If the fight had been hard before, it was brutal now. Auriel felt like she could not breathe as she felt the devil's assault increase in intensity.
All she could do at that moment was defend herself against the all-out assault that was raining down on her.
"Come on! Show me! Would you rather die than show me what you can do? I can grant that wish of yours as well."
The more Auriel tried to fight back, the more she felt like she was on the losing end.
Finally, Minerva decided that she'd had enough. The insults were getting to her, and her temper could only take so much of it.
"Ugh, you little—"
Minerva raised her staff, but before she could bring it down and end Auriel, she staggered. Her feet lost their balance, and she had to use her staff to steady herself.
Her hand immediately gripped her staff hard, but Auriel took that chance to push Minerva back and gain some ground.