[Daenerys POV]
It has now been two long days, and Aelyx still hasn't awoken. In that time, the entire royal family has returned to King's Landing—except for me and Aelyx. The war has officially been declared over; the Iron Islands have fallen, and the armies of Storm's End and the Reach have withdrawn from Dorne. The soldiers are dispersing to their respective houses and kingdoms, and the hunt for the remaining members of House Mooton and House Staunton is well underway.
Father recently declared the first royal court after the war, and lords from every corner of the realm are flocking to King's Landing. They come to claim the rewards for their loyalty and contributions or to learn how the future of the realm will unfold. Meanwhile, the Triarchy has retreated from the Narrow Sea—for now. Driftmark holds sway over the waters, but peace is still fragile.
[Aelyx POV]
Darkness is all I can feel now—endless and all-consuming.
"Aelyx Targaryen!" A voice calls out, but I can't find it. I try to stretch my senses, to pinpoint where it comes from, but the darkness overwhelms me. It's suffocating.
Then, I sense something immense—something far larger than even Vhagar, something ancient and powerful.
"Do not die, Aelyx… For I must be born from your line when the night comes," the voice speaks, echoing through the void.
Before I can even ask a question, the darkness begins to fade, and I feel the pull of consciousness.
Suddenly, I am awake. My body feels heavy, as if I am struggling to move through a thick fog. I glance around and realize I am lying in a foreign bed, the air heavy with a scent I don't recognize. Then, I feel her—Daenerys, lying beside me. Her hands are tightly clasped around mine. A smile curves on my lips.
"You fool. Never try to leave me again. You're not getting rid of me in this lifetime," she scolds, her voice a mix of relief and frustration.
[Viserys POV]
Alicent and the rest of the family have returned from Dragonstone—except for Aelyx and Daenerys.
I received word days ago that Aelyx had finally woken up, and it lifted a boulder off my heart. But there is troubling news as well. Many of the men who served at Dragonstone have started to leave for their homes or have returned to King's Landing, unsettled by the newcomers that Aelyx and Daenerys brought with them.
But today, I will make a decision that will shape the future of the realm for years to come.
[The Throne Room]
The throne room buzzes with the chatter of lords and ladies gathered for this momentous occasion. The atmosphere is thick with expectation. Rhaenyra stands beside Laenor on the right side of the throne, while Alicent and her children take their place on the left.
The herald announces the arrival of Viserys, and the room falls silent. All eyes turn to the king, some filled with anticipation, others with envy or resentment. The weight of the moment hangs heavily in the air.
"Today," Viserys begins, his voice strong, "I have gathered you all to declare that we have crushed the rebels before they could bring any harm to the realm!"
The room erupts in cheers and applause, the tension momentarily lifting.
"I, Viserys Targaryen, of House Targaryen, and King of the Seven Kingdoms, hereby declare that the territory of the Iron Islands will be entrusted to the North and the Lannisters to manage. The territories of House Mooton and House Staunton will be merged and given to Rhaenyra, my heir, to rule. It will serve as the seat of the future heirs to the Iron Throne!" Viserys declares, his voice resounding throughout the hall.
Rhaenyra's face flickers with emotion—anger mixed with a strange sense of victory. She has gained a territory far larger than Dragonstone, one that will give her armies and banners. But with it comes a loss—Dragonstone. The one thing she feared most is now a reality: the passing of Dragonstone to one of Alicent's children.
A smirk creeps onto Alicent's face, filled with the belief that Viserys will give Dragonstone to Aegon.
"Who will rule Dragonstone, Your Grace?" Lyonel asks, his voice respectful but laden with curiosity.
"The line of Aelyx and Daenerys will rule Dragonstone from this day forward," Viserys announces firmly.
A murmur sweeps through the court—Lords and Ladies exchanging looks, calculating their next moves. Alicent's face falls, but she quickly masks it with a forced smile, her heart racing. She knows now that she must do everything in her power to prevent Rhaenyra from gaining Aelyx and Daenerys's support.
Rhaenyra, meanwhile, feels a mixture of emotions—reluctantly aware that while she and Daenerys were never particularly close, Alicent has just as little sway over them. This is a chance for both sides to win Aelyx and Daenerys to their cause.
[Rhaenyra's Chambers]
"Your Grace, much of the remaining army and the dragonkeepers of Dragonstone have set sail for Maidenpool, as per your orders," Ser Harwin reports.
"Please, send word to those who have already returned to their houses or come to King's Landing to make their way to Maidenpool," Rhaenyra replies, her voice warm with gratitude toward Harwin.
For the next month, the people loyal to Rhaenyra, from both Dragonstone and King's Landing, begin to migrate to Maidenpool. They start the work of demolishing what remains of the old castle and rebuilding it. The new fortress, now under construction, is to be renamed Dragonhold—a symbol of the Targaryen strength after Dragonstone.
[ After some time ]
[The Small Council]
"Your Grace, the expenditure for the construction of Dragonhold is placing a strain on the realm's coffers," Lord Bressbury warns, his voice measured and cautious.
"Lord Bressbury, this keep will stand as the symbol of Targaryen power after Dragonstone. It will serve as the seat of the heir to the Iron Throne," Viserys responds, his tone firm, though the concern in his voice is undeniable.
Rhaenyra, sitting near her father, is visibly close to her time. Despite the strain, she smiles at his words.
"How long will the castle take to complete?" Viserys asks, his gaze steady but filled with concern for both the realm and his daughter's condition.
"Six to seven years, according to the estimates," Rhaenyra answers.
Viserys nods, deep in thought. "You should not attend council meetings in your condition anymore," he admonishes her gently.
"Your Grace, we have received word that Prince Daemon and Princess Laena have gone to Essos." Lyonel informs him.
Viserys sighs deeply, troubled by the news.
[Months ago]
"Why did you recall the invasion of Dorne?" Daemon demanded, his voice thick with frustration.
"It was too taxing for the realm, and the traitors were crushed," Viserys answered in a neutral tone, trying to stay calm.
"I thought you changed, but you're still a weak king, Viserys... And it looks like your eldest son and his twin sister didn't inherit much from you," Daemon retorted sharply.
Viserys's anger flared at the insult. "I AM YOUR BLOODY KING! You will not speak to me like this," he yelled, his voice breaking the tension in the room. "You've done nothing but cause trouble. I thought you had changed, but you're the same. Get out of my sight!"
Daemon, enraged, stormed out of the chambers and flew to Driftmark with Laena, leaving Viserys alone in his fury.