[ Current Total Points: 50,000 Points ]
Jianyu kept an eye on Zhenfeng the entire way back.
Not in an obvious way—Zhenfeng would've definitely noticed if he was being too obvious—but subtly, stealing glances whenever he thought Zhenfeng wasn't looking. Watching the way his steps never faltered, the way his breathing stayed even, the way he moved like there was nothing wrong with him.
If Jianyu hadn't just forced that confession out of him, he never would've guessed Zhenfeng was sick at all.
It pissed him off.
Not at Zhenfeng, exactly. More at the situation itself. At the fact that Zhenfeng had been dealing with this alone for years and never said a damn word about it.
Jianyu's fingers twitched at his sides. He wanted answers. Wanted them now.
But this wasn't something Zhenfeng would just hand over. He had already given Jianyu more than he probably meant to tonight. If Jianyu pushed too hard, Zhenfeng would just shut down completely.