–– Observer POV ––
There are a lot of weird things. Conversations, feelings and emotions are just one of these many possibilities. Now at the top of the list would be being born you would think. But no, being aware of you being born is even more weird and to be conscious since still inside your mothers belly ist just mind numbing at so many levels. But the baby being birthed at this moment in time knew nothing of that yet. It just thought the feeling of being squeezed out of a way to small opening is weird. Thank god close to no one is conscious enough to remember this feeling. It is kind of easy to understand why babies cry after going through all this. And that is exactly what the small little girl did, soon after this ordeal was over. Only if she knew, that so many things in life can be as weird or even more as this. Well she will find out soon enough how weird it can really get. She is what most people would call an enigma just because of the already known facts. But it can get even crazier. Like being born into a family which is shrouded in mystery so much so that pretty much no one knows their full depths. Ollivander is the name of this family.
Now most who hear this name would think of one and one thing only:
„Ollivanders: Makers of fine wands since 382 B.C." located in Diagon Alley South Side, London, England. Now even that teeny tiny bit of known information is kind of mind boggling if one thinks about that. A small deranged shop which for the most part is in disrepair being hailed as one of the finest foci maker in the world. Now that is just absurd, isn't it? Well no, not really. The age alone should warn anyone, that there is more to this facade as some would think. More than 2000 years is a damn long time. Enough to get a place in the sacred-twenty-eight even though they are currently known as being descendants of a muggle-born witch. Now… some would say their knowledge over foci alone would allow for a spot in these formerly highly valued families. While this is true, there are just so many more, that you should stop just thinking about it.
The family is old, so old that the only known documentation about their whole history is in their very own libraries and even then it just stops at some point. Exactly 2.730.122 years ago to be exact. Their libraries pretty much holding all the knowledge most humans try to uncover. Antique they call it and well, the family is exactly that. It doesn't stop there. They pretty much forced themself on the list of the sacred-twenty-eight even though no one outside of the family knows about this. With pure destructive force, capable of leveling states it mere minutes. Through an army? No through one single lonely man, standing against all 27 other families, decimating them in the progress. Only the benevolence of this persons wife stopped 27 ancient houses being wiped out on that very day. And still, no one knows about it, because oaths of silence are a damn useful tool. But there are many many more people in the family than a single person. So why be the literal shadow of the world? Because they are exactly that. Humans, created by earth to protect its inhabitants and in the worst case scenario even the earth itself. They know earth with a different name: "Gaya" while also being their families deity. This is a curse as well as a blessing in disguise, as they sacrificed freedom for what? Most would guess power, but they would be bloody wrong.
Family magic or in modern tongue their magical ability. An ability so absurdly weird in its working, that most cannot even imagine it.
The caveat? A curse or if you would a job from mother earth itself, intrinsically linked to their familial magic. At 3 years of age they undergo a specific ritual to start the progress of self understanding. To understand their passion and with at their 7th birthday the solidify their understanding of themself in a lifelong calling to protect for exactly that.It could range from wands as seen in „Ollivanders: Makers of fine wands since 382 B.C." to even things just like world domination though luckily that didn't happen yet. Well, there were some close calls for things on the same scale of wrongness, but those handful of poor souls died before reaching their first magical maturity, well, actually their second one, but more about that later. No one killed them, but they killed themself as they refused to follow their twisted passions. Well there also was that one guy…
Their gift on the other hand copies, absorbs and fuses the talents and family magics of other houses into their own. This happens through something similar to blood adoption aptly named blood marriage. This happens on a genetic level for both body, magic and soul and these powers can re-manifest in the family and it is not through inheritance but through magic. It is the best explanation as of today. Everyone who has the magic, as long as alive can get a power injected into their own family magic, even if it is generations after their birth. But they don't just get everything at once. They need to work for it, either a huge not necessarily magical achievement, their magical maturities or a myriad of other ways. But with even the youngest members of their family being over 2000 years old, that is hardly a real challenge as they have all the time in the world.
Another curse however is that they are mellow. While they are not necessarily pacifists they come close to it, as they are pretty much engineered to work on the values of hunters and hoarders. They don't kill for fun, they don't waste materials from their „hunts" and they recycle what they somehow can while also giving back to nature. This doesn't mean that everyone in that family has the same personality, but it works so that they don't start plotting against themself or others, even though out of boredom they made plotting a sport in their family's circle. They had literal prank wars that lasted for centuries with a level of destructiveness behind some of them, that eradicate all of earths lifeforms if not properly controlled.
Though they did at one point decide, that they probably should not do something like that directly on earth. In that way the first sanctuary appeared. A literal pocket dimension anchored to a tree with spatial properties. This is one of their first self made world wonders, something they made happen against all odds and without the help of the world itself. This pocket dimension is commonly referred to as the „Grounds of War" as they get used for exactly that. The battles between the most powerful for either their fun or to settle the relatively "rare" grudges. After another few hundred years they made another one and so on, all anchored to the same tree. At some point they made themself a world of their own, which is the reason why they are so reclusive and seldom seen, as they have a whole carefully perfected and managed ecosystem, which most cannot even comprehend the difficulty of achieving.
And in this very world at the 29. February 1980 at midnight, Clara Ali Ollivander was born, a baby girl weighing 2 kilograms while being 40 centimeters big. The first thing she saw after birth being, well a lot of colors at least, as everything was „blurry as f" which she recounted when she was older.
And this started the weird journey of a weird little girl, in a weird big family, with weird friends and even weirder things happening around her.