I go to school and make sure to put my journal in my bag so i don't miss a thing in my journal so i can be always updated and when i headed to my school and go to the hallway.I encounter 3 people who are journalist and has a group and
I ask them
Hi guys can i join your group im a new journalist.
They said
Alright what is written on the first page they said
I said
Lets talk this somewhere private cause i dont wanna let everyone hear this cause my journalist is orivate to the people i only trust
So we headed to the boys bathroom and said about the journal they were in shock when i said it.They said
Woah aight will not tell anybody so i'll see ya in class now buddy so they left and i headed to my first class
And i was kinda scared cause im dont know geography cause im at it i don't even know the capital of the U.S.A like i said in my mind
Im dead here like geography is not my thing so when the class started
The teacher was nice when it got to the quiz and the proffesor said what is the capital of the philippines
I raised my hand caude that's the only one i know i said manila
The teacher said
Nice job you get 3 points
Chapter 2 done