KAIROS: Is there a world different from ours?

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Chapter 1 - Prologue

"Mayday, mayday, the Helix fleet was damaged, we will soon collide with the surface!"

"The transport ship was hit, I repeat!!!! The ship was hit by u...rshhh!"

"We lost contact with the Koper battalion!"

The arrival to a planet was a complete chaos, after all they were already waiting for us, the distress calls coming out of the radio did not cease, each one of them needed reinforcements, however the reinforcements were held back by the enemy.

"Either they are very smart or they have a good leader" - was a murmur among one of my companions inside the ship.

Soon after, one voice stood out among many, the one coming from the general command. The warship.

"Today we arrived on this dead planet to eliminate one of its leaders, a creature who is in command of a part of the enemy army. Today, at last, all our fleets are arriving on this planet, deploying the transport ships. Once you land on the planet, fight and don't leave any of those creatures alive. good luck to all of you!!!".

A cry of courage was heard over the radio, encouraging those who were losing faith at that moment. It was not the time to question our own lives, but the purpose for which we had come to fight in that place.

A large number of ships passed through the planet's atmosphere, others fell before landing and the rest landed without problems, but the battle would not stop if they did not accomplish their mission.

The creatures attacked both from the ground and from the air to protect their leader, who was hidden among piles of anomalies on a very hostile planet.

"[Transport ship 03-Hex, successful landing, deploying Alpha Squadron] Good luck, guys!!!!"

"Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, get off the boat!"

Chaos was swirling on the planet, only screams could be heard over the radio. After all, this planet is the home of someone who controls them, and besides being their home, this place would be infested with nests.

According to the informants, there should be no problem for the ships to land, but it seems that they miscalculated the number of anomalies on this planet.

"Fleet Ka-9-1, this is Alpha, we need reinforcements!"

"Sergeant! The creatures outnumber us, we need orders, my sergeant!"

"Call for reinforcements, this place won't hold out much longer and those in front must fall back!"

Several points on the planet were attacked due to loss of communication between ships or for other reasons, so several soldiers were deployed elsewhere and others unfortunately died.

"Sergeant, we've lost all communication with the southern squadrons!"

"Stand down, we have lost the front, stand down!"

"It can't be, why, how is it possible that they have so many troops, according to the report they were weakened, keep attacking!!!!."

-Lieutenant, we have a message from the Pandora ship.

"[a...units are at...the rally point....]"

"[I repeat, all units that landed safe and sound are to rendezvous at the rally point."]]

Every second many soldiers' lives were lost, every 15 seconds outposts were destroyed, but no one had any choice but to fight and die with honor.

>Hear me, Aegis ready, support ships will be descending on the planet's terrain shortly!

Of course there had to be a good part in this crisis, the Aegis ship had arrived with its best troops and had already begun the descent to the planet in an area further away from the attack.

Upon landing on the hostile terrain of the planet, the ships opened their hatches and out stepped the soldiers that would change the ending of this story.

"Let the party begin."

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According to the story I read in a book, the Earth had suffered a massive attack of entities that collided with the Earth, there was an unparalleled massacre everywhere, such grotesque abnormalities destroyed cities in all parts of the world.

However, it is said that when the Earth began to lose its light or its chance to survive such a massacre, strange beings appeared through a hidden portal, with very sophisticated weapons and several bodies of heavy armor comparable to robots.

These beings were called hunters, they carried on their shoulders the survival of mankind fighting life with life against these creatures.

The war soon ended with the victory of the human race, bringing with it the return of prosperity among its survivors.

Of course, this was not the end; the hunters warned that these things would one day return and scourge not only this planet, but everything in their path.

With the help of various leaders around the world, humanity managed to rebuild its cities and with the help of the hunters, several academies specialized in combat, research and support were formed to defend us from these creatures in the future.

And today we are a developed civilization and about to travel the stars, thanks to the constant research and development of several institutes that built the great ship Pandora, a gigantic ship. The first parking and defense ship of the planet.

With this giant step of humanity, it would not be long before we would see the stars that always adorn our dark sky.

To witness this long development that humanity has had to go through in order to continue to exist between the lines of the universe.

It is an interesting book, it shows the evolution we have had over many years and especially the hunters, they are beings that... (I received a blow from behind me)

"What's wrong Haru-kun, what are you doing?"

Wow, I was in the best part of the book and I was interrupted like this....

"I was reading a book my parents gave me" this girl is strong even though she's a year younger than me.

And this girl sitting next to me is my childhood friend, I think her name was Hanna Nishimura or something like that. 

She's a beautiful, smart girl and as I said she's a year younger than me, so she's 14 years old.

Now we were sitting on the ground next to a tree, watching people walking down the street, before this it was just me and the park until Hanna came along.

"Hey, that's the same book I have."

Soon after he took the book from my hands and pointed to the old combat uniform worn by soldiers during the war in those days.

"Did you know that back then those suits were considered prototypes, and now they could be armor capable of withstanding and resisting various attacks?"

What information I didn't know!

-No, I haven't gotten to that part yet, Nishimura-san.

Of course I had already read it, but it would be better to keep explaining because it's a very interesting conversation.

-Hehehe, I'm sorry Haru-kun," he said to me as if something had upset him.

"Don't worry Nishimura-san, I like it when you talk about these things and it's interesting to talk about this book."

Wow...I hope she calmed down with what I said, when I saw her she was covering her face with both hands.

Looks like I made a mistake, it would be better not to say anything.

After a few seconds Nishimura proceeds to throw the book in my face.

"You're a fool Haru-kun"

I stood up with a sore face and saw that Nishimura was offering me his hand to stand up, but for some reason he was hiding his face with his hair.

"Thanks, but could you explain to me why you threw my book at me and in my face?"

"It's nothing, hehe." 

He seems to be having fun, and that's more than enough of an excuse not to say anything else.

What an uncomfortable moment I had to go through.

We spent the afternoon talking about the book and some details in which she got upset every time I contradicted her, what is this girl up to for God's sake.

It was time to go home, and I got up to continue with the plan to go home.

"Wow looks like it's going to rain, Haru-kun."

I sat up and looked at the sky and realized that it was true but for a moment I thought I saw something passing through the clouds, I ignored it thinking it was a ship heading to the pandora ship, which I didn't understand at all.

Today, we rely heavily on the information that the Pandora ship collects, as well as providing defense and protection for the planet's inhabitants.

I was again entertained in my thoughts until I received another blow to my rib, what a pain...why does he always do this to me.

"Ah what's wrong Nishimura-san, why did you hit me?"

I said covering the place where he had hit me.

"Why don't you go eat at my house and help me study a little?" She said a little nervous but then there was something in his face that she hated.

She had that expression, that damn expression of wanting to do something.

I didn't know what to do, I had to get home early since I had an annoying sister who would scold me if I was late.

"Okay, but I'm staying for a very short time, okay?" I had no choice but to accept because otherwise it would bother me a lot more and I wouldn't want that.

"Yupii!! Then let's hurry up" she said very excited and happy.

Then he put his hand close to mine and intertwined his fingers with mine and started running.

I saw her from the corner of my eye and saw that she seemed nervous, it must be because she was holding my hand.

"Was it necessary for you to hold my hand?" I asked.

"Yes, don't confuse anything, I'm just doing this so you don't run away if necessary." It was enough, a sincere answer.

She has small and delicate hands, I think I will never get used to this.

I'm sorry Miho-chan, your brother is very comfortable now and may be late.

When we arrived at Nishimura's house, she told me to wait for her in her room since she would bring something to eat.

When he arrived, we talked about many things and the study that he wanted help with was a simple trick and his goal was something else.

Wow, being tricked and being taken to his house made me nervous about what was coming now.

"Haru-kun, I'm sorry but I didn't bring you here to teach me how to study" he started crawling in my direction.I tried to swallow something but my throat was dry.

"What's wrong, why did you bring me here?" I tried to back away but the wall indicated the limit.

"Haru-kun, the reason I brought you here is…"

"Is ??.."

I don't know what's happening, but whatever has to happen, let it happen

"I want to show you something, I haven't shown it to anyone so you'll be the first."

With that, it made me think of many possibilities that could happen now.

Then Nishimura looked under his bed and took out a box, inside were many parts... robotic parts?

It seemed like he was trying to put something together.

"What is this Nishimura-san?"

Then he proceeded to put it together and when he finished. It looked just like the image he explained to me in that park.

Wow, it could be that he was trying to improve the combat suit even more.

"So this is what you wanted to show me"

Nishimura nodded, then said..

"This is a replica of my other project that I delivered to a research academy"

So that's why it was disassembled, Now it makes sense or so I think.

"Thanks to this project I was accepted to study there, but the problem is that the academy is very far from here"

so she brought me here to tell me that,

"that's why I invited you to my house, you were the first person who supported me since I was little and that's why I told you the news first" then she sketched a smile.

"Well thanks for that, so that was what you wanted to tell me, well.. with that said I'll go" I said it in a way that she wouldn't notice that I was a little upset by the sudden news and sad at the same time.

"Haru-kun!! I'm sorry but I'll come back once I finish studying, I promise you.. so please wait for me"

I was in front of the door when her arms surrounded me, she hugged me and at the same time told me (wow, how cruel fate is).

But I had nothing to lose, I also had no idea if I wanted to join an academy or be part of the army or I don't know.

"I will, but don't ask me for anything more than that"

I left his room and his house and started walking down the dark street lit by the lampposts, thinking about what had just happened. For a moment I felt something cold, it was exactly the rain that had already arrived here.

I took shelter in a tent until the rain stopped, only then when I looked at the sky I saw another object passing through the clouds, and then another and another and so on continuously.

I doubt very much that it was something bad, after all the Pandora ship is there defending us from a possible attack, plus it would report if there was a mistake or something like that.

I continued on my way home once it stopped raining.

"It's too late, I hope Miho-chan won't scold me."

The rain was just a camouflage of something that was happening up there, something that we didn't imagine was happening without us realizing it, time would gradually reveal the causes of what was now happening.