I was already having a bad day,one of my employee had leaked information on our new project that wasn't launched yet to my rivals and there was no idea how much info was leaked, the culprit was still on the run has not been found till now
I was now so mad and frustrated didn't know the next move to make,I had just come to see my uncle who was the owner of kyoto university I needed to vent out and my uncle was the only one that would listen to me I couldn't call my dad cause the last time we talked we ended up fighting,he wanted me to get married and be responsible as soon as possible and I just wasn't ready for all that I wanted to focus on my career and I wasn't ready to commit to anyone, I was back sitting in my car trying to take my uncle's advice to stay calm and think of a solution cautiously but all I could think of was how much I would lose if this project flops almost immediately my eyes caught something making me forget in a second that I had problems to solve;
pale white skin almost the colors of real snow,incredibly curly hair that went down his shoulder like a huge wave his hair was thick brown like sweet chocolate brought down from the oven,he had lime green eyes that reminded me of Nature so much'those eyes full of innocence,he wasn't very thin but he still looked like I could break him if I wasn't careful, gorgeous and Delicate and also very delicious I had never lost it for a random boy in the streets and I always had a lot of control when it came to my body but today it seemed like they had minds of there own,I could feel my dick bulge I haven't been with anyone in a while but getting up because of a random kid in the front of the university was pretty embarrassing maybe I was a pervert; ahhh just fucking drive off and find who your gonna release in'my inside voice yelled,but I couldn't drive off I still sat there watching him the more I looked at his nervous face the more aroused I seemed to get I didn't know I was so perverted! I suddenly started walking towards him,what was I going to say to him? I had no idea what I was going to say to him, I have never ever been conflicted with what to tell someone I was always a confident person I had pulled both women and men in the past without saying anything, I wasn't also weak if I should pick a fight with a man my size I'd beat the shit out of him I never had problems with my appearance or my financial status but right now all that confidence went down the gutter I had to practice how to say hello to him standing behind him clueless on what next to do he suddenly turned around and bumped into me his small frame fitting perfectly in my body I gently squeezed his arm feeling his soft skin, I thought he smelled like flowers was it just my imagination or did he really smell like flowers I didn't know any more my brain was all fussy, up close he was more beautiful,a God and an angel must have bore him cause what in the gorgeousness is this? and I want him to be all mine I began to think with my dick for a second and snapped out of it
Suddenly offering to help him get to his classroom which was so unlike me to help a stranger I laugh at how stupid I look now but I think it was just me that thought I looked stupid now cause he kept staring at me like I wasn't real,was he also mesmerized? Was he even gay? well he didn't seem gay to me but who cares a straight man once confessed to me bending over for me to fuck him too(thinking with my dick again!);there was just something about this boy that seemed different from anyone I had ever met, was it because he was shaking so much when he spoke or how nervous he sounded or how cutely he kept clenching unto his backpack straps and his big green eyes staring at me full of innocence I felt like I was hell and he was what heaven looked like very very beautiful words can't express, he kept doing unspeakable things to my body I had to put my hands in my pocket so he wouldn't notice the beast in me trying to devour him,
even when he got mad at me for saying he ogled at me his angry face just made my dick harder, a lot of people had said to me millions of times that I looked like a movie star but when this kid said it,it felt more than a complement more like a praise and I wanted to do more things for him or stick around long enough to get more compliments from him
each time he opened his lips I imagined me swallowing them whole the amount of unholy things I wanted to do to this boy where unforgivable and unspeakable, I really was the worst for imagining such things the more I wanted to control myself the more it felt like I was going to pounce on him any second, I hurriedly left him so I don't do something stupid and end up in jail,forgetting all the problems at the company all I could think of was him,I wanted to find out more about him was he going to now reside in Japan or was it just for the short term program? if he was going to leave soon then I need to get to know him really soon I know I shouldn't get my hopes high he might not be here for long but I'll never know if I don't try my best,I'll seduce him and I know for sure that I'm going to be a hard one to resist.
charlie! I say his name out loud forgetting that my personal assistant was in the room with me; sir did you speak to me? Togawa asked calmly
Togawa I need you to look into something for me more like someone tho, I said to him smiling at myself like I am doing something so right.
I will rot in hell for this!