, he was looking at this man intently... Wanting to know what kind of intentions he had.
"I know.. Just call me Leo." The tall emo dude said, his aura was quite weird as Yuki continue to observe him. "Oh.. Alright." The young man said trying not to find the situation awkward but somehow it was. "So.. let's start on working?" He added before Leo nods in respond.
As they start working on the reflection, he can't help but notice that Leo was glancing at his direction. It completely bothers him but he couldn't dare to say anything, maybe he was a little paranoid over the stalking thingy.
Luckily, it didn't take long for them to finish. Knowing that they had things to do. Couldn't believe that Leo was actually.. Nice? Or maybe not. Yuki's mind continue to lead him on suspicions but not wanting to confront him about it, he might be a overreacting since knowing that this was the first time he actually met someone who was in the same class as him.
"So.. Do you have anything to ask now?" Yuki asked as he gave Leo a glance.
"Nothing.." Leo bluntly said and no longer giving him a glance. "But.. Can I ask you instead?" Yuki was taken aback but wasn't much surprised since their exchanging questions after all, "Yeah. Go ahead."
"Hmm.. Nevermind, it's just a stupid question." Leo said, making Yuki more confused and interested to know what kind of question he had. He didn't expect that he would definitely take back his question, Yuki was now more interested yet can't do anything about it.
"Oh.. Alright." It can see the disappoinment on Yuki's gaze making Leo feel a hint of.. Excitement? It was a bit odd on Yuki's eyes but still tried to respect his decision.
"Sorry." He apologize before standing up, leaving the boy alone on his thoughts. He couldn't bring himself to actually do something about what kind of behavior he has... He just can't at this moment.
"Probably more better to pass this papers on myself." He muttered under his breath, he stands up from his seat and the bell finally ring. He was about to go out from the class when someone suddenly takes a hold of his arm, It was.. Skye?
"Uhh.. what are you doing?" Yuki couldn't help but ask as he looks at his friend with a completely confused look. Probably it's because he was used to be the one asking first and found it a little usual when it was Skye asking for something...
"Just wanna ask.. If you wanna hang out with me."
Hang out..?
"Cause I want to."
"Your lying."
"I'm not."
"Yes... Yes, you are."*
"If I tell you the main reason, would you still try to hangout with me?"
It can see a faint redness on Skye's face, a subtle embarrassment can be seen. Yuki was still in confusion as he was looking at his best friend, the tension between them continue to thicken. He couldn't say anything now but agree.
"Fine, let's hang out."
Why am I agreeing to this..?