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phantom saga

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Chapter 1 - chapter 1 first monster encounter

I have a question, have you ever believe in the supernatural being real.

Well do be honest I never believed in those kinds things existing at all at first, because you see, back in the past I used to be atheist.

Someone who does not believe in any god or goddess, or who believes that no gods or goddesses exist along side other supernatural entities. But one day I came across a supernatural being and after that day, I started believing in the existence of supernatural beings.

Oh sorry my apologies my name is marcus reynards. And this is the story about how I become known as the phantom exorcist.

In the country of the united states in a city called Qassiqornat, in a school called Redlands hill university, a young man about 19 years old was walking to his classroom. He had fair skin, medium length crimson red hair that falls in front of his face in short bangs with the rest styled in pigtail braids. He had a noticeable scar over his right eye, a chiseled muscular body, dark purple eyes, a crimson red goatee, some tattoos on his left arm, and his height was 197 cm. He walked to his classroom, he entered to see his professor about started giving the class their early morning lecture

Mrs Johnson : Jeez why are you always late reynard.

Looking depressed he roll his eyes to look at the tutor

Marcus : I know ok

Mrs Johnson: good grace try to smile to light your day up reynard.

Marcus: yh yh whatever.

He takes his sit, Marcus have been looking outside for the whole time thinking about the weird dream he had the other night trying to figure out what crazy the dream. His attention was drown when the bell of the closing day.

As usual heading home his bike but the dream got him thinking today

He drove to a small house, With red and blue paints he parked his motorcycle in the garage of the house. He then entered through the garage back door into the house.

His companion was waiting for him for a treat buh he forgot about to buy food for his fox (Kiya) with disappointment on her face.

Marcus have no choice buh to go to the nearest convenient store to buy food

At the store he couldn't pick which food to give his pet out of desperation he try to turn to ask for help buh he saw a muscular tall guy with two gold earrings near him "pick one kid you are in the way " looking like he is about to squash him like a bug.

Yh Yh am picking said Marcus and left saying

"Geez what's wrong with people now a days " at the entrance of the store he felt a strange presence, looking around to see if he is being watched. Back home laying on his bed thinking about the weird dream again After he was done eating he went to the bath room, took a nice hot bath and after he spent some time learning, before he went to sleep kiya his fox companion came into his bedroom jumped onto his bed and the two slept togather on the same bed.

Unknowing to the two the monster from the alternate realm entered the human realm and started looking around to find it's target. After being able to sense it target location, it let out a loud roar as it disappeared from sight.

Next morning Marcus was heading to work, he is trying his best to save a lot of money, so he works restlessly throughout the day to gain more.

Just as he was about to close the shop He heard a loud roar and next he saw something that he never believed existed, standing in front of him was a monster. It looked humanoid with the upper torso of a human it's face was very ugly, it had four arms and it's lower torso was that of snake.

The monster grabbed onto marcus and dragged him into a portal behind it. Marcus watched as the monster was dragging him into the portal he tried desperately to call out for help.

But before anyone could hear him he was dragged into the portal when marcus and the came out through the other side of the portal marcus was shocked to see a post apocalyptic waste land. The monster then tried to start eating him, Marcus managed escape and started running away, as he did the monster chased after him. As marcus was running, he said to himself.

Marcus: what the hell, what is going on, how is this real, this shouldn't be real.

Marcus running came to an end, when he tripped, the monster soon caught up to him. And this time it grabbed onto him much tighter.

Sometime earlier

Just as Marcus was closing his shop, two men entered the area were his shops were located. These men wore a unique military uniform that consisted of a long-sleeved double-breasted black coat with two rows of gold buttons on the front and light green details including the shoulder epaulettes. They wore a pair of white gloves and white web belts with a gold waist-plate, black trousers, black boots that go over the leggings and socks and black shoes. There was also a symbol on the back of their uniforms.

The first was a very tall young man with slightly feminine features. His hair is fashioned in a striped pattern dyed in the colors of blue and pink and is tied in a ponytail with a loose strand of each color cascading the sides of his face. He has droopy lilac eyes, prominent eyelashes, and a dango skewer in between his lips. He wears a red drop earring on his left earlobe.

The second was a slightly shorter young man with bleach-blond hair tied in a short ponytail and a small goatee. He has mischievous, sleepy brown eyes.

These two men walked around looking at device in their hands.

First man: huh, according to my tracker it says the Abyssmorph is in this direction.

He said to his partner pointing at the location where Marcus is two shops where.

Second man: then what are we waiting for let's get going.

Both men began running towards Marcus's shops, they got there just in time to see a monster dragging Marcus into a portal. The first man then took out a talisman from his belt and said.

First man: glesiasia gate open.

After saying that a portal gateway opened, and both men quickly entered.

Going through the portal they came to post apocalyptic waste land. Both men started running searching for the poor young man, who was about to food for the monster.

However they came to a stop. Because they were surrounded by lot of monsters. Both men then took out a set of weapons, the first man took out a pair of dual swords and a talisman and said.

First man: hear me, sanctify and purify these blades grant them, the power to the purify all evil. Purifier come forth at once.

After he said that his blades were covered in yellow light, showing that it had worked. He then dashed towards the monsters at blinding speeds.

Killing all of them in a seconds, meanwhile at the same time before the first man dashed forward, the second went to some hands seals and summoned two powerful creatures to help him fight the abyssmorphs.

After they were done, they continued their search For Marcus. They were finally found, but before they could jump in to save him. The two saw something that shocked them.

Marcus POV

Is this how I die, my life as an adult had just began and now it's about to end because of this son of a bitch monster.

He thought as the monster was bringing him closer to it's mouth. No it can't end here, not like this, I will not accept this.

Marcus thought in his mind as both rage and the determination to live over came his fear of the monster.

Unknowingly to him his right hand and right wrist were covered in thick layers of armor, a giant great sword with a glowing gem in the middle of the blade appeared in his right hand as his hand held the sword in a super tight grip.

The gem of the blade started glowing yellow. Marcus then stabbed the blade into the monsters arm causing the monster to roar out in pain before letting him go however Marcus was able to land on his feet still holding the blade tightly. Marcus in instinctually dashed forward as he engaged the monster in a fierce battle.

Until finally Marcus slayed the beast with his giant sword. As Marcus stood there looking at the beast's die body, he suddenly returned back to his senses, upon regaining his senses, he was shocked to see the giant sword and armor plating covering, and the giant sword in his hand.

Marcus then felt a wave of tiredness and exhaustion creep up on him he passed out, as he passed out the great sword and armor plating around his hand disappeared as he fell to the ground, the two men who were watching everything came towards him and checked if he was alright, to their relief he was fine, he is just exhausted from using the weapon in some.

The first man then looked at his partner and said.

First man: hey, Geoffrey did you see what I saw?

Second man: huh, what are you talking about?

First man: I mean did you see how he summoned that great sword out of nowhere?

Second man: oh, yeah I saw it he is a wielder of one of those things, he is a Soul gear user.

First man: you know what this means right, I have to recruit him into the association.

Second man: we need to contact, admiral Berengaria at once, but first we need to take him to one of the association's hospitals.

Both men returned to the human world with Marcus, they then took Marcus to a hospital named North Star General Hospital it was a hospital that was owned by the organization they worked for. They easily booked a room for Marcus and got him some medical attention.

After they did that. The first man took out his phone and called someone as the person picked up, the first man said.

First man: hello, madam it's me, Tyrese Valefor.

Person on the phone: Valefor, what do you want, I'm a very busy woman.

Tyrese: sorry, for interruption madam but I have found something that my peak your interest.

Person on the phone: go on I'm listening.

Tyrese: well madam, we were on an Abyssmorph extermination mission, when we found an Abyssmorph trying to eat normal human, but we soon found out, that he was no normal human, as you see madam this person we found is a soul gear user.

Person on the phone: really what type of Soul gear does this person have.

Tyrese: it's a giant sword, we know which power it has.

Person on the phone: ok, we is he located?

Tyrese: he is currently a patient at North Star General Hospital.

Person on the phone: I will be there in 3 days, make sure, you two watch over that person.

Tyrese: yes, madam

The call ended and Tyrese informed his partner about what was able to happen. 3 days later, just as Tyrese and his partner were sitting down at the hall way of the hospital.

Someone entered the room and made both men raise to the feet and gave the person a a bow of respect. The person was a tall, thin, and elderly woman with gray hair tied in a bun. She wore the same uniform they were wearing which comprises of a black tailcoat with red details on the interior of the cloth around his legs, and includes the shoulder epaulettes. There is a gold trim, an aiguillette worn on the right shoulder with a crescent moon decoration, and two rows of gold buttons on the front. Along with that, he wears a pair of white gloves, just as the other men the was a symbol at the back of her coat,an armband on his left arm with a three striped white and black pattern, and a white web belt with a gold waist-plate. He also wears the uniform trousers with black shoes.

She turned to the two men, and said.

Woman: ok, I'm here, Tyrese were is this person you were talking about?

Tyrese raised his hand and gave the woman a quick salute before saying.

Tyrese: yes madam, he is in room number 48.

Woman: good, then what are we waiting for let's go.

Both men took the woman to the room that Marcus was in.

Meanwhile in room number 48 Marcus was slowly opening his eyes, he sat up on his bed groaning. He then looked around to see were he was and he was greatly confused as he asked himself why he was in the hospital.

Just as he was thinking about all of this.

The door to his room opened and Tyrese, his partner and the old woman entered.

As they entered the woman took a good look at Marcus and said to Tyrese.

Woman: is this the person you were talking about?

Tyrese: yes, madam this is him.

Marcus: hey, don't ignore me, who are you guys and why the fuck I'm I in the hospital.

Woman: mhm, the kid's got a quite the attitude.

The old lady then Snapped her fingers, Tyrese brought her a chair for her to sit down. Once she got seated she took out a box of cigarettes from her breast pocket. And took out a talisman from her pocket and the talisman began to burn, lighting up the cigarette in her mouth, she then took a deep breath, and let out a large puff of smoke. Before saying to Marcus.

Woman: pay attention here punk, my name is Berengaria Maltheon and I'm an admiral in the association of halcyon.

I came here today because I heard something interesting about you.

Woman: tell me, do you remember the monster that attacked you 3 days ago?

Marcus then remembered the monster that dragged him into the strange creature that was about to turn him into food.

Marcus: yes, I remember what was that monster?

Berengaria: that monster that almost ate you is called an Abyssmorph, a terrifying mindless monster that comes from the realm known as glesiasia. They come here all.

Berengaria: that monster that almost ate you is called an Abyssmorph, a terrifying mindless monster that comes from the realm known as glesiasia. They come here all the time to hunt down humans and drag them to glesiasia in order to devour them.

Berengaria: in order to stop and kill these man eating monsters, humanity has created secret military organizations that are responsible for protecting humanity from the supernatural, this includes protecting humans from vampires, Demons, youkai, dragons and other supernatural entities who want to cause harm to us humans.

Marcus: hold on what the hell are you talking about, vampires, demons, youkai, dragons, next you are probably going to tell me that gods exist as well.

Just as Marcus was done talking, he was surprisingly punched in the face by the old woman. She then grappled him by the shit and said.

Berengaria: listen here punk, I didn't come here, to hear you talk about the supernatural not being real at all.

You were almost eaten by an Abyssmorph just 3 days ago and now you are trying to deny that supernatural beings aren't real.

Marcus thought about what berengaria said, and came to the terrifying realization that berengaria was telling the truth. And asked.

Marcus: so what now?

Berengaria then relaxed and said.

Berengaria: now that you know about the supernatural being real, you have two choices can join our organization, and become an exorcist and help protect normal humans from the supernatural.

2. Or you can just choose to live a normal life as a normal human, if you do we will erase all your memories about today and what happened 3 days ago.

It's entirely your choice, so what will it be?

Marcus thought about it for a long while, he thought about the pros and cons of each option and decided to go with the first choice and turned to look at berengaria in the eyes and said.

Marcus: I'm In I will join your organization.

Berengaria raised an eyebrow and asked.

Berengaria: are you sure kid, know that once you join our organization and enter the supernatural world there is no turning back, no more normal life for you.

Marcus: I said I'm in, that's all you need to know.

Berengaria then took a breath of her cigarette and let out a puff of smoke.

Berengaria: ok, kid, just know that it's your funeral, welcome to the association of halcyon.

She then gave out her hand to Marcus to shake it, he took it and said.

Marcus: thank you, my name is Marcus Reynards.

Berengaria: well, Marcus Reynards, like I said before, welcome to the association of halcyon, you are now a newbie exorcist in training.

These two behind me their names are Tyrese and Geoffrey.

She pointed at Tyrese and his partner.

Berengaria: these two will be in charge, in training you In the ways of an exorcist and teaching you rules and how our organization works.

Berengaria: Tyrese, Geoffrey, I leave this both your competent hands, see to it that this young man become a skilled and competent exorcist, also both of you, will need to take secret military base in this city to get him registered as a member of the association of halcyon and get him our organization's uniform, he will need it before starting his exorcist duties.

Tyrese and Geoffrey: yes, madam.

Both said as they gave the elderly woman a salute.

Berengaria: by the way Marcus do you remember anything else from your battle with the Abyssmorph 3 days ago?

Marcus thought about it long and hard before remembering the giant great sword and armor plating that covered his hand.

Marcus: yeah, before that monster almost ate me I remember that a weapon suddenly manifested itself in my hand out of nowhere.

Berengaria raised an eyebrow and smiled before saying.

Berengaria: kid, that was your soul gear.

Marcus: soul gear, what are you talking about?

Berengaria: listen very closely punk, because I will not say this again.

Berengaria: soul gears are powerful artifacts and equipments, that possess great power. Soul gears come in 3 different types first is Weapons types: soul gears that takes the form of weapons.

Accessories type: soul gears that takes the form of accessories like books, bracelets, necklaces etc.

Independent type: soul gears that take the form of living creatures and have basic intelligence and can function without needing to be wielded. Independent types soul gears obey the orders of their wielder and can be taught to do house chores etc.

Berengaria: for example this is my soul gear.

She then closed her eyes and suddenly what looked like a person appeared beside her.

Marcus was a bit shocked and terrified by the figures appearance, the figure looked like woman but it's body was metallic doll like, it had look jet black hair that went all over her back and completely covered her face, but Marcus was able to see it's face, it's face, it's face had no skin just. Musculature, no lips whatsoever and no eyelids. It wore a long black dress. In short this figure looked like something out of a horror movie.

Berengaria: this is my soul gear an independent type it's name is demonic Hysteria.

Marcus: so this is an independent type soul gear?

Berengaria: yes, now if you don't mind can you show your own?

Marcus: huh, I don't know to.

Berengaria: just focus hard remember the feeling you had when the Abyssmorph was about to eat you, call upon those feeling and will your soul gear to come forth.

Marcus did as he was told, remembering the feelings and emotions, he had when he was about to die, and the rage that came over him.

He then Willed for his soul gear to come forth. To berengaria shock and surprise Marcus's right hand and right wrist were covered in thick layers of armor, a giant great sword with a glowing gem in the middle of the blade appeared in his right hand as his hand held the sword in a super tight grip. The gem of the blade started glowing yellow.

Berengaria: well I being damned it's the Holy sword of annihilation.

Marcus opened his eyes and was surprised to see that he his right hand and right wrist were covered in armor and he was holding the giant great sword.

Marcus: so this is my soul gear?

Berengaria: yes, and the name of your soul gear is called Orenmir. Now we know what your soul gear is Tyrese and Geoffrey will help you learn how to use it and it's abilities.

Berengaria: okay, kid this meeting is over, I have to return to were I came from, don't worry I have already paid for your hospital bills and called your professor to inform him that you had an accident.

She got up and looked at the two exorcist soldiers and said.

Berengaria: remember what I told you two, I'm leaving Marcus Reynards in your hands, I need the two of you to turn him into a competence and skilled exorcist, teach him the rules and regulations of our organization, teach about how the supernatural world works and teach him how to properly use his soul gear. I'm counting on you.

Both men saluted the elderly woman and said.

Tyrese and Geoffrey: yes, madame you can count on us.

End of the first chapter