A dark skin teenage boy with short black hair and purple eyes was wandering through a bustling city street.
He wore a black jacket with a white under shirt and black jeans.His name was Angelo rycardrd he stood at a height of 6.1 at sixteen.
He was currently in the city of lanurga in a country called festandra.
"Man, I'm glad this student exchange program is ending soon, but I didn't find any leads on any of the cults nor if their are any shady organizations trafficking children to the solad coalition territories."groaned Angelo.
"When grandma said the old man was asking me for a favor, I was hesistant, not like I needed money, but it was a free vacation."said Angelo.
"Well, maybe theirs a piece of the gate here somewhere."said Angelo to himself
Angelo then bumped into a small child as he instinctively grabbed the child from falling
"Sorry I wasn't paying much attention."said Angelo.The kid sent a punch towards Angelo's nose which he immediately blocked, but he could see the red aura covering the boys fist
Everyone turned towards Angelo, surrounding him and the boy.The boy had red hair, green eyes, and pale skin he also had slightly tattered clothes.
"Oh my god, what are you doing with that little boy."shouted a man who towered over Angelo at a height of 6,8.
the man had unique features such as his bald head that reflected the sun.A bushy blonde beard, and an eye patch covering his left eye.
"No, sir, I just bumped into him, and he attacked me."said Angelo."Help this man is trying to bring me into an alleyway."shouted the little boy.
The man curled his fist stsring at Angelowith disgust. The kid then ran off and stuck his tongue out at Angelo.The man sent a punch towards Angelo's face, but angelo leaped over him.
The man seemed surprised while Angelo looked to be in shape, to evade his attack especially by leaping into the air is not something a normal human would be capable of.
The people on the street cornered him as two police officers surrounded him."Put your hands up in the air and surrender peacefully."said an older police officer with a white mustache and a bald head.
He held his gun up towards Angelo, who sighed.The younger police officer tried to walk up behind angelo to cough him.
But Angelo pulled out his cell phone as he walked up to the officer.
"Wonder what kind of things people like him keep on their phone."muttered a woman."I don't even wanna know for all we know he could be a part of a child trafficking ring."said another voice.
"Turning yourself in first honorable deed you've done, sick bastards like you deserve to be executed."Said the large man from behind angelo.
"Officer, I was sightseeing on my phone when I bumped into that kid. I have the video to prove my innocence."said Angelo as he showed the officer the footage.
"Oh, I'm very sorry, sir it's just that kids have been going missing at an alarming rate, so we must take all suspicions seriously."said the older police officer.
Bowing his head as his younger apprentice did the same."No need to apologize. I understand, and you don't have to call me, sir. I'm only sixteen."said Angelo.
"We need to find that kid and question him making such bold and outrageous allegations."said the younger officer.
"Yes, I agree. Can anyone point me in the direction he went?"asked the officer.Every starter to whisper, but when mo ine stepped forward, it was obvious that no one had seen the kid.
The larer man walked up to Angelo, bowing his head."I'm sorry I acted impulsively without listening to you."said the man.
"It's okay. I have a few kids I consider younger siblings despite our close age. I'd have reacted the same way."said Angelo.
"Excuse me, I know it's strange to ask, but you do martial arts?"asked the man."It's complicated. I was taught to survive from a young age, so I picked up a few things."replied Angelo.
"What's up with this kid? either he's actually normal, or he's at a higher mastery than even me."said the man to himself.
"Is everything okay?"asked Angelo."Yeah, it's fine, by the way. My name is Amaro."replied Amaro."Angelo,angelo rythcard."said Angelo as she shook the man's hand.
"Angelo, well, here's my number. Call me for a favor anytime."said Amaro as he handed Angelo a small piece of paper.
"Thanks, but it's just a misunderstanding. I don't really need any favors."said Angelo."I insist no matter how small I want to repay you."said Amaro.
"Okay, I'll accept it."Said Angelo, taking the paper.Amaro said, said his goodby, s and walked off into the opposite direction.
Angelo pulled out a card from his pocket as he smiled."That boy had voudaju. If the wrong people found him, it could have dire consequences."said Angelo.
"If I could, I'd annaliayev all those child trafficking bastards with my bare hands."said Angelo."Well, what's stopping you?"said a mysterious voice.
A card then flew out from a book that appeared in front of angelo."Wait, you're not supposed to be able to do that."Said Angelo.
"Wait, this hasn't happened since you were a child."Said another card that flew up to angelo's face
"This only happens when theirs, another card you forged, is in the area or outside the codex."said Elliot.
"Time shifter,Elliot, you think it could be her."said Angelo."Wait, if you two are feeling the strong pull, why aren't the others?"asked Angelo.
"They are, but only about six of us know why it's happening. Remember, and the others are busy arguing."said time shifter.
"Well, I sense the the connection in the direction that boy went."said Elliot."Perfect, I was going to find him anyway."said Angelo.
Purple lighting surrounded Angelo as he vanished in a flash.
In a building at the edge of town, the small boy looked towards the figure of a girl in the shadows.
"You say the person you bumped into had dark skin purple eyes and an ominous aura."said the girl to the little boy.
"Yeah, is he a part of the cult or people chasing us?"asked the boy."No, he's not, but I have a history with him, and it's best if our past stays in the past."said the girl.
The girl pulled out a pitch blacblackng sword with hundreds of purple writings engraved in the nlade.
"But I suppose you want to reunite with him."said the girl as the sword glowed a bright color."Malika, I didn't know you had a boyfriend."said a small girl.
The girl walked out from the shadows and had a devious smile on her face.She had pink hair and pink eyes and was slowly rubbing her hands together.
Malika sighed, turning her head the other way as she plunged the sword into the ground.