Chereads / I'll Stick With Easy Quests, Thanks / Chapter 20 - Confrontation

Chapter 20 - Confrontation

"Morning time! Everyone wake up!"

My eyes jolt open as a yell echoes through the dimly lit barracks. One of the guards had woken everyone up in preparation for the new day.

"Alright, those of you scheduled to help watch today, go to the gate for your shift! The rest of you, enjoy the day off until later tonight!"

Listening to his orders, many of the Adventurers and guards rose up from their beds, putting on their equipment with caution, careful to make sure everything was properly equipped.

They all must be on edge after the sudden appearance of monsters last night. Apparently there were Goblins that were watching in the woods. More strategies instead of their typical reckless behavior. It seems they will be attacking soon after all.

I rub my head as I think, feeling another headache come on, a side effect of Adventuring that was becoming more and more common.

Maybe I should scale back on Adventuring once I've trained up Blake and Lillia?

Blake and Lillia both sit up in the beds where they had slept, rubbing the sleep from their eyes.

"What are we... going to do today?" Lillia asks, yawning as she speaks.

"We are going to rest today. We need to be ready for our second watch later tonight," I answer. "All our equipment should be fine considering we didn't use it yesterday, so we have nothing that needs to get done today."

"So what, we just wait in here all day?" Blake asks.

"You both are your own people. If you want to stay in here, you are free to do so. If not, go out there and enjoy the day as you see fit, just know that there is the quest tonight to take care of."

Blake sighed, aware that I had point, as much as he didn't want to admit it.

"I'll stay here, sleep in for a bit," Lillia said, pulling the blanket back over herself as she laid back down.

"I'll go train outside for a bit before coming back in," Blake answered after briefly considering his options.

"Of course, do what you will."

Blake nods, standing up from his bed and going out the door. As he walks out, I can't help but sigh.

I don't want to stay here either if I can help it. Maybe I should check out the festival for a bit?

I pick myself up and out of the bed, leaving the barracks and stepping outside. What greets my eyes are large crowds of people in the street, crowds that grow denser and denser the closer they move towards the center and away from the southern gate.

At the gate, the Adventurers and guards who had been watching the previous night were swapping out with those assigned to watch during the day. A certain Adventurer who had made a poor impression on me was also swapping out, heading directly my way after having seen me.

Oh boy, here we go.

"Lionell! Did you sleep good last night?"

"Well enough."

"That's great! Say, would you care to keep me company for a bit? Check out the festival and all?"

"You don't want to go and sleep in the barracks with the party?"

"The barracks? Haha, your funny!" Chris laughs, wiping at his eyes.

I only stare at him, dead pan.

"Oh, you weren't joking?"

"Why would I?"

"I mean, we bought a room at the inn. It's nicer to look at and more comfortable. You didn't?" he asks, a confused look on his face.

"Why would I? Cheaper to stay in the barracks, builds character."

"Who needs character when you're a hero?"

"My group members."

"You're party is here!?" Chris asks, his eyes widening with excitement. "Where are they, I would love to meet them-"

"My new group members, not my old ones."

The excitement on his face noticeably tapers off into disappointment.

"Oh. Yeah, of course. That party disbanded a few years ago..."

"Yeah, they did. Now, if you'll excuse me-"

"Woah woah, why leave so soon? What about exploring the festival with me for a bit? Maybe introduce me to your new group members?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Why?" he asks, the excitement leaving his face as a noticeable annoyance makes an appearance.

"Because I don't like you. I made that clear last night."

"And why not? I'm a hero, just like you!"

"No, you're a fool of an Adventurer who mistakes fame for heroism! You take the job lightly, and that will get you killed if you keep it up!"

"No it won't! We know what we're doing, and the work is easy! People love us!"

"I don't care what people think! It won't save your life in a battle!"

"We won't die like your paty member Gizelle did you geezer, or like any other party!" Chris shouts.

The crowds around me grow quiet. Their mouths still move, but their voices can't quite seem to reach my ears. Everything around me seems to fade from my view, leaving only the arrogant, self-entitled, know-it-all Adventurer who doesn't seem to know when to stop talking.

I didn't notice my fists balling up, or my arm shoot forwards in a straight punch. I didn't feel it connect with crushing thud, nor did I hear the impact. I didn't hear his scream of pain as he flew back despite being in full armor, nor did I hear him crash to the ground. I only watched it happen, a mere spectator in my own body.

"What the hell- OOF!"

My body walks forward before he even lands, moving right up to him. Before he can even finish his sentence, my left hand grabs his collar while my right solidly connects with his chin once more. Then his nose, once, twice, three times. Blood spurts out, staining my hand crimson red as it connects over and over.

I don't see the guards rush towards me, nor do I feel them when they rip me off of Chris, his face a stream of red. He's scared, flinching back at the sight of me as I'm pulled away. I don't fight the guards, I know it would be wrong to, so I back up as they pull my arms behind my back. I patiently wait as a rope ties my wrists together.

I guess I'm going to be staying in one of the cells for a while.

My thoughts are rather calm and logical, something that always feels odd, especially after doing something stupid like beating up a fellow Adventurer in broad daylight.

I hope Blake and Lillia will do fine without me for a bit-


A shout from the very man I had struck rings in my ears, pulling me out of my head and back into reality. The voices of the crowds return, though they are hushed after the scene I had just made.

Stop? What does he mean stop?

"What do you mean?" one of the guards asked, the same one who had tied my wrists behind my back.

"It's fine, no big deal, just let him go!" Christopher yelled, spitting his own blood out of his mouth as it seeped in from his nose.

"But sir, he just attacked you!"

"I don't care! Just let the bastard go, it doesn't matter!"

His eyes jittered back and forth, and his hands shook in front of his face as he clutched his nose.

Is he admitting he was wrong? Trying to say we're even? He might be a bigger fool than I am.

I hold my tongue regardless of my feelings. If he plans to let me go, I will do just that.

The guards stand there awkwardly, unsure of how exactly they should proceed.

"I said to let him go!"

This spurs one of the guards to action, who begins to pull at the rope binding my wrists free. As he does, he makes sure to give me a piece of his mind.

"I don't know what caused this, but if I see you throw one more punch, you are going on the cell for a month, and you will be fined heavily. You would also risk losing your license as an Adventurer. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand," I answer while nodding.

The guard only sighs.

"Good, get out of my sight then."

I turn to do just that, heading back for the barracks. My interest in the festival has long disappeared.

"Lionell!" Chris calls out to me just before I go through the door.

I stop, but I don't turn around.

"Be seeing you."


I move inside, leaving the scene behind me. I ignore everyone as I move, making my way to the bed I had slept in during the night, my blood boiling despite my best efforts to keep it cool.

One word and I might go off again. I should just lay down.

With that thought, I lay back down in the bed, staying willfully unaware of everyone around me as I pull the covers over myself, desperate to forget everything, but the mind has a habit of being difficult.
