Chapter 9: Iroase Utsu
Kazuo: Now that that's taken care of, why did they start a fight with you?
Iroase: I don't know to be honest. I just bumped into them by accident and they made such a big deal out of it.
Kazuo: They seem to be pretty high of themselves.,from what I've seen
Nendai: They sure are, but that guy Furata has always been like that. From what I've heard. Being part of a rich family and all, he is said to have strong magic.
Kazuo: Seems like we'll see them again soon though
Nendai: Anyway I need to get going, I'll catch you later. (Runs away)
Kazuo: Alright. Anyway, what's your name?
Iroase: I'm Iroase Utsu.
Kazuo: I'm Kazuo Natski. What class are you in?
Iroase: I'm in the same class as you 1-C
Kazuo: Oh alright. So tell me about yourself.
Iroase: What do you want to know?
Kazuo: What kind of magic do you have and what's your fighting style?
Iroase: I don't have any magic, but I use a sword to fight
Kazuo: You don't have magic? Then how'd you get into the school?
Iroase: Our teacher pulled a few strings for me to join.
Kazuo: I see, not having magic puts you at a disadvantage though. You do know that, right?
Iroase: I know that, but I want to fight!
Kazuo: Then how about we have a match? I won't use any magic.
Iroase: Why would you want that?
Kazuo: I want to see if you can survive in this school with no magic. If you manage to win me, I'll support you in any competition we have. Sound good?
Iroase: Yeah!
Kazuo: Meet me in the training room tomorrow after school.
Iroase: Okay!