Year 20XX XX XX
A devastating catastrophic event descended upon Earth. Space rifts erupted across the planet, opening portals from which numerous races emerged—each with one goal: the annihilation of humanity.
Carnage. That was the only word to describe the chaos that followed. These invaders rampaged without mercy, destroying everything in their path. From humble huts to towering skyscrapers, nothing was spared. Parks and forests burned, leaving a trail of ash and ruin. No one was safe—weak children and the strongest adults alike fell to the relentless onslaught. In mere weeks, billions perished.
But even amid despair, humanity found a glimmer of hope. A mysterious, game-like panel appeared before every human. Those with strong minds seized the opportunity, quickly adapting and unlocking newfound powers and abilities to fight back. Meanwhile, the weak-hearted either fled, hid, or succumbed to fear, unable to comprehend the changes.
Two years passed, and humanity clawed back a foothold against the invading races. Under the leadership of the strongest survivors, they built a fortified base and rallied their forces. Yet the invaders were relentless. Declaring full-scale war, they unleashed their full might, leading to catastrophic losses on both sides.
Months of ceaseless battles pushed humanity to the brink of extinction. The final bastion of human resistance crumbled as hope flickered out. But just as despair began to swallow them whole, salvation arrived from an unexpected source.
A race long thought to exist only in fantasy—elves. With their golden hair, pointed ears, and ethereal beauty, they descended upon the battlefield. Using advanced magic and technology, the elves rescued the remnants of humanity. Through an extraordinary process, they transported humanity to a newly discovered planet: Blood Violet.
This world, twice the size of Earth, was as dangerous as it was vast. Teeming with mysterious creatures, savage beasts, and uncharted territories, it offered little comfort to the battered remnants of humanity. Its defining feature was its vast, violet-colored sea that inspired the planet's name.
Year 20XX XX XX
Fifteen years later, humanity had found its footing on Blood Violet. Cities rose from the untamed wilderness, and the remnants of Earth's survivors worked tirelessly to adapt. Schools and organizations emerged, training the next generation of warriors and scholars to face the challenges ahead. Humanity's dream was no longer just survival—it was reclaiming Earth from the invaders who had stolen it.
As humanity's exploration of Blood Violet continued, its youths stood ready to inherit the fight. Among them was a boy destined to wield a power unlike any other. A boy whose story would shape the fate of two worlds.
The stage was set. The battle for survival was far from over.