Chao and the purple haired kid looked at each other in silence, the atmosphere was just as tense as two second ago, but the fighting had stopped. Chao decided to be bigger person, and disabled his martial spirit.
The purple haired kid followed his lead and disabled his martial spirit as well. Chao put out his hand for a hand shake. "My name is Chao Feng, but you can call me Chao. I have some questions. What do you think about having a truce? We could ask each other questions, and both of us will have to answer truthfully."
The kids around them looked at Chao, confused, as they didn't understand what he was talking about. But Chao could tell that the purple haired kid knew what he was saying. The kid got close to Chao and shook his hand while introducing himself. "My original name is Luke. You can call me whatever you want but I wanna start asking questions."
Chao nodded, as Luke wasn't asking for much, and gestured to him that he could start at any time. "Did you reincarnate or Traverse to this world?" Chao thought about his situation and explained. "It's really complicated. When I came to this world I was a baby, but I do remember traveling through some kind of wormhole, so I'm a bit of both."
Luke thought it through and decided that Chao wasn't lying. "Now it's my turn. Do you have some kind of cheating tool, Like the system or anything? And if you do, what it is?"
Luke showed a little concern but still decided to answer. "I have a System called the world conquerer system. Now it's my turn. Do you have a system? And if you do, what's it's name?"
Without much consideration, Chao answered "My System is called 'Story Bending System'. For my question I wanna know how does your system work."
"It gives me missions that I have to finish to get rewards. If I don't, I die."
Chao was surprised about the punishment, but everything else was like a normal system.
They kept asking questions back and forth when finally Chao asked. "What's your mission now?" This question made Luke silent. It seemed like he didn't wanna share this mission, but after struggling to decide what to do, he still told Chao the information about his mission.
"It's a simple mission. I have to be the strongest in this dormitory, or I'll die" Chao was freaked out from this mission. If Luke died out of nowhere because of him, he would feel responsible.
After thinking about for a bit Chao asked some follow up questions. "How long do you have to complete this mission? And what if I just admit defeat? Would that help you complete your mission?"
Luke was visible tense already, but still explained "I have an hour, and the system said it won't count if I don't defeat you with my power. The system also threatened me. If I don't stop talking to you looking for loopholes, I'll die. Looks like this is it. I have only five minutes left. Whatever happens, I have to defeat you to stay alive."
After finishing his sentence, Luke charged at Chao with all of his might. If until now Luke was trying to kill Chao, Now he is fighting to survive. Luke planned to use the fire on the griffin's claws as his only damage source. He decided instead of hitting Chao, he would try to burn his body.
Chao was still a little shocked. He had a choice to make, and he didn't have lot of time to think. If he fought back, Luke would die, but if he didn't fight back, the only possible way Luke would win is by killing him. Either choice seems like a bad one.
Before he could decide, his reflexes started kicking in on their own. Chao quickly dodged Luke's grab. Even though Chao didn't want to make a choice, it looked like his body already made one for him. Chao could wait out Luke's timer, which would be the smarter move, but he decided he should show some respect to Luke, so he wouldn't die so pathetically.
Chao charged at Luke while avoiding his flames. Chao was able to manoeuvre around Luke like an expert, and punched his face.
Luke didn't even react to those hits because of the adrenaline. All he cared about was defeating Chao so he could live.
Out of nowhere, the friendly conversation turned into a battle of life and death. Neither of them were willing to die, which made them fight desperately. Luke slashed at Chao with his claws while Chao kept countering his every move.
Luke, by sheer luck, managed to grab Chao.
He picked him up by his throat and got his claws ready to kill him. Chao was way too close for Luke to react to anything. Chao decided to hit Luke with his knee to his jaw.
Both of them attacked, but Chao was a little bit faster. His knee landed on Luke's Jaw, striking so hard that Chao got dropped back to the ground, while Luke was sent flying. Chao gasped for air, struggling to breathe.
Luke was lying in front of the entrance to the dormitory, breathing heavily. The knee to his jaw did it's number on him. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't move. The clock ticked as Lukes fate reached it's end.
Chao finally looked at Luke when he noticed that everyone were frozen. Time has stopped again, and this time Luke was frozen too. A purple light appeared, surrounding Luke. After a few seconds, Luke was fully covered by the light. The purple light started dissipating, which sent chills down Chao's spine.
Luke was gone. Chao thought that the time would resume normally, now that Luke is gone, but the purple light started to surround him instead. Chao started to panic as the light got closer to him, going inside his body. Instead of killing him, it seemed to be healing him.
All of the injuries he received from the fight with Luke were gone. Now, after he was healed, he was sure that the time would resume. But again, the purple lights started appearing everywhere. Everyone around him got surrounded by the lights. After a few seconds, everything finally went back to normal.
Tang San and Wang Sheng were happily talking to each other when Chao noticed that all of Wang Sheng's injuries were gone.
Chao quickly got close to a random student, asking him about Luke, but all he had was a blank look on his face. The kid looked at him like he was crazy.
He tried asking another kid, but he got same response. He quickly guessed that when a traverser dies, their existence gets deleted from everybody else's memory.
Nobody remembers them except other traversers. He thought the world might be doing this to fix the timeline, but he remembered the first time he talked to the system. The way time stopped was identical.
While Chao was thinking about everything, a little girl entered the dormitory. She wore a pink dress, with pink shoes and pink bunny ears.
The dress looked like the girl got it straight out of a fairy tale. She held a pink bag and had carrot accessories all around her body.
With her squeaky and annoying voice she asked, "Is this dorm seven?" The other kids chattered with Tang San and pushed him towards the girl. They talked for a bit, and she introduced herself as Xiao Wu.
Somehow, Tang San still ended up as the boss of the dorm because Luke disappeared.
They fought for a while, and Xiao Wu ended up winning. The kids lined up to greet her, but Chao didn't. She noticed him right away and went towards him.
Tang San tried to stop her, but it was too late. She stood infront of Chao and pouted at him. "Why didn't you greet me? I'm the boss of this dormitory which means you need to respect me."
Chao looked at her coldly. He never liked her in the show. She was an annoying brat that caused trouble everywhere. "You can do whatever you want with the other kids, but you are not my boss."
She was clearly annoyed by his response and attacked him. All of the energy he used to fight Luke was back like it didn't even happen, so he was more than ready for fight. He quickly activated his martial spirit and jumped backwards.
Everyone was suprised from Chao's martial spirit again. Even Xiao Wu was shocked. She quickly activated her martial spirit, and everybody saw the hundred year old spirit ring around her. She attacked Chao again, and the yellow ring shined for a second as she got closer to Chao.
Xiao Wu was clearly faster than Chao, but her problem was she had to get close to him. She managed to get close to chao but the hydra's head constantly got in the way.
It seemed like both of them had a counter for the other person.
Chao kept pushing Xiao Wu away while she constantly tried to get closer. They were in stalemate. Xiao Wu tried everything, but nothing was working until suddenly Chao made a mistake.
She swooped in like an eagle and reduced the range. She was able to spin around Chao's body to gather force for her attack, when she felt someone grabbing her leg.
It turned out to be a trap, Chao threw her towards a door that she crashed into. She got up, but it was clear she knew that the gap between her and Chao was big. Chao was a better strategist and had a better understanding of his abilities.