I've always wished to go back to the US .
And finally after a full day of , switching flights ,taking care of my sister and not sleeping we finally arrived .The flight wasn't as smooth as the ones from my past. I felt so tired, and my head was throbbing with a pain I had never experienced before. I also felt a tingling sensation in my bones, like something was about to change.
I'm finally going to see my cousins after almost a decade !
When no one showed up to pick us up, I started to feel uneasy.My hands clenched into fists. My heartbeat drummed in my ears. Something wasn't right. I turned to my mom and gave her a puzzled look, but she seemed so calm. I tried my best not to let it get on my nerves.
Then I got the most shocking news of my life . We were going to live by ourselves in our own house ,and NOT with my grandparents. I know it was obvious but I was still shocked . I had thought that until we got on our feet ,we would live with my loving grandparents until my parents find a job . But surprisingly both of my parents had found a job . This wasn't what I expected, until now, I had imagined staying with my grandparents, relying on their warmth and support until my parents got on their feet. But somehow, they'd already secured jobs. When had all this happened?
Before we moved here my mother was a stay at home mom and my father ran a family business with his cousins , father and uncles.
I never aced my tests, but science always made sense to me. Physics, chemistry, and especially biology—they felt like puzzles waiting to be solved.
And my sister was my complete opposite she hated science and loved everything else (except history) .
I was jolted back to reality when a black SUV pulled up in front of us, its tinted windows reflecting the airport lights.
A chill crawled up my spine. My fingers went cold as I stared at my mom, waiting for her to say she was joking. Were we supposed to get into this? My mom's calm nod told me everything was fine, but I couldn't shake the unease. When the driver got out and loaded our bags into the trunk, I exhaled sharply. It was just a taxi.
I almost laughed at my thoughts, and drifted to sleep . Later I woke up and saw a cute cosy looking home . A grin spread across my face. My fingers twitched with anticipation. This was it the start of something new. .'this is it ... ' I thought ' the start of my new life '
(Thanks for your support ❤️)
[ Sorry short chapter but they get longer as the book goes on ;)]