Slowly, the two walked through the huge steel doors and into the extremely large all white room with different types of technology infused in the walls - some recognizable and some unrecognizable to Kana.
"Yoooo Arimaaaa, Howwwsss it goinggggg." A man with a haircut resembling an overgrown, upside down onion immediately came walking to greet Arima. At his side was a slightly plump lady, with dimples and a nice smile.
This was Dr. Kouitsu Chigyou: the head of the CCG's Ghoul research in the Laboratory Division. And the woman beside him was Cheiko, an intelligent scientist who Chigyou just likes to keep close by.
'She looks like the nice auntie who gives people year-old candy in those sitcom television shows.'
Arima, just giving a grunt of acknowledgement to Dr. Chigyou's greeting, sidesteps so that he wasn't partially blocking Kana from their view.
"Who's this cutie?" Cheiko asks while reaching into her coat pockets for something. (Probably stale candy.)
"I'm Kana, and I'm a CCG Investifgator!" Kana sounded as if she was 6 year old girl with a slight lisp.
"Isssnnn'ttt thaatt cutteee." Chigyou said patting her head. At this behavior Arima gave a subtle glance without saying anything. 'She catches on quick, must've read my mind before we got here. Note to self: wear anti-telepathic head gear.'
"Soooo whyyyy areeee youuuu herrreeee Arrrimmmaa?"
"I would like to use the battle room, and since she's a daughter of a friend of mine, I decided I wanted to show her some moves to impress her." He said this with the same stoic expression plastered on his face as usual.
"That's such a nice thing to do little Arima. It's good to see you're still the same good little boy as always. You know this job can really take a toll on you, so you need something to keep you nice and jolly, like a happy place. You know, my happy place happens to be this noodle shop that -"
Sensing that she could keep talking for hours he gave her a wave goodbye and expeditiously started walking towards the battle room. Kana gave a smile and wave goodbye to the both of them and quickly caught up with Arima.
On their way to the room, they passed hundreds of quinque steel that were organized into lines. Different machines were processing them into various different weapons.
"Am I going to get a CCG-issued weapon?" Kana said, dropping the cute little girl voice replacing it with her normal more silvery one.
"Do you need one?"
"No, but it would be more fun and entertaining with one."
Arima turned his head slightly to give her a scornful look. "We do not do this job for amusement. We do this so that there can be balance in this God-forsaken World."
Kana became irked at the implications of her not taking this seriously. "Trust me, I know why normal people do this, and we both know why I'm doing this"
"But I do not know why you do this. What's the reason for you being a member of the CCG Mr. Arim-a" Kana purposely made her voice more provocative to see if she could get a rise out of Arima, and it worked.
Bloodlust became emanating from his body, practically oozing out of him. Kana immediately jumped back a few feet, sweat trickling down her back and goosebumps appearing all over her skin.
His voice became penetrating, affecting Kana at her very core.
"Kana, you may be a child and not even a ghoul, but if you invade the privacy of my mind one more time, I will not hesitate to end your life is that clear?" The pressure in the vicinity immediately dispersed and Arima continued his stride down the path.
"Y-yes, it's perfectly clear." Kana's voice was tremulous, her whole body shaking. But this wasn't due to fear or nervousness, it was due to pure bliss and excitement. This was the first time in a long while where her body has every reacted on its own in that manner.
Her face became a blushed twisted smile that would send chills down any grown man.
'Arima, when all of this is over, you better keep your promise to me, because right now I can hardly contain myself from killing you!'
Kana's body movements became reminiscent of a certain pink-haired clown who has a special 'gum'.
Inside a medium-sized room with one-sided windows giving people inside a view of the outside scenery. On the floor was a black mat that stretched across the entire room that Arima and Kana were standing on opposite sides of in training gear.
Arima began talking while stretching out his muscles, "This will be a hand-to-hand combat sparring session that will last for approximately 15 minutes each with 5 minute rest intervals between a victory. We will fight for 4 rounds; I suggest you stretch so that you can have more fluid movements."
Kana ignored his end remark and began to get into her combat stance that Yomo taught her.
'She's trained. I might have to not hold back.'
Seeing that Kana was ready, Arima stopped stretching and stood up straight with one arm on his back and one out in front of him with 4 fingers held up.
Kana lunged straight towards him jumping straight into the air going for a spinning heel kick straight to his jaw. Arima sidestepped leisurely, grabbed her ankle, and yanked her out of the air slamming her into the mattress.
"OW" Kana writhed with pain for only a moment and then quickly got back up.
This time she decided she should use her best attribute, which was undoubtedly her agility. Kana began running from side-to-side jumping in between trying to throw Arima off. But he just non-chalantly stood there closely inspecting her every move.
Kana then leapt into the air again, but this time when she got into Arima's vicinity - she changed directions and and ran around him. This kept going on for some time, until she accumulated enough speed for her to appear as a blur and finally gather enough momentum to jump onto and bounce off of the walls.
Her figure became even more invisible to the naked eye as after-images started to appear on every side of the room.
Finally, she lunged from behind Arima, a a fist forming in her hand.
Arima quickly turned around and swatted at the figure, only for his hand to go through it.
'An after-image'
Right as his arm began to come back to his side Kana's foot came crashing down from the ceiling right about to strike at his head. When it was about to make contact, Arima's figure also blurred and a fist made contact with descending cheek.
Kana's body went crashing into the wall, leaving a Kana-shaped hole in it.
"How did you do that?" She mustered with all of her strength to ask.
"All I did was simply evade your attack and send one right back at you. Now defend, we're not finished yet." His body disappeared.
As Kana looked around the room for any traces of him a kick was delved deep into her stomach causing her to cough out blood.
Arima then began raining punch after kick on Kana's body until she finally gave out and lost consciousness. Her was bruised and bleeding and her stomach and chest had all types of dents.
Arima kicked her body over face-forward and saw an interesting site. Her body was actively healing her and her physical appearance was visibly getting better in a matter of seconds.
'So she also has a ghoul's regeneration. And by the speed of it it's kakuja level.'
When Kana awoke she saw Arima standing over her a foot raised above her head.
"You better guard against this, or you won't have a head to regenerate."
All she could do was lament her fate of getting stuck with this brutal sadistic demon with glasses.
"Oh Fuck"