It all started that morning daylight savings time had not ended yet, so it was dark outside and I was walking to my bus stop by myself and suddenly I heard growling. It was too dark to see anything, so when the pit bull was running at me I couldn't see it. When it grabbed my leg, adrenaline started running through my body, so I hit it with my backpack over and over again. There were four cars and a bus that passed me while this was happening and no one stopped to help. I don't know if it was because they didn't see me or because they just didn't care. Well, after that I was still hitting it with my backpack. Finally the pit bull ran off but I had no cellphone service so I went to my bus stop and after the adrenaline wore off I was crying because it felt like my leg was broken in half. So, I got on the bus and I told my friends what happened. I also toldĀ them why I didn't go home because I got attacked by the pit bull and my leg was hurting too bad to walk up the hill. When we were pulling up to the school, ironically the song I am proud to be an American started playing. We all started laughing because of the timing. When I was making my way inside the building from where the buses are in the morning, Mr. Reynolds asked if I needed help. I said "no, thank you though" and headed towards the front office, they were all asking me what happened. I explained it to them then they told the nurse wouldn't be there for another hour so I had to wait for her to get there. We called my mom and stepdad while I was waiting on the nurse and my leg was hurting. I hadn't eaten anything yet and I just wanted to go home and eat. I was still there, then finally the nurse got there and she put a bandage on my leg, then my stepdad picked me up and took me to the hospital. Then there I was sitting in the hospital for almost two hours waiting in the doctor, then he finally showed up. I had to get a rabies shot just in case. They held the wound together while he stitched it up. My leg was still hurting me. It left a big scar where the wound is. It has been a year since then and there is still a big scar. It has healed a lot since that happened. My absences were excused by the principal that day. I also had to talk to animal control that day to show them a picture of the dog that attacked me. The nurse had asked me if I had talked to the police about it yet I told her after I went to the hospital that we are going to talk to animal control. She told me that she hoped I felt better and said it was a shame they let that dog hurt people like that.