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Tried to Kill Myself, Ended Up In the Last Place I Expected

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Davina Dubois is a 27 year old virgin who has been working minimum wage jobs her entire life. Her current dead end job is a cashier at a drug store. Her life's trajectory is zero and she has long since given up on trying for anything better. All she can do now is drown her sorrows every time her heart starts to dream and remind her that she is a failure. She is a habitual procrastinator who lives a life of social isolation. When she's not at work, she's by herself. When she goes to mall, she's by herself. When she goes to a restaurant, she's eating for one. Her adult life has been filled with nothing but daydreaming, feeling bitter, struggling to control her anger, being selfish and living like she's an old lady in retirement. Her thoughts are her worst nightmare. They've brought her down to her knees and killed her spirit. She is always lacking sleep and always taking two steps back the moment she takes one step forward. Finally, the depression becomes too much for her. Filled with regret, fear and doubts she decides to take a leap for a bridge. Rafael Hunt is a 30 year old global popstar. He has toured all over the world and enchanted millions with his hypnotic voice and dance. He tops the Billboard charts with each new album, has sold millions of copies of his music, holds 3 Platinum certificates and two Grammy Awards. His face grazes nearly every celebrity magazine and he is the hot topic of discussion on every music show nationally and internationally, known as the next Michael Jackson. He's the brand ambassador for countless clothing lines, has his own perfume and has starred in commercials for everything from handbags to fast food. He has donated to countless charities, opened up a hospital and even met the president. Unfortunately, his life away from the spotlight is filled with misery. Growing up, he was treated as nothing more than a tool by his parents. He was expected to always deliver the best vocals and the most sharp choreography or he would get beaten up by his father and placed on a strict diet by his mother. Rafe was also the child of a highly dysfunctional marriage. The only person who cared for him was his grandfather, who admired his grandson for being very disciplined and filial. So much so, that he decided to rewrite his will in Rafe's name only. Rafe's grandfather considers his son and daughter-in-law to be nothing more than leeches with no real value and an utter disgrace to the Hunt name. Naturally, he wants Rafe to carry the bloodline forward. Being treated as a windup toy expected to dance to satisfy his heartless parents greed took a huge toll on his mind. As a coping mechanism, he developed an addiction to cocaine. After secretly acquiring a large quantity from his secret dealer, Rafe snorts it all with the hopes of dying. Both Davina and Rafe have a near brush with death before ending up in the hospital expected to survive. Waking up, they cry and curse their circumstances before realizing that they're not where they're supposed to be. Davina looks at her herself and sees a skinny handsome man where her body should be. Rafael wakes up and sees a full some, curvaceous beauty staring at him from the mirror. Worlds apart, these two would never cross paths normally. Only a supernatural intervention could bring them together. But as they navigate their newly acquired identities, they realize that misery isn't the only thing that binds them together. Davina and Rafe are actually long lost siblings.

Chapter 1 - Suicides

The wind blew her hair in her face as she stood on the precipice. Her heart thundered in fear. The thought of the pain about to hit her scared her. Even so, she didn't want to jump down the other way. She was done living this life of despair. From this height, there was a high chance she would die from impact alone. And even if that didn't happen, the strong water current would be enough to kill her. Even if the human instinct to survive kicked in, she would not be able to power through the water and pull herself to safety. 

"Regret doesn't matter, Davina. Once you've jumped, it'll be too late. Don't be a coward. You've come here. You've climbed up here." Her voice was lost in the breeze.

It was so silent. Even the sound of the river was very soft. It was the perfect night for death.

Her eyes filled her tears as she thought of her lost dreams. She had hoped for so much more. Yearned for a life in the spotlight. To make a name for herself. But years of depression, low self-esteem and lack of drive had killed her spirit. In her mind, she was never going to succeed. She would just drift and drift until an illness or old age caught up to her. The thought of that was terrifying. More terrifying than the daunting drop into the watery abyss below. 

She couldn't change her life's trajectory. She didn't even have the heart to try.

"Don't be a coward," she repeated to herself. "For once, commit to your decision. Stop pulling out at the last minute. Stop saying you're going to do things and never do them."

She snapped her eyes open. "I need a clean break. I need a new life. One where I am free from my shackles." Tears streamed down her face as she looked up at the stars.

"God, please just take me away from my mind. Let me be free from my demons! Please!"

Her words came out as a scream. A scream which turned into a screech of horror and exhilaration as she plummeted.


On the same night, inside an expensive penthouse on the opposite side of the city, another tortured soul was trying to escape his imprisonment as well. This wasn't a man facing financial hardships. Nor had he lived life not maximizing his potential. He had countless accolades to show for his talent. His life was filled with richness. 

Yet, he felt completely empty and utterly wretched!

He was essentially living in a golden cage. From the time that he was a young boy, he had no say in his future. He'd been pushed to stardom by his parents and became the moneymaker who footed the bill for everything. His insatiable and unsensible parents did not care for him. They only sought to live lavishly and spend without inhibition. 

He'd been taught to not speak back or refuse any of their orders. Which he had done so. Even when he'd collapsed under the weight of their expectations and been hospitalized. 

His mental health took a massive dip and the only one he could vent to was his friend/manager. But even he could do nothing to help him deal with his parasitic parents. 

He refused to burden his respectable grandfather with any of his troubles and always kept his mouth shut each time he paid the old man a visit.

Only a year ago, he'd finally managed to convince his parents to allow him to take a hiatus in order to recover from his cocaine addiction. Although, it had been the family doctor who'd convinced his parents more so than himself.

Surprisingly, the silence away from the spotlight only heightened his despair. Being clean also made his mind go crazy as the withdrawal effect was getting increasingly difficult to cope with. 

Apart from being underweight, sleep deprived and desperately craving his white powder, he was also battling suicidal thoughts on a daily basis.

Which had increased to hourly in the past week.

On top of that, his parents were constantly blasting his phone, yelling at him to get his shit together so he could resume his career. AKA, make them more money.

It was unbearable. 

Three years ago, he had finally taken control over his finances. And his parents had lashed out at him for it. They felt they were more entitled to manage his earnings than he was.

He had finally told his mother that he was unhappy and she just told him to eat some ice-cream.

He had told his father he couldn't keep up the life of a superstar anymore and he'd just slapped him across the face and told him to do as he was told.

Family matters, son! Doesn't matter what you think or feel! If it doesn't align with the wellbeing and prosperity of our family, then you get rid of those thoughts right away! 

His father's statements sounded so strange to him. Wasn't he a part of the family as well? Why did his desires not matter? They kept talking about the good of the family as a whole, but why was he always excluded? Why were his parents standing over there completely happy and stuffed while he was over here hating his life.

He'd made up his mind. He was done. Done pretending to be fine. Done dancing to someone else's tune at the expense of his own peace. 

Done being treated like fucking windup toy!

He had already done more than enough for those two. Why should he continue to suffer for their sake when they made it clear with every action and word that they did not care about his feelings?

Having discreetly contacted his private dealer, he purchased a large supply of cocaine. Enough to kill himself.

And that was what he was currently doing.

Seated on his knees with a stool in front of him, he was snorting the white substance through his nose without stop. He would finish the whole bag if that was what it took. 

And if that somehow wasn't enough because of his high tolerance, then he would just toss himself off his balcony. The fall wouldn't be as scary if he was high out of his mind.

But it looked like the cocaine was doing it's job because his chest started to throb like never before and breathing became difficult. Groaning in pain, he curled up on the floor and waited for death to come.

He prayed to God to not save him.