In the vast cosmic realm composed of stars there is a universe know as Aetherion Nexus is located. It's composed of seven interconnected planets each imbued with unique elements and mythical energies and the Aetherion Nexus serves as the heart of all the creation and there are seven protectors guardians who oversees this planets.
In this universe the clash between light and darkness shapes the destiny of it's inhabitants and Beyblade acts as a conduits of this cosmic power, wielded by chosen bladers to upload justice and keep the balance.
This story revolves around this seven planets and it's seven mythical guardians this is also tied to the power of the Beyblade and their weilders.
The seven planets and their seven unique guardians are as follows.
Solara:The planet of light and fire. Home to our main character Orion solarius. This planet symbolises hope and light. Its powerful guardian helionis the radiant pheonix. Helionis represents the essence of solara it reflects leadership, rebirth and enternal cycle of destruction and also reflects orion's growth as a prominent leader and his ability to inspire hope and unity.
Ignisfera: this is the second planet in Nexus and its the planet with fire and molten fury and home to Kael Ryusei ignis and its guardian pyraxion the internal chimera
Lunara: this is the third planet in Nexus it is the planet of snow and moon and the house of Amara mizuki and unicorn lunara and snow wolves are the guardian of this planet.
Zephyros:the fourth planet of Nexus its a planet full of winds and storms and aerion is the guardian of this planet he is a very powerful mythical and majestic serpentine wyvern.
Terranova: this is the fifth planet in Nexus it represents earth the life a land of growth, healing and stability. Gaianox is the guardian of this planet he also knows as the verdant Titan.
Abyssion: this is sixth planet of Nexus it is the planet of water it represents depth, emotions and boundless energy. Umbraxis is the guardian of this planet it's also knows as the abyssal tide keeper.
Eclipsera: this is the seventh planet of Nexus it is the planet of balance of all the elements, duality and cosmic unity. Nocturnal is the guardian of eclipsera also knows as the keeper of Duality.
This each planet is tied to a guardian who safe guards its energy but what happens when this guardians began to corruption in their planets and their power becomes useless and sealed so let's dive into the planet's and discover and eliminate the danger.