Being on the terrace alone was a calming experience. Auriel was sure that she wouldn't be disturbed, so she allowed herself to close her eyes and relax.
She only opened her eyes when she felt something brushing up against her consciousness, dragging her out of her comfort zone.
It was a familiar feeling, and the magic that brushed against her consciousness felt familiar as well. It made Auriel's eyes burst open, and she looked at the terrace railing, from where she could feel that magic erupting.
Even as she noticed things, she could not see the other person clearly. The only possible explanation for this was that the other person was using magic to hide themselves.
But Auriel was a goddess, and petty tricks wouldn't work on her. Her hand reached out to grab the invisible person, and she gripped someone before yanking them closer to herself.
She received a yelp as a reward before Sophia's presence revealed itself and the spell faded.