Chereads / The Okanoshima Academy / How it started

The Okanoshima Academy

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How it started

(9 years ago, in a small town on the outskirts of the city)


Chaos erupts in the village of Kiyomizu as the sinister group known as the 'Oni' descends upon them.

Man: Everyone, evacuate! Quickly! We can't hold them off much longer!

Oni General: Kill them all! Leave no one alive!

A brutal massacre unfolds as the Oni wreak havoc, mercilessly slaying the townspeople. Just when hope seems lost, a mysterious figure emerges from the shadows.

Mysterious Man: Flame magic - Hell Blaze!

With fierce determination, the man begins to take down the Oni one by one.

Oni General: So, you're the one responsible for eliminating my subordinates. Don't worry; I'll soon send you to join them!

Mysterious Man: Not if I take you down first. Flame magic - Fireball!

Oni General: Ice magic - Wall of Ice!

A fierce battle ignites between the two powerful figures, while the remaining Oni continue their ruthless assault on the villagers.

Oni General: You're quite skilled. Why not tell me your name?

Mysterious Man: You don't need to know my name.

Oni General: That's unfortunate. I was hoping we could be friends. With your abilities, you could be incredibly useful to us.

Mysterious Man: Join you? Why would I? You murder innocent people and steal from them. I would never ally with scum like you.

Oni General: Can't you see it's futile to protect these people? They're weak, and the weak have no place in this world. It has always been this way, and it will remain until we cleanse the world of them.

Mysterious Man: You are the ones disrupting the peace of the world. I will stop you, even if it costs me my life.

In a chilling moment, the Oni General strikes a fatal blow, piercing the man's chest.

Oni General: Checkmate. It's over now. All the people you tried to protect are dead. In the end, you couldn't save anyone.

The man collapses to the ground, lifeless. The Oni pillage the village before departing. An hour later, three figures arrive, horrified at the scene of devastation.

Grandpa: What in the world! Everyone's dead! Damn it! The Oni infiltrated the town. There's not a single soul left alive.

The three search desperately for survivors but find none.

Kazuo: Grandpa! Dad's over here! He's still breathing, but just barely!

Grandpa: Son! What happened here?

Mysterious Man: The Oni attacked and killed everyone... *coughs* I couldn't protect them all... I'm sorry... Please... Father... watch over Kazuo and Sakurasuo.

With those final words, the man draws his last breath.

The three mourn for the lost lives in the village, the weight of sorrow heavy in the air.

(Present day, outside of a school)

Kazuo: I'm finally here. Okanoshima Academy. The next three years are going to be interesting…