If one was to say that I have to work as a butler before I came to this world, I would have laughed my ass off at him, but now that I am actually doing this, it isn't that bad at all.
I mean, it really is difficult to believe... Who travel to another world to get a normal 9 to 5 job? And work there for an entire year no less...
I don't know anyone who did, and even if someone did, they either didn't make it public or never survive the trial.
Anyways, going back to topic, currently I am working as butler here, and it's not too much work that I am doing and also earning good... Quite good actually.
Especially because all I ddo here is cook some food which I love to do and take care of a beautiful lady, which I too love to do, thats why I kinda feel like working here is not that bad.
And during these 9 months I have worked here, I have came to realise the fact that I actually like Maya a bit, not as in love of course but as, she is a nice women to be around type of feeling.
I think I caught this feeling of attraction towards her maybe because I never had anyone who really appreciated me for who I am before her.
It kinda felt sweet whenever she praises me, or treats me my her own family, eat the food I made and talk to me about the dreams of being able to see the world from sky, which she had when she was young... it just make me like her a bit more than others in this place.
Just being with her alone makes me calm and a bit more happier... a weird feeling indeed but still a welcome one nevertheless.
I was not born naturally, and may lack many things a human is supposed to have, but I still do have a heart...
No matter how artificial that heart might be, but I think it too in the corner just wanted to be loved after all, and more than ever now especially since I have almost no control over my own emotions.
Yes, after the alcohol lost its effect, I have no other choice left except to feel and accept my own emotions, that I can no longer supress somewhere inside of me.
Why can't I do that anymore? Because if I tried to remove them or supress them, or send it to a split personality of mine which I used to do most of the time, then maybe I might lose the sense of self right then and there.
That's how I lost my ability to be able to remain calm and stoic no matter what kind of situation I am in and it become my weakness instead.
But it's alright, after all I was prepared for this to happen even before I came here, with chances of not getting a replacement for injections i use to take.
What suprised me was the fact that it lasted for this long because if I have to be honest, the injection I last take wasn't supposed to last more than a week.
Anyways, that was the story of past nine months and right now, I and Mira, we both are in a carriage, going to a very special occasion, not only for Oliver's family but for me as well.
'Those authors never lied, jiggle physics is after all a real thing,' I said, thanking the curropt nobles for such bad roads, atleast they curruption is being put to good use.
Whenever there is bump or anything like that, my eyes would quickly sneak peeks at her bouncing tits while trying to appear as stoic as ever.
The recoil on her tits must be something, I thought realising another fact that no matter the kind of childhood you go through, puberty always hits different.
With a big breath and a shake of my head, I removed all these nasty thoughts from my mind and started to focus on some important topic instead.
"We have reached, madam." The carriage driver said from outside as the carriage came to a sudden halt.
'So soon...' I thought disappointed over the fact that I can't enjoy the 'view' anymore... The outside one and then sighed, it seems I gotta face reality now huh.
"So this is... the academy?" I muttered to myself lightly, looking at the tall building with Warrior Academy board, it was the branch academy in Dragon Kingdom of the main one in Rose Kingdom, but still, a place I have wanted to arrive at for a long long time.
How long I have dreamed of coming here? Long enough that that I can feel goosebumps rising inside me by just standing here.
'One more step correct, and then, it will be Rose Kingdom instead...' I thought to myself and looked at the women beside me.
"I wonder where Oliver is?" Maya asked as she too stepped out of the carriage and I just strugged at her question... After all, we both arrived just now and they have been here for some time now.
He did say he will come to pick us tho but since he isn't here, it seems he again forgot about it... That guy has some serious memory problem, I have understood that fact after living with them for so long.
"Must be already with Mike, preparing for the tournament I guess?" I said as she nods with a sign, I can understood how she must be feeling, Oliver did say he will come to pick us up after all.
As for Mike? He is Maya's and Oliver's son, who is just around two years younger than me, that is 15 old.
Currently, we have arrived here because Mike is is going to to participate in what could be called the biggest Warrior Combat Tournament of the Rose Empire... If not the world.
Its going to happe in all of kingdoms and nations which are under Rose Empire and only the top 10 contestents, the best out of best from every Kingdom will get thier addmission secured in the Biggest Warrior Academy in Rose Empire.
Rest of the bunch will just have the settle with branch academies which are spread throughout the Empire and well, it's also pretty important to me as I really need for Mike to get in top 10 atleast so he could secure a place in that academy.
It doesn't matter what he ranks in the top 10, as long as he is the part of it, I will be the happiest person in the world, two world infact.
After all, it's already been 9 month and knowing that I may start to lose my memories and feelings to my doppelganger in less than 3 more months... It's not a good feeling for sure.
Anyways, I have tried my best to avoid trying to connect my mind with him and have relied on occasional memory we share without anyone intending it to, so that I pinpoint the exact location of my target.
Rose Empire Warrior Academy, Currently 1st year and soon to be second, Elite Class... In simple words, a genuine talented student of the biggest academy of the world.
To be honest, I would expect nothing less from myself except being a genius but never did I imagined myself being genius could hurt this much.
That guy has outdone himself, so much so that killing him normally is almost impossible, not only he is in the place which can be called most secured in the Rose Empire, but is also protected.
Which is a guess, because if I was one of the best talent in the empire, I would have some level of security atleast, as long as I'm in the academy.
'Sigh, let's not think about it all right now. Focus on present, which is wheather Mike can get in top 10 or all that time Oliver has spend on him past year has gone to waste.'
If he can't? I guess I just have to use some tactics to get close to someone who did get in top 10, though it can be tricky, it's not at all impossible solution.
But it will be so much better if just Mike get this spot...
"Well, let's go find them then..." Maya said and I nods... Let's go find them indeed.
[Name:- Evan
Age:- 17
Current Body Status:- Healthy
Mind Assimilation Level:- 25%
Talent:- Bronze
Deadline:- 2 years 3 months 17 days]
"So you guys understood your mission?" The tall figure wearing black robe said to other people kneeling in front of him while wearing the same dress as him, covering them from head to toe.
""Yes, Oh the Apostle!""
The group of around 10 people said as a smile appeared on the tall guy's face.
"Then leave... And destroy..." He said as the group stand up and bowed for one last time before leaving as the man named Doki watch them leave before taking out a mirror.
"The mission has begin," he said as faces covered in hood appeared in the mirror. There were a total of 6 people in the mirror, each on the same level as him.
"That's great, it will be a big blow on Rose Empire for sure." One of them said.
"Yea, killing them before they grow will give us an edge in long wrong." Another one said, from his voice it seemed that she was a women.
"Keep a look for someone with a strong or special body." One of them said as everyone's expression changed for a bit as they looked at him through thier mirrors.
"What happened?" One of them asked, already having a feeling as what could the answer.
"The Emperor is being curropted," he said as the silence decended before one of them finally broke it.
"What should we do?" Another one who seemed like a female asked as Doki just signed.
"What else could we do? We need a new Emperor who could inherit the power from the current Emperor, so that our Empire can stand strong..." He said as he looked at the person who broke this news to them, the strongest of them all, .
"We use 'thier' power, we give 'them' sacrifice to access it, we know these para-demons are just foot soldiers, so weak that even humans can win, and that why we can't let 'them' arrive in our world, for if the curruption is successful, there will be no life in our world, and we will do anything to stop this invasion, even use 'thier' own power against 'them'..."