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RWBY: Love in Unexpected Places

Two souls marred by tragedy. A woman who has experienced loss and abandonment. A man broken by betrayal and guilt. However, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. For true love is found in unexpected places.

Chapter 1 - RWBY: Love in Unexpected Places

We do not own RWBY or any other copyright content. All rights to it go to Monty Oum, Viz Media, and their original owners. I only own my OC Azura.

This one shot was originally written for our friend Natasha Pesche from Facebook for her birthday back in April of 2023.

Writing credits go to Uzumaki Ricky and monsterhuntergod-Ratholas Mk1 on Fanfiction.Net.

Love in Unexpected Places

The dawn of a Sunday began as any good day does, at the crack of first light. For the golden firecracker that is Yang Xiao Long, she was never a morning person. She'd rather be up late than out early. The only reason she became sort of one was for Ruby. Since arriving at Beacon, a new reason had dawned upon her. Thoughts of him, however, were furthest from her mind at that very moment. Her first thoughts were coffee. Due to their coffee machine being broken, thanks to a fight between Weiss and Ruby, she had to head downstairs to brew it.

Yawning tiredly while still in her pajamas, Yang began heading towards the stairs. Frustrated and annoyed at having to head to the dining hall for her morning coffee, she was too tired to notice a slight mistake when she was walking down the stairs. This proved to be her undoing as she slipped on a pair of panties that another female student had accidentally dropped on the stairs while coming back from doing laundry earlier that morning.

"What the…!?" Yang exclaimed as she felt her footing give way.

As her foot slipped and she began to fall, Yang closed her eyes in anticipation of feeling pain. However, none came. Instead, she felt a warm sensation around her hand as if someone else was holding it. Opening her eyes, Yang looked down to see the stairs below her as she was hanging in mid fall. Turning to look at her mysterious savior, Yang felt a smile spread across her face as she saw who it was.

Her savior stood as a man of heroic proportions, dark azure-, blue eyes and wavy royal azure blue hair, holding her as his similarly colored tiger striped pajamas ceased their wavy motions. The left half of his face was covered in facial scars resembling claw marks left by some kind of vicious beast. However, what she noticed the most was a distinct flush of crimson that clashed with his oceanic color coating.

"Morning, Azura. Fancy meeting you here." Yang panted a bit as she caught her breath from the adrenaline high.

Gently pulling her up, the young man named Sōtora Azura helped her stand up straight as he checked his blonde friend for any potential injuries. "A-Are you okay, Yang?" He asked a bit nervously as he looked her over.

"Aside from my heart rate going up, I'm fine. Don't worry. If you didn't catch me, I think I was gonna take quite the tumble." Yang answered simply.

Sighing in relief, Azura gave a slight smile. "I'm glad. I was a bit worried there…"

"Worried about me? Come on Azu, I can take care of myself." Yang said with a smirk.

"Well… if you're sure…" Azura replied, seeming not completely convinced.

"Do you want to be sure?" Yang asked slyly.

Azura blushed ever so slightly. "W-Well… y-yes…" He told her.

Yang then gently pressed herself against him. "Well, oh great shogun, perhaps you'll have to guard this fair maiden for a while then."

Blushing red, Azura gulped and gently tugged on his collar. "W-W-Well… I… uh…"

"How else are you supposed to be sure? Well, unless you want to look like a pervert…" Yang teasingly said, tugging at his collar with a curled finger.

"I… If you really want me to… I… I s-suppose I could… st-stay close to you for now…" Azura nervously offered, his blush spreading.

"Up for some coffee? I would offer to make you some in my room, but my team broke the machine." Yang said to him.

Taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart, Azura gave a nervous smile and nodded. "Sure."

Yang with a smile, took his hand and pulled him along surely, returning to descend the stairs. A surprised and indeed still meek Azura without resistance tagged along. For what better to start the morning than coffee with an angel on this earth?

The Next Day, Monday

Mondays. It was always a Monday. No one liked Mondays unless they were insane. Yang least of all liked Mondays. It meant heading into class first thing after breakfast to Port's class. Why couldn't they get Glynda's? Sure, Glynda herself was a stick in the mud, but at least you got to fight in her class. Besides, Azura somehow liked her so she couldn't be that bad. Shaking her head at that thought, wondering where that came from, she was unprepared for what was about to happen next.

While she was distracted from her thoughts, she felt a sudden draft as someone quickly flipped up her skirt. Biting back the urge to let out an uncharacteristic shriek, Yang looked back in anger to see that Cardin and his team of dipshits had been the culprits.

"Nice panties, Xiao Long! That ass of yours looks great in orange lace!" Cardin commented with a vicious smirk as his teammates laughed.

Blushing in both anger and embarrassment, Yang clenched her fist as she used her other hand to move to pull her skirt down. Before she could make a move, a familiar frame in a Beacon Academy's boy's uniform came into view, blocking the view the other students had of her undergarments. Looking up, she saw a familiar head of wavy royal azure blue hair as she worked on pulling her skirt back down.

"A-Azura?" She asked confused, even somewhat embarrassed sounding in front of her friend.

Azura looked back at her, giving her a view of the scarred half of his face and his dark azure-blue eyes. "It's me. I wish it wasn't under these circumstances though…" He replied, looking her in the face with a gentlemanly smile.

"H-How much d-did you see?" Yang asked with a gulp, embarrassment beginning to properly set in.

Azura blushed a bit at her question. "I did my best not to look. After all, a gentleman should never stare at a lady when she's being humiliated like that…" He replied, trying to stay calm.

"Nice to have a gentleman around this place." Yang answered with a hint of a smile.

Giving Yang a smile, Azura then turned to look at Team CRDL with a look of rage in his eyes. "You four are going to regret that. A gentleman should treat a lady with respect." He told the four bullies.

"What do we do boss?" Sky asked with a gulp.

Trying to appear confident, Cardin gave a nervous smirk. "We're not gentlemen and she's no lady! Blondie here is nothing but a bim-" He began, only to be quickly silenced and knocked to the ground by a vicious uppercut to the jaw by the man about half a foot shorter than him.

"Boss, discretion is the greater part of valor…" Russel said as he helped his team leader up.

"Too late. You fools should've thought of that before mistreating a lady in my presence. Especially one of my friends." Azura coldly told them before marching over to the four idiots, cracking his knuckles.

"So, is it too late for us to apologize?" Dove asked meekly.

Azura simply gave Dove an ice-cold glare. "Please close your eyes, Yang. This is going to get ugly, and I'd rather not do something like this while a lady is watching…" He told his friend, punching his fist into his palm.

With that, Yang followed the orders of the samurai. Though Yang couldn't see what happened next, she could hear it. Between the vicious sounds of blows being thrown and bones being cracked, it didn't sound pretty.

"Not the face, not the face!" Dove yelled in terror before the sound of a blow that could knock loose teeth was heard, followed by several others.

"C-Can't we talk about thi- OH BY THE GODS, THAT HURTS!" Russel cried out in agony as what sounded like a kick hard enough to shatter a pelvis was heard before loud and vicious punches and kicks being landed quickly followed.

"Please don't hurt me…!" Sky whimpered before the sound of someone being smashed into a wall was heard, followed by the sound of them being ragdoll smashed into the ground with the sound of a window breaking being heard.

"And where do you think you're going, Winchester!? You're the one who did it, so there's no way you're getting off that easy!" Azura's voice called out in anger.

"Mother…!" Cardin whimpered out before screaming in agony as the crack and crunch of bones was heard followed by the cracking of someone being smashed into a wall and the crash and scream of someone being thrown out a window.

"Can I open my eyes now?" Yang asked concernedly.

"Yes, you can, Yang. It's over now." Azura told her with a polite and gentle tone.

The ruffian team, without their leader, was in a battered, bruised and uncomplimentary state. Cardin, considering his absence and a massive hole in a nearby window, was likely in an even worse state. Azura finished knocking the dust off his hands and sleeves, before beginning to work on his shoulders. Once everything was to his satisfaction, he turned to look at her.

"I think it's clear I'm going to be having to keep an eye on you, Yang. Trouble seems to like finding you this week." Azura said to his friend.

Yang grinned playfully. "Does this mean I have my own personal bodyguard this week? Like a samurai defending a fair maiden from back in the feudal era?" She asked him, pressing gently up against him.

Azura blushed and cleared his throat. "I-I suppose you could look at it that way…" He nervously replied.

"I'm not complaining." Yang answered in a sing-song way.

"S-Since we have Professor Port's class together, would you like me to walk you there…?" Azura asked, trying to get his nerves under control.

"Naturally." Yang said, offering him her arm.

As Azura nervously offered her his, Yang took it with a smirk. Seeing Azura blush more, Yang giggled a bit as the two walked to class together. As they did, the three remainders of the four bullies were left lying twitching on the floor.


The sun shined, the birds sang, a gentle breeze nipped at Yang's ponytail tied long hair and short shorts as she was working in a garden. Not just any garden, but Azura's near his clan's compound for the kingdom. Needless to say, in its current state, it was quite the fixer upper. Weeds grew up, water clogged various parts, and the nasty occurrence of hogs had become a problem.

"At least we don't have Boarbatusks, huh Azu?" Yang asked, wiping a bit of sweat off while unintentionally swaying her ass a bit.

Azura gulped a bit as he tore his eyes off her magnificent rear end. "U-Um… y-yeah… good thing…" He replied as she kept trying to pull out a stubborn weed, 'Don't stare at her ass, don't stare at her ass, don't stare at her…'

"Hey Azu, mind giving me a hand? This weed's a tough one in there." Yang asked.

"H-Huh? Oh… o-of course. I'd be happy to help." Azura told her, leaving his own patch of weeds alone for now to go over and help Yang.

"Thanks, Azu. What would I do without you?" Yang said, giving him a heavenly smile.

Azura blushed as he moved and reached out to help her. His hands lingered a moment near her ass and hips as temptation washed over him to grab them. Fighting off the urge, he reached out and grabbed hold of Yang's waist. Gulping, he took a deep breath to calm himself.

"O-Okay… I'm ready…" The azure samurai told her.

"Alright. One. Two. Three. Pull!" Yang yelled and the two gave a great heave.

The weed couldn't hold its grip on the earth, sending Yang flying backwards into Azura. As the dust settled, Azura felt something oddly soft, but also firm on his groin. Looking down, he blushed red and gulped and saw Yang's luscious bottom planted firmly on his lap. Taking a deep breath, Azura tried to keep his thoughts pure and calm.

'Do not get a boner with her in your lap! Do not get a boner with her in your lap! Do not get a- Oh fuck…!' The blue swordsman thought quickly as he felt an erection coming on.

"God, that weed was fucking hard… I don't know how to thank you Azu." Yang groaned as she dusted herself off.

'I-I can think of a few- No! Bad Azura! No horny…!' Azura thought, shaking his head, "Y-You don't have to thank me, Yang…"

"Are you sure? You've been helping me out of so many sticky situations lately. I feel bad putting that burden on you." Yang said mirthfully.

"I-I'm sure. R-Really, it's fine…" Azura told her, trying to remain calm and think non-dirty thoughts to get his erection to go down, 'Puppies… smelly underwear… Professor Port in a speedo… How the hell did that one not wo- Wait, why are those bushes rustling…?'

"What's going on over there? I swear, Zwei, if you're digging up the tulips again…" Yang groaned, mercifully getting off Azura's groin to check out the disturbance.

"B-Be careful, Yang! We don't know what it is…!" Azura called out to his blonde female friend.

"Oh, it's fine, Azu. What could possibly go wrong?" Yang asked.

As she closed the distance, Yang was swiftly knocked off her feet and bowled over. Her vision blurred for a second before, in the distance, she saw it. In the distance was a very large, scruffy boar with a small punk-like plume of rough hair on its back. Yang had to double take as the creature was the size of her bike Bumblebee, and easily weighed more. A set of razor-sharp tusks gleaned in the sun. She realized she only got hit by its head. If those tusks got her, they might with this creature's size go through her aura.

"It's an adolescent Razorback! Yang, get out of there!" Azura called out in concern as he swiftly got up.

Rearing back a bit and arching its spine, the beast surged forward in full gallop. Yang couldn't get up in time to meet it full on, so she hit the deck and hoped it would just run past her. She could hear its snarling snorts as it barreled down on her. However, any pain she expected never came for some reason.

Opening her eyes, Yang looked on in shock to see that Azura had grabbed the large boar by the tusks and dug his heels in to stop its charge, a navy-blue lightning-like aura coming off of his body as his eyes glowed the same color, indicating that he had activated his Semblance. Grunting, he slowly lifted the visibly shocked swine up before letting out a roar as he swung and threw it. The massive pig let out a squeal of pain as it hit the ground and tumbled. Rushing up, Azura grabbed it by its rough furred hide, wrapping his arms around it. Lifting it up with another roar, Azura slammed the large hog face and headfirst into the ground in a vicious suplex, the impact snapping its tusks off and breaking its spine into pieces like graham crackers.

"Holy shit…!" Yang exclaimed.

Getting up, Azura dusted off his hands before doing the same with his clothes. The azure shogun then gave Yang a bright, reassuring smile that made her blush a little. "Are you okay, Yang?" He asked in concern as he walked up to her.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. It just caught me off guard is all." Yang said as she stood up and brushed herself off.

"I'm glad. Well, on the plus side, at least we have our main course for dinner with the others tonight." Azura said, pointing his thumb back at the barely breathing form of the boar.

"Put some barbeque sauce on it and count me in. Well and some sake to help wash it down of course." Yang answered with a smile.

Azura smiled. "Sounds good to me. Would you like to help me prepare it?" He offered.

"Absolutely. I always wanted practice with those Mistrali cooking knives." Yang said with a devilish smirk, looking back at the boar.


Downtown Vale was a place of contradictions. On the one hand, they walked in one of the largest, wealthiest and most advanced cities in the world. On the other hand, many parts of it, including a narrow alley stretch Yang and Azura found themselves in, really didn't show it. Yang stuck close to her blue bodyguard, much to Azura's new coat of crimson, as this was a level of seediness that she wasn't about to stomach.

"I swear, they need to fix this place up. This lot gives me the creeps." Yang said, arms wrapped around Azura's left arm, and it was ever so slowly being sucked into her cleavage.

'Stay focused, stay focused, stay focused…' Azura thought as they walked together, trying hard to not think too much about the wonderful valley being pressed against his arm, "Y-Yeah… th-they really do…"

"Seriously, what kind of back door does this city want to present to people? Honestly, from what Blake told me about her home, this place gives that blighted island a run for its lien." Yang said, stepping around a dubious puddle by leaning into the blue wonder even more.

Azura blushed deeper at both Yang's words and feeling the pillowy softness be pressed tighter into his arm. 'Stay calm, Azura… focus… extend your senses… you can't get distracted and be caught off guard in a place like this…' He thought.

"You're awfully quiet today. Everything okay, Azura?" Yang asked, looking her lilac eyes up at his scarred face.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just keeping my senses sharp for any signs of trouble, since I don't want you to get hurt…" Azura gulped, being partially truthful, 'And also trying to not think about your back door or your breasts…'

"You don't have to worry about signs of trouble. Trouble's already found you." A male voice said as the rev of a chainsaw was heard.

Stopping in their place, Yang and Azura looked around into the darkness. "How many are there, Azura? You're better at sensing things than I am…" Yang asked, looking around while slowly pulling away from Azura's arm.

"More than I'd like." Azura growled as a White Fang lieutenant walked out of the shadows, chainsaw ready to go.

"What do you want with us?" Yang asked, activating her gauntlets Ember Celica in case of a fight while Azura drew his kage-ryū ōdachi.

"Release to us the traitor Blake Belladonna, and we will let you go with your lives." The masked Faunus said in a gravely tone.

"What makes you think we'd ever sell a friend out to a bunch of mask-wearing, hypocritical terrorist scum?" Azura asked, glaring around at them.

With a snap of his fingers, from practically everywhere they were surrounded by two dozen White Fang grunts. On paper, it looked intimidating. However, upon closer inspection, the majority of them were wielding pipes and baseball bats.

"Really? You guys couldn't afford pistols?" Yang asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not in this economy. Now last chance or you'll regret it." The lieutenant warned.

"I don't sell out my partner and friend. So come out, you black clad curs! Time to get your teeth knocked in!" Yang yelled.

Azura smirked a bit as the two stood back-to-back. "Twenty-four against two. Not very good odds. For them, that is…" Azura commented to his blonde female friend.

"I'll take the thirteen over here, you take the eleven on your side!" Yang yelled before using her shotgun barrels to propel herself into battle.

"That means I get the lieutenant!" Azura yelled back as he too launched himself into the fray.

The battle didn't last very long. If you could even call it a battle. More of a one-sided beatdown at the hands of our two heroes. By the time they were done, the White Fang members were all unconscious and scattered across the area as Azura sheathed his blade while Yang retracted her gauntlets.

"They weren't so tough. They could've at least put up more of a fight." Azura noted with a smile.

"Looks like they couldn't handle the girth of our awesomeness!" Yang laughed loudly, her hands on her sides in victory.

Azura chuckled at that. "Shall we head back, Yang?" Azura asked.

"Oh, most certainly. I have a good feeling about the rest of this week now." Yang said, wrapping her arms around his again.

Azura blushed a bit but smiled as the two headed back to Beacon.


Market day was always the best. With the farmers coming in from beyond the city, the city square and side roads were jam-packed with stalls of fresh produce. Trucks and carts ran to and fro to keep up with the eager demand of the Valians. Yang and Azura walked along a street pursuing the selection. As Azura looked over some radishes for a dish idea he had, Yang began to cross the street. She didn't have long to judge her mistake.

A honking horn rang out and she looked to her side. A giant eighteen-wheeler was careening towards her. All her strength in this movement would not be availed of her as it looked like her life was about to flash before her eyes. However, in a flash, a violet and azure-blue blur appeared before her. Azura, his eyes glowing yellow and violet with his canines extended, nails sharpened and lengthened into short claws, and a violet-colored lightning-like aura with streaks of blue in it rushed forward and grabbed onto the grill of the truck. Digging his feet into the ground, he was pushed back towards Yang as, bit by bit, the truck was forced to a slow, eventual stop.

"By the gods, that's hot…" Yang muttered as her heart threatened to beat out of her ribcage.

Panting heavily, Azura slowly deactivated his Semblance as the lightning-like aura and violet glows faded out. He then took a deep breath to calm himself as his canines, nails, and eyes returned to normal and the blue streaked aura disappeared. Looking back, he gave Yang a smile as he panted more lightly.

"Are you… alright… Yang…?" The blue shogun panted in concern.

"Be still, my beating heart…" Yang gasped, putting a hand on her chest.

Confused, Azura stepped towards her to check on her. "Yang…?" He called her in concern.

"Oh. I'm alright… Sorry for doing this to you, Azu. This just isn't my week." Yang said with a sigh as she got herself up.

Azura smiled. "It's okay. I'm just happy you're not hurt." He replied with relief.

To show him how not sure she was, she pressed herself up against him, her breasts against his chiseled chest. Then she got up on her tippy toes to kiss him on the cheek squarely. After that, she got on more level footing and looked up at him, still pressing against him so closely while leaving him blushing as red as a ripened cherry.

"Is there anything I can do to repay you after such a miserable week I've put you through?" Yang asked, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.

'Don't look at her chest, don't look at her chest, don't look at her chest, don't look at her chest, don't look at her- DAMN IT!' Azura thought, trying and failing miserably to not stare down at his blonde friend's breasts pressed into his muscular chest, "I-I'm sure. R-really, it's fine…"

"Anything you want, just name it." Yang probed, trying to find a chink in the armor. Armor that, at this point, was made of Atlesian cheese.

Azura gulped at her extremely tempting offer, unable to look away. It was at that moment that Yang noticed the gentleman samurai's gaze, causing him to blush deeper and look away shyly.

"Do you want to have these lovely melons?" Yang asked seductively.

When Azura blushed an even deeper red and gulped, unable to answer verbally, that was all Yang needed to know.

"Get the radishes and let's go back to the dorm, Azu. I have work to do." Yang said as she soon sauntered away.

"That woman is going to be the death of me…" Azura muttered as his eyes were glued to her swaying ass.


Normally this time of the week, Yang would be feeling good about the fact the weekend is around the corner. Now not so much. After a week of making Azura's life a living hell, though repaying him a bit taking the edge off, she still didn't think too well of this week. Even as she sparred with Azura, it was clear the effect on her as her heart wasn't in it. And her partner took quick notice of that fact.

"Is something wrong, Yang?" Azura asked in concern, blocking and deflecting a right cross from his blonde female friend.

"I hate this week." Yang sighed, throwing her arms to her side in a hint of despair.

"Why? What's wrong?" Azura asked, putting a halt to the spar to talk to her.

"The sheer amount of misfortune I've put upon you. I don't like it." Yang said.

"I don't mind. I'm just happy to be able to spend more time with you." Azura told her, seemingly not bothered by how much Yang had been relying on him this last week.

"Really?" Yang asked, perking up a bit.

Azura smiled brightly at Yang, a gesture which made her blush ever so slightly as he took her hand. "Really, Yang. Even if it's helping you out, watching your back, or keeping you safe, I'm happy just being able to be around you." He told her honestly.

"You're really the best boyfriend a girl could ask for." Yang said, making Azura blush with her not realizing entirely the phrasing, and soon not getting the chance.

A rustling soon was heard in the brush and the shadows. Azura and Yang turned to look at them, only to see the scarred and hulking frame of an Alpha Beowulf. Its chipped and cracked bone plated head looked at them with deep volcanic eyes. It had found its prize. Letting out a titanic, blood curdling howl, rumbling on the ground was soon felt. It rallied its packmates for a meal.

"B… B… Beowolves…" Azura stuttered out, all color quickly draining from his face as he started trembling while Yang looked at him in concern.

"Azura, is everything okay? They're Grimm. We can take them… Azu…?" Yang said, but slowly it was clear there was going to be no answer from her close friend.

All the color was gone from Azura's face as a massive pack of about a few dozen large Beowolves surrounded them, leaving Azura as pale as a sheet. He was sweating profusely as he trembled like a leaf in the wind. Looking around, Yang quickly realized why Azura was so terrified at seeing so many Grimm at once when she'd seen him be able to put up with much smaller numbers at once.

"Azura, stick close. I am not going to let them harm you. Not now. Not after all you've done for me. Stay with me, Azura." Yang said as she backed up close to him, trying to keep herself between him and the beasties encircling them.

Trembling, Azura stepped a bit closer to Yang, putting his hand on the hilt of his longest blade and getting ready to draw his kage-ryū ōdachi. However, Yang reassuringly put a hand over his to stop him, gently squeezing his hand to reassure him.

"Azura, leave it to me. I've got this." Yang said calmly, shockingly so for the situation at hand.

Gulping, Azura nodded and slowly took his hand off of the hilt of his blade. Yang smiled at the show of trust from the azure samurai before glaring at the Grimm, bringing out her Ember Celica. Acting quickly, she loaded them up with fire Dust shotgun rounds as she got ready to fight. As long as she was there, they wouldn't touch a hair on his head.

With a roar, the Alpha Beowolf signaled for the pack to charge and go on the attack. The Beowolves howled and rushed in, eager to get a taste of blood and meat. Cocking back Ember Celica, Yang began launching blasts of fire Dust into the charging Grimm, keeping Azura in her sights out of the corner of her eye to make sure he didn't get hurt. Coating one of her gauntlet-covered fists in flames, Yang hit a larger Beowolf with an explosive punch that killed it instantly.

Kicking with all her strength, she snapped the head off on another Beowolf before hitting a third with a barrage of punches, punching holes in it. Uppercutting another one, she knocked its head off as she fired a blast of fire Dust at one that was about to bite Azura, blowing its head to pieces. Grabbing one by the arm, she impaled it from behind with its own claws before kicking its legs out from under it to make it fall on its own clawed hand. Coating her fists in fire Dust, Yang began pummeling any of the pack of Grimm that got too close to them with a barrage of fiery punches.

Looking around while panting lightly, Yang mentally counted how many were left. She had already killed about eighteen Grimm, making it to the halfway point. The biggest problem was that the Alpha was still there. With how many battles it had seemingly been in and how huge it was, it would be a big problem to take it out on her own.

However, she needed to do this. Azura had spent this entire week protecting her. Now it was her turn to protect him. She couldn't falter here.

Cocking back her gauntlets to drop the empty shells, she reloaded Ember Celica and cocked them back into place. Glaring protectively at the werewolf-like Grimm, Yang roared as she continued her battle. Coating her fists alight in flames, Yang continued her assault to protect Azura. However, this was when the battle began to turn a bit.

Yang began taking a lot of hits for every Beowolf she took down. However, she couldn't give up. Not Now. Not when Azura was depending on her like this. She would win. She had to win.

Finally, taking a nasty hit from a Beowolf, Yang activated her Semblance. Punching her fists together, her eyes turned red as her hair seemed to light up with golden flames. Glaring at the beasts around her, she went back on the attack, her each blow sending every bit of damage she took back at her targets twice as strong. Killing the thirty-fifth Beowolf, Yang panted lightly as she prepared to turn to face the Alpha.

"Yang, watch out!" Azura's voice called out to her, calling her attention to her unprotected back.

However, it was too late. Yang turned to look as the Alpha tried to take her by surprise and attack her while her back was turned. Yang's eyes widened in shock as its clawed hand came right at her face. However, the sound of something sharp piercing hard flesh and muscle was then heard. Looking down, Yang and the Alpha Beowolf saw the blade of a katana of some type stabbed through its guts from behind.

The blade was ripped out of it as the beast stumbled back, revealing a shocked, afraid, but determined Azura with his kage-ryū ōdachi drawn and his Semblance activated. His hands were still trembling in fear, but he gripped the hilt of his sword as best he could. Seeing that Azura jumped to help her as soon as she left herself open, Yang couldn't help but smile at the azure shogun.

"Glad to see you back, Azu! Let's send this nightmare back to where it crawled out of!!" Yang yelled happily, pumping her fists.

Nodding, Azura gripped his blade's hilt as his lightning-like aura, sapphire blue in color along with his eyes, glowed brightly like a beacon. Turning to glare at the Grimm, the two took off at the last remaining member of the pack, Azura taking point due to his superior speed. Azura slashed into the Grimm's chest, staggering it and leaving it open to a kick to the stomach from Yang. As black smoke leaked from the beast's blade wounds, it roared and slashed at Yang.

Blocking its claws with his blade to protect Yang, Azura glared up at it as Yang shot a fire Dust round right in its eyes. It roared in pain and stumbled back, blinded and left open. Azura slashed into its arm, slicing its arm clean off as it roared in agony. Yang then punched it in the stomach with a flaming punch, blowing a bowling ball sized hole in its guts.

As the beast let out a gurgled roar of agony and defiance, the two moved in for the killing blow. Leaping up at it, Azura slashed at its neck with all his might while Yang put the last of the power she'd stored up fighting the other Beowolves into one punch that she coated with fire Dust. Their two blows connected simultaneously, slicing off its head while blowing a massive hole in the beast's chest, finally killing it. The Grimm's body slowly disappeared as the two deactivated their Semblances, panting a bit as they tried to calm down.

Sinking to his knees, Azura trembled and dropped his sword to the grass as he panted and tried to get himself under control. He couldn't afford to look any weaker in front of Yang. Not after that humiliating display of her having to protect him like that. He couldn't even bring himself to look at her.

"WE DID IT!!" Yang yelled out with joy.

However, the lack of an enthusiastic response from Azura concerned her. Turning to look at him, she was shocked and concerned to see the state he was in. He was shaking like a leaf, his precious blade dropped to the grass and left forgotten. He wouldn't even raise his head to look at her.

"Azura? Are you okay?" Yang asked.

Shaking his head, Azura refused to look up at her. "I'm… I'm sorry you had to see that, Yang… To see me looking so weak…" He shakily told her.

In that moment, Yang hugged him and held him close saying, "We all have our moments of not being at our best. Hell, look at this week for me. But you were always there for me. You helped me at my weakest, it's only right for me to do so in yours." Yang said with the warmest smile he's ever seen.

Azura blushed at that. "Y… Yang…"

"No, I'm serious. You're the kindest, most chivalrous, and most supportive man I've ever had the honor to fight beside. What you did for me this week, I don't think I can ever fully repay you but know that it meant everything to me. And I want to be there for you now when you need it clearly the most." Yang said, holding him closer and rubbing his back.

Panting and trembling, Azura hugged her back. "Y… You don't think I'm weak…?" He asked in disbelief.

"One moment of weakness doesn't make you weak. No one is perfect. We all have our bad days. This was yours." Yang said reassuringly.

Pulling back a bit, Azura looked at her hopefully. "B… But I thought women didn't like men who couldn't protect them…" He replied, confused.

"Do I look turned off right now?" Yang asked with a raised eyebrow.

Azura shook his head. "N… Not in the slightest…"

"Then shut up and pucker up, big boy." Yang said with a grin before leaning forward, lips ready.

Blushing, Azura cupped her cheek and brushed a bit of hair out of her face. Leaning in, he met her lips with his own. Slowly, tenderly, the two sank into the feeling. At that moment, nothing else mattered in the world. Only the two of them and this one moment.

Soon, Yang wrapped her arms around Azura's neck as his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling themselves closer to each other as the sun slowly set. For the newly christened couple, this had been the best week they'd ever had. For they had both found love in the most unexpected of places…