Chereads / The Sinner's Tale: Sins of the Anti-hero / Chapter 2 - ch 2 "Just shut the Fuck up"

Chapter 2 - ch 2 "Just shut the Fuck up"

It felt like a dream, a long long dream... almost a never ending one, and in that everlasting dream, I saw her.

She was gorgeous to say the least, with long blue hairs which fall down from her head to waist like a waterfall, and equally stunning blue eyes, which felt like planet Kipler, a planet entirely made up of oceans.

Just two orbs of blue they were, her face was blurry for me though, something I couldn't see clearly, but I was still able to see her smile ever so lightly and it was beautiful.

'Is that Max?' I asked myself, as I find myself somewhere else, looking at a person who appeared to be max but a little more older.

Not only that, but that guy even had a knife passed through his neck, it felt terrifying to say the least as I tried to walk towards him but there, someone else appeared.

It was a man, stroking the head of a girl in a princess dress with a weird stick on her hand, but the weird part was that the man looked familiar, far too familiar infact.

As I tried walking towards them to get a better look, things suddenly blurred out before a flash of light appeared before everything disappeared.

"You up, it seems you had a bad dream," the doctor said as he started packing his equipments as he prepared to leave.

"Maybe, I don't remember the dream now tho," I said, rubbing my head, feeling that I saw a disturbing sight in the dream which I now can't remember at all no matter how much I tried.

"Well, it's common to happen, don't think much about it, especially when you have something much more grander to do," the doctor whose name was Robert said as I nods.

How I know the name? It's common for doctors to have a batch with their name, isn't it? I just read it from there.

"I should get going too," I said to myself after the doctor left after performing the surgery, making me feel some itchiness in my right eye but it felt just fine when I thought of it's benefits.

Through I was tempted to use it right now as it's said to be the peak of mankind's science, I did not do that as it's only charged for 5 years.

Even though 5 whole years might sound long enough to use it here, you have to keep in mind the fact that some Multiversal Travel can even take up decades in another universe.

Meanwhile, only 10 minutes will pass here no matter how long it took you out there so it's better to use it sparingly and save every second of it.

Looking beside me, I saw my clothes there, lying neatly folded, just like I left them there as I then started dressing up, wearing the black military uniform and some accessories here and there.

'Honestly, what's are they even good for? I mean, they will be turned to atoms the moment we arrive in another universe.' I thought, knowing that my clothes gonna suffer the same fate.

This was the reason I didn't bring all my important things with me, even my injection, since one universe will not accept things from another universe.

How do humans survive then? Well, it's complicated but if I have to answer it, I'll say it's because there's a matching source there.

Disappearance of all maternal things is also one of the biggest reason of deaths in another universe, like you may appear completely butt naked in the middle from nowhere? It would certainly will get you killed in most worlds.

Going out of the room, I looked around in what looked like a hospital in a big military compound and soon reached the place where the major left us before a maid escorted us to get our surgery done.

"Evan!!" Max, who spotted me from a distance, called out to me, before he came running towards me, "I was waiting for you, now let's go!" He said before he started pulling me towards a certain direction.

"Where are we even going?" I asked, a slight curious about what could have made him so excited.

"They are giving us free buffet before the ceremony, they even have ice cream here!!" He said, making me even a bit excited which all washed away later as I realised it is about food, things like buffemt are not for me.

But for max, it's a completely different thing. With background we came from, things like ice cream is nothing short of luxury for us.

But for me? It's not good. After all, no matter how good a food is, it doesn't matter if I can't eat it without any drawbacks due to my weak immunity system and I certainly can't afford anything at a time like this.

Soon, we reached a large cafeteria where even before us, hundreds if not thousands of other like us were already eating their food and dozens were still in lines.

"Come on, let's get this," Max said as we both joined the line but time, only he was excited as we waited in the line where many like us were discussing what they are going to order.

Soon, it was our turn, as Max eagerly looked at each and every part of the menu, "I'll have a burger, fish and chips, ice cream and coke." He said, going for some American - British cuisine.

The man at the counter nods, before he made a ticket filling the details and handed it over to Max, "I'll go find empty seats for us." He said before leaving as I walked towards the big fat man on the counter.

He definitely seems like those culinary guys from tv shows, was what I thought but obviously don't voice out my thoughts.

"Boiled Vegetables, and Lasered water please." I said as the man raised an eyebrow at my unusual order but he still just made a ticket and passed it to me without being nosy or anything, which I appreciated.

I'll rather be silent than talk more than necessary after all.

Leaving with a ticket in my hand, I immediately spotted Max in a distance waving at me as I walked towards him.

Taking my seat, I looked around the table and noticed a screen as well as a rectangular hole in the center, made just right for ticket which I immediately dropped in it.

"I wonder what kind of Universe, I'll travel to, what do you think?" Max asked as I just stugged off.

"I have no idea, maybe some magic universe? With swords and magic, like the one you are always watch in anime." I said, knowing fully well that it's where Max wanna go.

He has been going on about it for years to the point where almost everyone in our batch knows about it.

"I am suprised you know, well you can't call yourself my bestfriend if you don't you even that much about me."

"No, actually, everyone knows about it."

"I have always wondered Evan, how do you know me so well, is that you have some crush on me?"

"No, I don't swing that way, and like I said, everyone knows that."

"Well, even if you have anything, let me tell you that I don't swing that way."

"Are you even listening what I am say-"

"Can't you guys eat quietly?" A sudden voice stopped us as we looked at a pair eating on the same table as us.

"I am sorry," I said reflexively before looking at them more carefully.

"Whatever..." The boy said before he went back to eating while still using his Mirror Phone with his other hand all the while, the girl beside him kept eating quietly.

'Those things are costly,' I thought, looking at the thing in that boys hand however, it wasn't my my main concern right now.

"What are you doing?" I asked as my eyes eeriely locked towards that boy, or more towards his hand holding on that mirror phone.

He stopped mid-bite, his fork hovering in the air as his eyes which was still fixed on the phone he looked up at me in annoyance. "What do you mean?"

I tilted my head and gestured toward his phone. "Using your Mirror Phone and eating at the same time... Do you even realize how dangerous that is?"

The boy blinked, clearly not following what I was saying as for the first time, even the girl stopped what she was doing and looked over at us curiously. "What are you talking about?"

"Do you know how many bacteria are on that device you're casually using while eating that food? Mirror Phones are literally a house for all sorts of nasty microbes. Like Gravella virum. Ever heard of it?"

The boy blinked his eyes, before casting a nervous glance towards the girl beside him not even understanding me a bit, but the girl looked at us without saying anything.

"Uh… no?" He said, shaking his head.

Hmm, he seems like not an intelligent type to me. Well, no worries...

"It's a type of bacteria that lives on the oil and sweat from human hands. It causes something called skin fatigue syndrome."

The boy instinctively glanced at his hands, with some unease, even though all but I said is true, he is the first I am seeing becoming so serious after hearing me, most people just ignore me.

"And that's not the worst of it," I continued with a smile but my voice dropped a bit, almost become robotic whisper or more like a ghosts voice but was still eerily calm.

"There's also Delitrophis aurea. That one's really special. It hides in the crevices of your phone and transfers to food when you touch it. You'll think it's just food poisoning at first, nausea, stomach cramps, but it gets worse. Much worse."

The boy swallowed hard, his fork clattering against his plate.

"And let's not forget Neurobacilla septis. It's rare, but it's been found on table such as this. One mistake and you have uncontrollable headaches, temporary memory loss, etc etc. But the mos-"

"Just shut the f*ck up!"


A/N:- Next chapter scheduled for exactly in 6 hrs ! Do look forward to it !!