In the depths of the Nine Hells, where chaos and suffering formed the very pillars of existence, a young tiefling named Nilsha was born. Her birthplace was the First Circle, Avernus, and she belonged to a prestigious and feared lineage: the servants of Asmodeus. Her parents, figures of both respect and dread, held an influential position as elite retainers, navigating the treacherous interplay between the First and Second Circles of Hell. But for Nilsha, the grandeur of her family name was both a shield and a burden.
From the moment she could walk, Nilsha was raised under the unforgiving standards of her clan. Her beauty was a weapon, her intelligence a tool, and her magic a gift to be perfected. She was relentlessly trained—diplomacy to outwit even the most cunning devils, stealth to conceal her intentions, and summoning to master infernal forces. Yet despite the apparent wealth of her life, Nilsha often felt trapped in a web of obligations. Her gaze would often drift beyond the fiery horizons of Avernus, toward a light she could only imagine but had never seen.
One night, as a restless teenager, she slipped away from her family's manor. The scorching heat of the infernal landscape surrounded her as she walked across an endless field of ash. The screams of the damned provided a backdrop to her world, a melody she had long grown used to, but this time, she ignored them. Her thoughts were elsewhere, on worlds she had never seen. Fixing her eyes on the glowing crimson sky, a question escaped her lips:
"Is this all there is?"
A whisper answered from behind her. A shadow materialized—a minor devil she had unintentionally summoned. The creature sneered at her, but even in her doubt, Nilsha was never defenseless. She raised her hand, and flames leapt from her fingers, scattering the entity in a burst of embers. The brief moment reminded her that she was more than just a child of Avernus. She was a force in her own right.
In the years that followed, Nilsha ascended quickly through the ranks of infernal diplomacy. She became a familiar face in the intrigues of the Second Circle, negotiating pacts and collecting secrets on behalf of her family. Her sharp mind and hypnotic beauty made her a formidable opponent in a world where every word could seal an eternal damnation. But she was not content with her official role. In secret, she operated as a mercenary and assassin for various infernal lords. These clandestine missions gave her a rush she couldn't find in Avernus's gilded halls. Each artifact retrieved, each rival eliminated, strengthened her belief that she deserved more than the gilded cage in which she lived.
But playing a double game was not without risk. Zariel, the archdevil ruling over Avernus, began to hear whispers about a bold tiefling juggling allegiances. Suspicions fell upon her parents, who were summoned to answer for their actions. Accused of treachery, they were condemned to an eternity of servitude in the infernal pits. Nilsha, meanwhile, became a fugitive.
The night her world collapsed, she fled to her father's secret chamber. At its center stood a forbidden artifact: a portal of flesh, oozing dark, ancient energy. Her mother found her there, clutching a necklace adorned with a brilliant ruby. Her eyes, filled with a pain she had never shown before, locked onto her daughter.
"This will protect you," she said, placing the chain around Nilsha's neck. "But remember, my child: trust no one."
Before Zariel's hunters could arrive, Nilsha activated the portal and vanished, carrying with her the last hopes of her family.
When she emerged into the Material Plane, the fresh air embraced her like a gentle caress. She had never felt such peace, but the respite was fleeting. Her infernal traces had drawn attention, and soon, bounty hunters were on her trail. The first years of her exile were a constant struggle for survival. Each night was a battle, every encounter a test. Yet she adapted quickly, using her cunning and magic to outmaneuver her pursuers.
One day, while being hunted in a secluded valley, she discovered a dense, enigmatic forest—the Forest of the Lost. Local villagers spoke of the place with fear, describing it as a labyrinth where magic itself seemed alive. But to Nilsha, it was a sanctuary. She delved into its depths, prepared to face the dangers within rather than confront her enemies on open ground.
Within the forest, she encountered a group of individuals as broken as she was. The clan of exiles, led by Nymira, a half-elf with a piercing gaze, cautiously welcomed her. Nilsha had to prove her worth, demonstrating her magical skills and her knack for negotiation. Over time, she forged bonds with the clan's members, though she always kept a part of herself shrouded in mystery. Distrust, after all, was a lesson she had learned early.
It was in this sanctuary that she met Zas. Their first interaction was fraught with mutual wariness, but something in their shared gazes made them pause. Two fractured souls, each seeking a place to belong. They came to know one another through late-night conversations and collaborative efforts within the clan. Their friendship, fragile at first, grew stronger as they shared their stories and dreams.
In time, their bond deepened into something more profound. Two exiles, united by their scars and resilience, found in one another an unlikely partnership. Together, they began to dream of a future where their differences would no longer be burdens, but strengths. That dream, fragile though it was, would soon mark the beginning of a new chapter—not only for them but for all who crossed their path.