Chereads / Shades: Code black / Chapter 15 - The towering chair

Chapter 15 - The towering chair

The boy is currently in a room, he'd been brought here not long after the women from yesterday had left.

He still had questions but for now he was content knowing that he wasn't going to die.

In the meantime he tried his best to make his tiny brick room as comfortable as possible.

At a point he eventually went to sleep.

" May we begin his test" asked a woman looking at the boy from another room, the monitoring room. "

" Of course. He seems to be in perfect peace "

Another older woman replied her.

Several people in all black, special, hazard suits came into the boy's room.

A few started to place wires around his body, others started to prepare equipment for some sort of purpose. Not long after they seemed to be ready.

" Start small"

They had received their objectives and that was exactly what they did. Turning a valve they released incredible amounts of gas into the room. The boy was injected with several different fluids each of which responsible for one aspect of his test.

That night the boy didn't have the same dream as before.

Unlike before, he felt his heart racing as if he was afraid. For an unknown reason he was aware of the dream. He could influence it but only what happened to himself it seemed because he couldn't get anything else to do what he wanted.

Confused, he starts to wonder through the thick fog unsure what else to do.

' weird. Really weird. At least it's not the other annoying dream. Somehow this dream feels real.' slowly the fog started clearing. In front of him there was nothing, absolutely nothing.

Initially confused about what was happening, the boy Started to believe he understood what was happening.

' I'm hallucinating '

The room he was in was made of different materials. He felt attracted to the centre. There sat a really high seated chair. It seemed like a throne of sorts.

He started climbing it trying to get to the top. Hypnotized completely by the allure of the top. He climbed slowly, the frame of the chair seemed to be made of glass, really sharp black glass.

The pain was real also to him and a puddle of blood was forming beneath the towering chair.

He could no longer continue. Seeking a means to come down safely he realised he was incredibly high above the ground. If he slipped from here he'd break lots of bones.

' I'd probably get hurt if I jumped '

After some thought he decided to keep climbing the tower. His hands were being shredded but to him it was better than dying.

He continued climbing and stopped every once in a while. Currently resting he looks down again but now there's something odd, beneath him the fog is returning and with it, movement.

' I know this is supposed to be a dream but for some reason I know I don't want to get caught by whatever is in there'

Trying to move faster, he climbs with a new motivation, ' I'm not dying anytime soon '

The fog was getting closer but whatever was within wasn't interested in waiting. It launched it self at the the tower. Then another followed behind. Both looked humanoid but they were hunched over. On closer inspection he noticed they didn't have faces and their whole head was one large mouth. Worse still it was filled with razor teeth.

' yh that's not right. I should move faster.' looking behind he noticed they were gaining on him. Since the moment he had stopped the first time, he hadn't looked at the chair but now trying to take in the situation he looked at his goal once more and in that moment.' what the f* ck!! ' it seemed that he hadn't made any progress at all. Now unsure of what to do he stops moving. Looking down into the fog, it had already reached the base of the tower. There was still movement within but for some reason they never came out.

' it's either their not interested in me or they're afraid of these two ' just then he looks beneath him, the first one was getting closer,' in a few moments it would be able to reach me.'

Without much choice left he looked down and swallowed.

' if they're truly afraid of these two then they most be significantly weaker. But jumping isn't even an option so I have to figure something else out.' looking up again he noticed something.

Without care at all he started jumping. Hopping really from one grip to another. He was risking his life but he didn't care. He was going to survive.

Moving faster his hands were being destroyed completely.

' yes it works '

While he was contemplating going down the tower had noticed that the chair had gotten farther away. Based of that logic he made a quick decision.

' the only way to escape was to believe that you could. Doubt would only reduce your chances '

He was getting closer and closer and then finally his hand touched the top of the chair. He was relieved too soon. The creatures lunged at him. The first one barely missing. The second one was more well balanced and was better positioned.

" Argh!! " He screamed out loud. Looking down he saw that his foot was caught in the jaws of the creature.

He didn't have time to whine. With serious determination he struggled to pull himself onto the chair.

" Shit!!! " His hands were too slippery and the top of the chair was incredibly smooth. They're was nothing he could grip onto.

Again he felt a tearing pain as his thigh was bitten into by the other creature. The first one was no longer just gripping his leg, it had begun chewing on it.

' f*ck!!! are they eating me alive?!!!!'

He was desperate now trying to get onto the chair. He couldn't figure out how he could get on it he was loosing his grip.

" Daaaaaaamnn!" His left leg was ripped off and one of the creatures fell with it.

He had gripping the rough exterior when it happened so his hand had clenched it. The glass was now penetrating his palm. He tried to bring the hand relief by exchanging it with the other hand that was on the smooth top.

' wait. I can feel it, well it's in my hand of course I can feel it' he dragged himself just a bit, his hand had scraped the top and embedded itself in the smooth top.

He closed his eyes and clenched his other hand getting it pierced by the jagged glass.

He struggled to embed the second hand in the top.

He was aware now that he was going to die but he'd be damned if he doesn't at least get on this chair.

With all the force he can muster he pulls. Right then he feels the jaw of the creature tense. His bones were giving in. Soon he'd loose his foot.

" Argh! I'm not going to quit"

With strength he didn't know he had he brought his torso above the chair.

" Just a little more"

In that moment he saw himself falling into the fog. For the first time in a long time he felt fear. The tower sensing his fear started growing.

' no no No! '

He pulled up. Finally on the chair he looked at the creature gripping his foot. With a level coldness that only a murderer should have, he dragged his leg on the rough exterior and thought once more of falling. The tower shuddered once and started growing. His leg was foot was eviscerated by the new glass stretching to carry the chair higher, along with the creature. The chair stopped moving and the boy finally rested completely on it.

' damn I'm supposed to be dead by the lose of blood alone. I hope after this I get a large breakfast ' he fainted