Chereads / RWBY: Jaune Reborn / Chapter 5 - 5: Dungeon dive 1 (2/2)

Chapter 5 - 5: Dungeon dive 1 (2/2)


The elevator stops at the B2F as the power goes out inside the elevator. Sparks fly from the fuse box as the blue, red, and yellow fuse blows. " Why does this feel like a resident evil dungeon,'" I say to myself as I leave the elevator. I unsling the shotgun and move forward down the mineshaft.

Lights flicker then goes out sending the tunnel into complete darkness. I sigh before moving forward with even more caution. Almost stumbling over some loose stone I finally got a patch of light. A emergency light that has a mining helmet. ' let's see if I remember that one video from tiktok,' I think as I prepare the mining helmet. After a failed attempt I start up the light on the old mining helmet. Placing it on my head and gaining another 5 DP I prepare going forward.

Moving forward I see movement ahead and I raise the security shotgun and cast observe.

Beowulf lv4

Description: wolf Grimm that's fast

Beowulf lv4

Description: wolf Grimm that's fast

I quickly fire at the first Beowulf and strike it in the chest causing it to collapse as I reload. The second Beowulf comes at me as I snap the barrel close and fire at close range blowing its jaw off and it collapses. The first Beowulf gets back up and charges at me with red claws. I pull out the security revolver and fire three shots missing two but the third strikes its eye and through its skull.

Beowulf lv4 defeated: +40 XP, Grimm Bone armor fragment

Beowulf lv4 defeated: +40 XP, Grimm Bone armor fragment

Reloading the shotgun and the revolver I continue forward. Checking my inventory I've only have 6 shells for the shotgun left. I sigh and put up the shotgun into the inventory as it's to valuable right now. Pulling out crocera mors I find a security gate that's locked with a padlock. Slamming down the shield on the lock breaking it as the gate squeaks open on its rusted hinges.

Entering the room I see three gates and tunnels along with a big Beowulf in the center of the room asleep. No pretending. I quickly take out the shotgun and unload the barrels into the things head blowing it to the side cracking it's mask. It starts raising up but I shoot it again after reloading blowing its head back.

Beowulf lv8 defeated: +80 XP, Beowulf claw,

Level up

Name: Jaune Arc


HP: 300/300



AP: 200/200

Exp: 60/500


Str: 3

Vit: 3

Con: 2

Res: 2

Acc: 2

Dex: 2

Wis: 5

Int: 3

Cha: 3

Luck: 3

Free points: 5

I sigh at the level up and look around the room. The Beowulf has destroyed the things in the room except a metal locker that's dented in with claw marks on the door. Going over the it I pray it open with crocera mors and inside is two boxes of ammo and a red fuse.

+20 .410ga standard shells

+4 .410ga incendiary shells

- Red fuse obtained

After loading the shotgun I grab the fuse and place it in my inventory. 'One down two to go,' I think as I open the center gate. Going down the tunnel slowly I wind up in front of a door that has security written on it. Opening the door with the key card I gaze at the desolate room that has a skeleton wearing a guards uniform that's shredded in the front. I walk over to the skeleton and pull off a yellow key card that's hanging from it's tattered shirt.

- Yellow key card obtained

I search the room but almost every is torn apart and broken. I leave the room and head back to the center room. Turning down the left tunnel I enter through the gate. Walking down the corridor I stop and dodge when a glowing yellow stinger swings at me. Looking above me I see multiple legs and then the body as it falls from the ceiling out of a hole. Standing up at half it's length the thin body and clacking reveals what it is.

Centinel lv5

Description: creepy bug grimm that evolves fast if not quickly killed

I quickly bring up the shotgun as it launches at my face. It bites down on the shotgun as I unload the barrels inside it's mouth causing it to jerk back hissing in pain as the stinger tail comes at me. I dodge and try to reload the shotgun but the barrel is melted causing me to throw the gun away as I draw crocera mors. Holding the sword I fuse it with 150 MP draining me as I swing the blade bisecting the head in half when it lunges at me again.

Centinel lv5 defeated: +100 XP, centinel acid, skill gem corrosive

Skill gem corrosive: a skill gem that grants the corrosive skill. Equipping this skill ignores enemies armor by 25%

I pant as I grunt looking at my status bar I see my HP bar is lower.

Jaune HP: 200/300; XP: 160/500

I look and see my hand has chemical burns on it knowing it's the centinel acid. I take the pain and continue on my way going further into the tunnel. Meeting a dead end with a broken fuse box I scavenge the blue fuse I need for the elevator.

- Blue fuse obtained

Heading back to the Central room and going down the last tunnel of the floor I'm not met with any opposition as I find the yellow fuse inside another fuse box along with three things of fire dust stones

- fire dust stone(poor) x3

- yellow fuse obtained.

Walking back to the elevator I place the fuses inside the panel and start it back up. I pull out the second revolver as the elevator descends and infuse the corrosive skill gem into it. Equipping both revolvers and checking over crocera mors the elevator stops suddenly. A sinking feeling is soon followed by the elevator jerking violently as it rapidly descends. The sides throw sparks as I try to find something to hold onto as the elevator just keeps dropping until it slams into the bottom.

Jaune HP: 75/300; XP: 160/500

I weeze as I try to stand groaning and sucking in breath. The door open as I crawl through still trying to get any air inside my lungs before I collapse. With rapid shallow breathes I finally start breathing again as I try to stand up.

Looking at the room I see a door with a yellow security lock and a table with a dead guard. Walking over I find on the gaurd some lien and another weapon with ammunition.

- 1000 lien

- .30-30 lever action security rifle

- .30-30 standard ammunition x 10

.30-30 lever action security rifle

Grade: good

Magazine: 6+1

DMG: 20

Skill slot: 0

Magic slot: 0

Talisman: 1

Description: a standard security rifle on the frontier.

Loading the empty rifle I insert the key card into the lock as the door opens up. Walking inside the room with the rifle in a quick response stance I look around and see nothing yet. As I walk in the door snaps shut behind me and a red light clicks on as a alarm starts sounding. The lights finally come back on and machinery starts up as I hear thundering footsteps. Soon a large shadow appears against the far wall as a large humanoid hand comes out from behind one machine and slams into it. Soon the rest of the Grimm is revealed.

Standing at an impressive height of nine feet a humanoid Grimm stands hunched over before me with a large left arm. It's right arms is bent awkwardly and shriveled close to its body. Large bone plates protect it's legs and chest as it hunches over and roars.

BGM: RE4 remake: mutation bitores

Bitores, the ogre lv15

' shit,' I think before I dodge the ogre as it charges. Pulling out the corrosive security revolver I fire two shots hitting the leg armor. The corrosive skill eats at the armor but it isn't enough. I start running as the ogre chases me. Running past a cylinder of some sort I grab it and knock it over. As it hits the floor the ogre steps on it causing it to slip onto its back. As it struggles I quickly climb a ladder that leads to a catwalk above us. Quickly firing the other five shots out of the revolver I reload. As I reload bitores gets up and grabs the cylinder and prepares to throw it. Quickly firing three shots I hit the cylinder in its large hand blowing it apart in a great fireball. Bitores roars in pain as the left arm shriveled up to it's chest. It roars at me trying to move it's arms when I hear the sound of tearing and four long spider like legs come out of his shoulders lifting him off the ground.

I put away the revolver and run along the catwalk as bitores smashes through with his legs trying to skewer me. Jumping down onto the first floor again loosing another 25 HP, I pull out the revolver with the roar skill and fire at it's shoulders. Hitting them causes bitores to flinch and drop down onto the ground. Running away I stumble across a dead guard with a security shotgun in its hands. Grabbing the security shotgun I load it with the incendiary shells. As I do bitores is coming at me using its spider legs to dangle from the catwalk. Aiming the shotgun I fire the incendiary rounds at his joint causing the legs to give out on that side as I reload and repeat.

Bitores falls to the ground as his spider legs go limp as he tries to stand I fire another set of standard shotgun shells into its disfigured face. It roars in gruntled pain as I reload and fire again blowing its head back. I reload and fire again this time into its throat. I pant as the adrenaline fades and bitores starts to dissolve.

Bitores, the ogre lv15 defeated: +3500 XP, + 150,000 lien, + 1 skill book, Bitores biomask.

Level up x5

Name: Jaune Arc

Lv: 8

HP: 1300/1300



AP: 2600/2600

Exp: 160/1000


Str: 3 + 10= 13

Vit: 3 + 10=13

Con: 2 + 16 = 18

Res: 2 + 13 =15

Acc: 2 +10 = 12

Dex: 2 + 12 = 14

Wis: 5 +14=19

Int: 3 +15=18

Cha: 3

Luck: 3 +10=13

Free points: 30

I pant as my body gets better and the wounds I had disappear. Sighing I walk around finding a door I open it and see an exit elevator and a large chest. Opening the chest I received several items.

- 50,000 lien

- .10 mm security technical machine pistol (TMP)

- .10 mm security TMP stock

- .30-30 standard ammunition x30

- fire dust crystals (good) x 3

- fire dust powder (good) x 3

.10mm security TMP

Grade: good


DMG: 10

Skill slot: 1

Magic slot: 1

Talisman: 1

Description: a security machine pistol that's inaccurate, rapid fire, and low power isn't the best.

.10mm security TMP stock

Skill slot: 1

Magic slot: 0

Talisman: 1

Description: a stock that helps the .10mm security TMP be more accurate.

Fire dust crystals (poor)

Description: solid crystal fire dust in good quality . Used to give weapons fire attributes.

Selling price: 20,000

Fire dust powder (poor)

Description: fire dust powder that's of good quality. Used to make incendiary rounds.

Selling price: 10,000 lien


Jaune Arc

Lv: 8

HP: 1300/1300



AP: 2600/2600

Exp: 160/1000

Lien: 202,500


Str: 13

Vit: 13

Con: 18

Res: 15

Acc: 12

Dex: 14

Wis: 19

Int: 18

Cha: 3

Luck: 13

Free points: 30