Chereads / RWBY: Silver Eyes on the Mountains / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: The Battle of Patch

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: The Battle of Patch

The Battle of Patch 

The morning came sooner than any of the Xiao Long Rose family would like. Ruby rushed about getting water, firewood, and food for breakfast as Yang had to multitask between making breakfast and patching up Tai. The events of last night lingered in everyone's minds, it was not easy on their lips. It seemed surreal, like a dream that had long passed. Finally, however, Yang broke this silence as Ruby came in with the last load of vegetables.

"Ruby. We need to talk." Yang said, putting her hands on her sides.

"Do we have to?" Ruby nervously asked.

"Yes, we have to. You manhandled a Leo! You conjured a cat spirit and nearly got us all killed last night! We are talking about this now!" Yang sternly said, raising her voice to a near shout of emphasis.

"I only know what Balam told me!" Ruby yelled back defensively.

"Then get the fuzzy green cat spirit out here and he can explain himself!" Yang ordered sternly, causing Ruby to flinch.

The swift maiden closed her eyes and dug deep into herself. What caught Yang off guard was the fact that Balam appeared before them far faster than last night. No doubt Ruby was getting used to having it inside her, but it was still unnerving to see. As the green jaguar turned to look at the rest of the family and gave a respectful bow of its head.

"Greetings, Sir Taiyang, Lady Yang. This one is pleased that the battle ended in your victory alongside my Mystic." The nature god humbly told them.

"Thank you for assisting us. As much as I am loath to admit it, I'm not a spring chicken anymore." Tai said, bowing his head in kind as he adjusted his position on the seat.

"Nonsense, Sir Taiyang. You may no longer be young by mortal standards, but this one can tell that you have the strength, agility, and speed of a man many years your junior. And there is no need to thank me. This one merely provided Lady Ruby with the strength she needed to fight." Balam replied with a smile upon his feline lips.

"What exactly have you done to her?" Yang asked, concern staining the sternness of her voice. 

Balam sighed. "This one, in order to be able to grant her his strength, has entered into a symbiotic relationship with her. One where she shall host this one inside her soul and be able to call upon his power at will. In exchange, it allows me to exert some level of influence upon the mortal plane. Something that, by the decree of the Heavenly Empress and her Emperor Consort, is normally not allowed through direct means." The nature deity told them.

"Well, at least he's not a parasite." Yang said with a small sigh.

"Yang!" Ruby exclaimed in offense.

"Unfortunately, there is a bit more to it than that. Because last night was a desperate situation, this one did not have the time or chance to explain the negative side effects of the current state of this relationship." Balam added, his voice grimmer than before.

"What kind of negative side effects? I want everything." Tai said, his voice keeping a sternness that shocked his daughters.

"To put it simply, Sir Taiyang, a Mystic and their Elemental must have a deep bond between them in order to use their full power safely. It must be an unbreakable bond of trust, respect, and mutual understanding. If that is not the case, then not only is the strength of both diminished, but using substantial amounts of an Elemental's power without such a bond being established chips away at the life force of the Mystic." The nature god explained as best he could, a deep sense of guilt dripping from the tone of his voice.

The room fell silent at that revelation. The floating Jaguar spirit looked around, seeing the shock, and indeed horror, of what Ruby had just done. Indeed, his own host looked as if she had seen a ghost. However, as soon as he turned his head towards her family, Yang's fist slammed into the spirit's face, sending him flying back into the wall. Shaking it off like a cat would a simple fall, he was left surprised. No mortal had ever punched him before.

"YOU'RE KILLING MY SISTER!!??" Yang roared, loud enough for Balam to mistake her as his feline kin.

"YANG! CALM DOWN!" Ruby yelled back, surprising Yang and their father.

"Why are you defending him!? If you keep using his power, the quicker you are to death!" Yang exclaimed.

"Weren't you paying attention, Yang!? That's only if I'm reckless and keep using his power without establishing a proper bond with him first!" Ruby snapped back, standing between her big sister and her soul-bonded brother-in-arms.

Before Yang or even Balam could speak again, a powerful hand rested on Yang's shoulder. In the confrontation, Tai had forced himself to his feet. The pain visible on his face but standing firmly next to Yang to forcibly calm her by his mere presence. Yang soon shut her mouth as Tai turned his head to speak to Balam.

"If you and Ruby are able to be in sync, will this stop her from shortening her life? On your word, is that the truth?" Tai asked sternly, his blue eyes staring down at the Nature Deity, making him feel… small.

Balam bowed his head, then looked the mortal before him in the eyes and nodded. "That is correct, Sir Taiyang. The more synchronized Lady Ruby and this one become, the less of a strain it shall place upon her soul. Once we have fully synchronized, the strain will be unnoticeable to the point where she will no longer lose any life force by calling upon such power, no matter how much she uses." He answered honestly.

Tai continued to stare down at Balam, filling the spirit with a sense of dread. It was as if through his own eyes he was attempting to dissect him, cut away uncertainty to find a hidden truth. Time seemed to stand still in the room as everyone waited with bated breath. Indeed, after what felt like eternity, the master of the house finally spoke.

Tai slowly turned his head away from Balam to look at Ruby. "Until you and Balam are properly synchronized, you are not using his power under any circumstance. Am I clear, Ruby?" The blonde man ordered sternly, shocking Ruby and Yang with his tone.

"But dad, what if-" Ruby began to protest only to be cut off.

"I lost your mother Ruby. I saw her tortured and burned before my very eyes. I will not lose you, not to that fuzzy spirit, not to the Grimm, not to anyone!" Tai roared, the echoes of old wounds resonating in his voice like an avalanche. "Balam. Swear to me you will forbid Ruby your power until then."

Balam nodded to the man in understanding. "This one gives you his word upon the Throne of Heaven itself, Sir Taiyang." The Nature Deity replied.

This shocked Ruby. "Well, what happens if something pops up where I will need that power!?" Ruby exclaimed.

"No matter what, Ruby! Unless you're about to be killed if you don't, you are not allowed to use Balam's power! Am! I! Clear!?" Taiyang roared, causing Ruby to flinch before her father took a deep breath to calm himself.

"Y-Yes, father…" Ruby nervously answered, trembling a bit from that outburst.

Taking a deep breath, Taiyang pulled his younger daughter into a hug. "I'm sorry for scaring you, Ruby. I'm just trying to protect you." He explained.

"I mean, what could possibly warrant that? It's not like there's going to be a big raid or attack on the village or something." Yang replied nonchalantly.

No sooner had Yang closed her mouth, the house began to shake. From roof to foundation, the stone house was on the verge of seemingly being torn asunder. Pots clanged, plates broke, the entire family lost their footing and fell to the floor. Yet, no sooner had it started, it ended. Ruby as she slowly got up coughed due to the dust the shaking kicked up, before heading towards the door. Looking down into the village… there was a giant, gaping hole where the gate was normally.

"Um guys… I think I know what caused the shaking…" Ruby said nervously.

Taiyang looked at his eldest daughter at that moment. "... From this point on, you are not allowed to speak for the rest of the day." He told Yang.

"Oh sure, one time…" Yang groaned.

"Dad? Do you know what could tear a town gate to pieces?" Ruby asked as Tai made his way outside.

"I have a few ideas, but nothing we wouldn't be able to visibly see from here…" Taiyang replied in frustration.

Below the Village Gate: 5 Minutes Earlier

In the darkness below the gate, underneath the guards' gaze, Azura slowly moved the vanguard of his forces. He knew what Kenshi was going to say, even though he was a few miles behind him. Him leading a few dozen men to take the gate was outright suicide. A town like Patch, if the locals were to be believed, would have far more men than he could bring up to the front in any form of stealth. All of these and many more were all valid. However, Azura had seen these Golden Nobles' men. They did not impress him.

As he neared a small crest in the undulating road to Patch, he finally got a good look at its outer defenses. Mostly using the rocky terrain to its right, and the sheer mountain cliffs to its left, there was not much of a wall. While it towered over them, likely two stories tall, and possessed a thick stone tower a story or two above that, that was it. A wooden gate with basic metal hinged, guarded by four guards, was all that would stop their advance.

It was at that, that Azura turned to face his men. Looking at their faces, they were containing their unease. That feeling of the unknown that had plagued them up to now. They were about to reach the apex, the highest point where humans lived in this land. The air was thin, a chill in the breeze, and a truly alien environment surrounded them. He gripped his blade firmly before he addressed them.

"I see the looks on your faces. Your unease. Your fear. The dread of learning what lies this far about the world. To nearly reach the realm of the gods themselves. The gods indeed are watching us. They are judging us for everything we have done and want to do. For that we cannot stop. Beyond those gates is our route to the heartlands of these Golden Nobles. The steppingstone to greater battles, greater conquest, freedom for the souls of these lands. We are the tip of the Spear of Heaven, the judgment long overdue for these monsters that think them better than everyone else! Onwards men! Onwards, for we are the storm!" Azura said, his voice starting quiet, but building like a thunderhead, before erupting in a thunderous call to arms.

Despite his heavy armor, Azura vaulted up the crest of the road before sprinting towards the gate. The guards in front of it were stunned at the sudden sight of an attacker. However, the guards on top of the walls were more alert. One pulled hard on a lever, and soon the sounds of creaking chains could be heard. Seeing the gates begin to rapidly close, Azura was forced to halt his advance as his men rushed over the hill.

"Suppress the walls with arrows! I will handle the gate!" Azura yelled as he dodged a stab from a spear.

Some of his men unfurled, from leather and felt lined holsters, their bows and quickly notched arrows. Their shots were loose quickly, not caring for accuracy. The guards on top of the walls were forced behind their battlements as the hail of arrows bounced off harmlessly. As the rest of his men began to engage the other guards, he turned his attention finally to the gate.

Closing his eyes, Azura drew upon the power of his soul. Soon, his Aura appeared around him, an azure-blue fiery aura of power that began to change form and color. It took on a lightning-like appearance as arcs of electric-like energy danced off his Aura, his hair standing up on end. Soon, it began to change from azure-blue to cobalt, then from cobalt to sapphire. Finally, it changed from sapphire to a deep navy.

When Azura opened his eyes, they glowed with a deep navy-blue power as electric power, azure-blue in color, began to come off him and mixed in with his Aura. Powered up and ready, Azura took off at the speed of a levin bolt from the heavens. Pulling back his fist, Azura let out a roar like a furious god of combat as his fist, now coated with azure lightning, struck the gate with the sound of a thunderclap. With a burst of power, the gate exploded into splinters as a massive blast of lightning shot through it like a shot from a catapult through a piece of parchment paper. The force of the shockwave impact kicked up a massive gust of wind and a wall of air pressure that blew away any defenders behind the gate like a hurricane, losing screams from the guards as they were blasted back by the force.

"They're through the gate! Form a line and stop them!" A wizened, booming voice called through the dust and shrapnel.

As the voice sounded out, the dust slowly began to settle as a pair of glowing navy eyes shined through the darkness. Peering into the souls of the defenders like the eyes of a demon. In the silhouette of the figure, visible just above the dust cloud, was the visage of an enraged tiger made of lightning. Like a wrathful god called down from the heavens, the feline thunder beast snarled down at them with eyes full of murderous intent.

As Azura surveyed the scene, he saw the local people flee in terror, evacuating their homes and practically flinging themselves to anything perceivable as safety. A small thought of relief cropped up in his head on seeing this, knowing fewer of them were likely to get hurt. However, that was stopped as a line of guards rushed up to face him and his men. A crossbow bolt whizzed past Azura's head, nearly hitting him in the eye, only for it to lodge itself in the throat of one of his men.

The soldier fell to his knees, his hand gripping his now bleeding throat. Each breath turned to gasps, his lungs filling with blood. Before their eyes, the light fading away before their eyes. It was at that moment that the thunder tiger in his silhouette glared down at the guard who fired the crossbow bolt. Seeing the fierce deity's gaze cast upon him, the guard froze in place as he nearly felt his heart stop.

A growling sound came from low in Azura's throat, like the snarl of an enraged beast. The lightning tiger fell down as a bolt of flaming azure-blue power, cladding the warrior in a fiery aura surrounded his electric one. His nails sharpened into claws; his teeth sharpened into fangs as his canines extended. Looking up at the guard with shadows cast over his eyes, eyes that now gleamed and burned with the fires of a wrathful divine beast that resembled those of a tiger along with that navy blue glow, Azura flexed his now clawed hands as he reached over and grasped the hilt of his katana. Dropping into a low stance, resembling a runner's stance mixed with the stance of an iaijutsu master, the azure lord prepared to move.

"Focus on the soldiers! I'll handle the big one!" The wizened voice yelled, causing the town guards to redirect.

Azura looked up to see who gave the order. Before him was what he presumed was an officer. Wearing bright red pants, black and gold etched armor, a plumed helmet tipped with a great bird's feathers, and wielding a straight sword of exceptional quality. The man underneath it, however, was not what he was expecting. Unlike the guards with whom his men now fought, he clearly had seen battle. Scars across his face and lips, a white bushy mustache, and gray thinning hair poking from the helmet. Yet looking in the man's eyes, age had not deterred the instincts of war of the man. The fire that any warrior should have still burnt in his loins.

Giving a slight bow of the head in the direction of the officer, an acknowledgement from one warrior to another, Azura used his thumb to push his blade ever so slightly out of his sheath. Then, in a moment, he was gone in a flash of lightning as the ground exploded beneath where he had stood. On pure instinct, the guard officer brought his blade up in a guard to protect himself and planted his feet with all his strength as Azura's blade contacted his own. Sparks began dancing off the two blades as they clashed while the force of Azura's charge kicked up a hurricane behind the guard. 

With a roar, Azura swung with full force and flung the guard back through two empty homes, the wizened warrior's Aura protecting him from the damage but doing nothing to dull the pain. Crashing through the wall of a third stone house, the guard felt his arms tingling from the force behind the blow he had just blocked, even through his armor. He felt as if his arms were about to go numb just from blocking that one powerful, lightning-fast attack. Shaking them off, the guard felt a sense of dread as a thought crossed his mind.

'How powerful is this young man…?' He wondered in fear and concern, knowing that this duel could be his last.

In another flash of lightning, the armored young man appeared before him again, his eastern blade coming down in an arc before him. The guard barely managed to bring his blade up and divert the blow to the side. But, even then, the edge of his foe's blade clipped the pauldron of his armor, slicing it clean off as the force of the blow rattled his old bones through his Aura while the ground was cratered by the impact and the force of the slash left a long scar in the earth next to him. Gritting his teeth, he forced the young man's blade up with a strength he did not know his aged muscles could manage, a herculean effort considering his own advanced age and the youth and raw power of his adversary, before bringing his own blade down in a counter slash.

The blow, however, never made contact as the young man brought the back of his own eastern-armored, gauntlet-covered hand up to block it with the back of his hand in the time it took the old man to blink. Pushing the blade off, this mere act of deflection threw the old man back and off balance, forcing him to dig his blade into the dirt to slow his movement. Coming to a stop, the aged guard panted as he brought his blade up in a defensive stance with both hands on the hilt, keeping his eyes locked on his opponent to watch for him to move again. Dropping into a stance of his own, the young man held his sword with the tip of the blade pointed towards his older opponent, the blade raised up and pulled back as he held it with both hands.

Azura stopped and looked down at the man. His legs had finally given out, forcing him down on his knees. Despite everything he had endured, he still looked up at him with a defiant look in his eyes. The samurai stood there looking into his eyes, now conflicted on what to do. Before finally, and to the officer's shock, Azura sheathed his sword before bowing his head in respect.

"What… What are you doing?" The officer asked, stunned by what had just happened.

"You are much stronger than you seem, sir. It would be a waste to kill a man such as yourself. A man capable of blocking two blows of that magnitude and still having the will to fight. You were even able to launch a counterattack." The young man's voice, now a strange growl that still resembled its former self, explained.

The officer looked to his left and right. Everywhere he looked, the fighting had ceased, as both sides looked on in shock. Frankly, the old man did not even know what to think at that moment. Soon however, everyone heard from behind the gate the sounds of marching feet. Cresting up onto the plateau was a column of infantry led by Kenshi, the banner of Azura's company flying high. It was at that moment that the officer knew they had no hope.

"Lay down your weapons!" The officer yelled to his men.

"But sir, we can-" One of the men tried to protest only to be cut off.

"All we would do is die in vain, boy! Lay down your weapons! We surrender!" The Officer roared, his voice reverberating to the others in the village.

The word spread like wildfire as many of the guards on the other side of the village did not even put up a fight. As Azura's men swept through the village, they found the people hiding in the hills and cellars. The air hung with uncertainty as Kenshi walked up to his brother.

"Well, it sounds like you had fun up here." Kenshi said as he saw his brother was in a mood.

Azura took a deep breath as his more animalistic features faded away, along with the three auras surrounding his body. "Their commander earned my respect. He may be old, but he is certainly strong." He explained to his twin.

"Well, at least now we can sleep in an actual bed tonight, brother. Once we get the people back to their homes and the village secured, we can have merry toasts and song in honor of you two." Kenshi said as he patted his brothers back. "Search the place, men! Lock this place down!"

As the forces of Azura began to surge into the city, the Xiao Long-Rose family looked on from the heights, seeing the new soldiers scurrying like rats at the sheer distance. The girls slowly then looked towards their father.

"Dad… What just happened?" Ruby asked nervously, gulping a bit from what she just witnessed.

"I… have no idea, Ruby. Outside of another person like you, what human could have that kind of strength…" Taiyang asked in sheer disbelief.

"At this point, I don't want to find out." Yang said with her own gulp.

"I fear we may have no choice…" Ruby ominously said.

"I sense no malicious intent from that man. Whoever or whatever he is, his intentions, at least in his own mind, seem to be pure ones…" Balam explained.

"I hope you're right, Balam… I really hope you're right." Tai said with a regretful sigh, before pulling his daughters close as they watched the men take over the village.