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I'll Stick With Easy Quests, Thanks

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A man just slightly past his prime, Lionell is an honest, hardworking adventurer looking to lead a simple life. Though things have a habit of complicating themselves, he does his best to stay prepared and vigilant, and he never does anything outside of his capabilities. Maybe that's why he sticks with the easy quests, and the easy quests only.

Chapter 1 - Another Beginning

Spring, the season of beginnings.

New faces keep appearing in the small village of Klumix, a yearly happening that always manages to surprise me considering how little happens here. For eleven months out of the year, nothing noteworthy takes place, but for the first month of Spring, something very special happens, something that draws in every aspiring individual from across the local lands of Gallisho.

The Adventurers Guild, the only one in Gallisho, opens its doors to those same aspiring individuals, allowing them to take their shot at fame and become an Adventurer.

"This year seems particularly busy," Rosalie, one of the few employees that manage the building, says to me with a sigh. There are small bags under her hazel eyes, a rare sight to see.

"Yeah, there is a much bigger turnout than with previous years. Considering the official decrees that keep coming out promising adventurers all these ridiculous rewards, it's no surprise," I reply, just as displeased as she is.

She leans on the counter where she stands, the opposte side from me, her hands placed gently beneath her chin to hold her head up. Her brown hair flows lazily down, draping over her arms as she mentally prepares for the doors to be opened to the growing crowd outside.

"Its ridiculous! If they want to keep promising greater and greater rewards to the Adventurers, fine, but at least provide more personnel to handle the flood of new adventurers! Better yet, another Guild building! Having only one in Gallisho even with the amount of growth it has been seeing is crazy!" she yells, her frustration echoing inside the small building.

"I agree, it is ridiculous..." I pause.

"... But?" Rosalie asks, easily catching onto the fact I have more to say.

"But... it's not because of the lack of Guild personnel or buildings."

"Oh? Then what bothers you about it?" She asks, her eyes turning away from the door and towards me.

"All of these young people, children really," I sigh, "all of them, more than anything, seek riches and fame, but they have no clue what that will cost them in return. Most, if not all of them are blind to the dangers of this work," I answer, and Rosalie is quick to nod.

"You're right, but it's their choice," she replies.

"Speaking of choices," my head turned, greeting the new arrival behind the counter with a nod, "how much longer are you planning to keep those doors closed? It's about time we opened up."

"I was waiting for the other two, but it looks like they may be held up," Roslie quickly responded, standing up straight.

"What a shame, we could really use them... Oh well, I'll help sort through them, go ahead and open the doors."

"Yes, Mr. Icrium."

Wasting no time despite how much she wanted to, Rosalie made her way to the door, fiddling with the lock while Mr. Icrium placed a stool behind the counter for him to stand on.

He is a short man, barely standing above my waist, but that never stops him. A balding man well past his prime, Mr. Icrium is the manager of this particular Guild building. Pushing his circular-rimmed glasses up, he began tracing a paper, quickly reading it before the door opened. As his finger finally lifted off the page, the floodgates opened.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the Gallisho branch of the Adventurers Guild. If you are new and looking to sign up, please form an orderly line at the front desk," Rosalie said, using her arms to direct the crowd. "If you are a returning member, the board is where it was last time, just off to the left."

With that, the lobby quickly began filling up as Rosalie made her way back behind the counter once more.

Well, I guess I better start getting ready for my quest.

Stepping off to the side and out of the way of the crowd, I give myself a once over, checking all of my equipment.

First is my armor. Nothing fancy, just a light metal plate over my chest, leather covering my arms and legs, and sturdy boots for my feet. Everything is firmly strapped on, but not too strong that it compromises movement.

Next is my equipment. A simple shortsword sits on the left side of my waist. I partially pull it from its sheath, and it looks clean and sharp. A dagger hides just behind the sword, also clean and sharp. On the right side of my waist is a small pouch containing a small assortment of even smaller potions. Three are for healing, light red in color, and the other three for stamina, light green.

Finally, there is my overall condition. Nothing is sore or aching, no cuts or bruises, and though I'm not too thrilled, I am well rested and ready for the day.

Aside from a less-than-ideal mood, I'm in perfect condition for the quest today.

Now all that's left to do is scope out the location.

As I make my way towards the door, pushing past the crowd, I quickly call out to Rosalie.

"I'm going to inspect the grounds, send them my way when you're ready!"

"Of course!" She yelled back.

All that was left was pushing through the door-

"Huh? Did you just bump me?" said a boy with blazing red hair. Without warning, he was suddenly in my face, almost spitting the words at me as he yelled.

"What, cat got your tongue punk?" he spat once more, this time shoving my shoulder.

The lively chatter was hushed to a whisper in an instant, all eyes turned towards me and the hot-blooded boy in front of me.

"Calm down there kid," I said, my hands raised in front of me.

"Kid!? I look like a kid to you!?" the boy snapped.

Yeah, and you sound like one too.

He couldn't be much older than sixteen, if even that. Even if that is the minimum age for someone to sign up as an adventurer, it doesn't change the fact that he's still just a boy.

"No need to get worked up now-"

"Shut it old man! Why should I listen to you?" he shouted back, his fists balling up and ready for a fight.

"Don't think I'll back down over a silly threat like that," I say, glancing down at his fists.


Without even thinking, he had one hand on the collar of my shirt just beneath my metal plate while the other was balled up tight, wound back and ready to fly at my face within the next instant.

Even with a punch being just a mere moment away, I stared him down unflinching.

"Sir!" Rosalie shouted, butting into the boys little show of force. "We are reserved the right to decline the application of any adventurer for any reason at all! If you do not calm down, you will leave a normal citizen."

The boys fist violently shook in the air as he glared at me. One little push is all it would take to have him throw a punch. If I so much as smirked, he would fight me regardless of what Rosalie said, so I held my tongue and relaxed my face.

A moment of silence passed before the boy turned his head away, letting go of my collar.

"Tch. Get out if here geezer."

"Sure, good luck with your application."

No need to push any buttons. Why cause a fight when he already backed down. I carry on out of the door, passing the crowd.

Still, that temper would be a problem. Can't trust someone on a quest if they live as taut as a bow string.

"Well, maybe he's just nervous and on edge. Still, I'll know which it is soon enough."

Passing the corner of the Guild building, I continue out behind it where a circular dirt field just slightly larger than the building sits. A couple of weapons lay scattered across the field, left out by some unruly trainers. Against the back of the building is a small shed filled with training items like swords, spears, axes and shields. Next to the shed, underneath a small awning is a couple of training dummies, all worn with consistent use.

Let's see then, first the weapons on the field.

Taking time to prepare, I quickly gather up the weapons from the field and place them neatly in the shed where they belong.

Next, the training dummies.

I don't know if I'll even use them today, but, well, just in case.

Moving next to the shed, I drag out each of the dummies, one at a time, three in total, and place them on the side of the field. Each one looks ready to endure more attacks by inexperienced adventurers, but they don't seem to have too much left in them.

When will Mr. Icrium get them replaced? Surely they should have enough money to order them. Then again, he'd rather sharpen a broken sword into a dagger than buy a new one entirely. I should talk to him about it again.

As my thoughts quietly linger on the dummies, the sound of many footsteps begin to round the Guild building.

I guess it's now time. That went faster than I thought it would.

Stepping into the center of the field and standing up straight, I turn to face the incoming group of novice adventurers.