After 60 Days : after the Monster wave
Our village Was Dameged a Lot
We have lost 30 Warriors and more Than 20 People
My Father lost his arm but He Is better now
but the Good news it is that Finally iam Gong to Break through
Reincarnation Window
Name : Max ( Jack)
Race: Ice Giant
Age : 4 years
Cultivation : Sea Energy (100/100)
I Saw the Sea Energy in My blood and bunes and Muscles and My Organs
It started to Merger With my Body
And Soon i Felt That i have a Huge Power
My Senses are Upgrade i can See and Hear Better Than Before
I Traid To test my Power So i Punched a Huge Tree
My Punch had made a Small Crack in the Tree
My Hand is Realy Hurts But i was Smileing
Because Finally iam a Cultivatoar
And My Skill is
Skills : Limit Break
Limit Break : For a 15 Minutes Your Strenghth and Seanses Will increas 100% Persent of Your Strenghth
Cool Down Time : 24 Hourse
Fuck I have a Legendary Skill Now i Can Fight People In My Cultivation World and i will have a Huge Chance To Kill Them
After that i Went To my Father and i told him about My Break through
He Was Surprised and He Looked at Me and He Said
Max Did Your mother Told you how to Cultivat and From When are You Cultivating
No my mother Did not Told Me and I have been Cultivating from Two Monthes
But Why is This bad
Huh no its not bad actually its Very good but most of the Childrens Dont Start Cultivat Untile They Become 6 Years Old
I Think this is normal because they are Childrens and They cant Be Calm and Feel the sea Energy Around of Them
So dad Please Teach me how to fight and use a Sword
Now my Dad is Realy Surprised
He Cant Believe That his 4 Years Old Boy is asking him to Teach him How to Fight
Normaly Most of the People Start Holding Weapones in 7 Years old
My Son is a Genius
After 5 Minutes : Iwas Holding a Sword Made of Wood and My Father was in Frontier of me
We started Fighting My Father made was Fighting me with Only 1 % of his Strenght
While i was Using 100%of my Power
I Wave my Sword to his Left Sight
But He used his sword and Hit Me in My Leg
And The He Hited My Head
Bro He had so Many Experience
After 3 monthes: Every Day I Practice with my Dad and in the Night Iam Trying to Control my Sea Energy to Cultivate and Making a new Techniq Like How to make a Fire Ball or How to Fly
And Finally I made a Techniq I used my Sea power and i made it Getting Out From my Body While i controling it That Made My Feel
The Sea Energy in the Creatures Around of me And i could See there Levels Like my mother was in the Warriors Realm
The Village Leader Was a Great Warrior
But that made me Feel angry Because if He Was that Strong Why Didnt He Helped my Father and the Others He Is a Coward and i really Hate Him
Because After the Day my Father had lost his arm the Villager Leader Started to Blame Him for The Death of Every One in the Monsters Wave
But What max Didnt Know it was that the Village Leader was Scared of His Fhaters Strenghth Because in this World if You Could Surviva Enouch You Will Become Stronger the Ice Giants Can live With out A Cultivation For 200 years and alot of people Was Dying after the age of 35 years because of the Monsters and the Crule Weather and the illnesses
And He Had Survived Only Because He Was a Coward He Always Sacrificed the Live of Others So He Can Live Like When He Was 20 years Old He and his Brother and his Friends Were fighting agenst a Great warrior Monster and They Were Going to die So He Run Away And let His Brother and his Friend Killing the Monster and after the Fight
All of his friendes Were Dead But His Brother was Alive but He Was So Weak
And The Monster Was Dead
But Instead of Helping his Brother He Killed him So He Can not Tell any one About What Happend and He Took all the Glory of Killing the Monster
After that every one Thought that He Was a True Warrior and that He Revenged for the Death of his Friendes and his Brother
After 20 years of that He Become a Great Warrior and He Fought the Old Village Leader To The Death in Public after Poisoning his Food so He Became Weak and He Win even his Wife was the One who made the Poison for Him so they can be the Village Leaders
Thats way He did not help any one Because He wanted from maxes Father to die because He Was Scared of his Power and He Knew if He Lived for 5 or 10 years More He will Break through and He will became a Great warrior Too and even if there is a Small Chance that He will ask him for a Battle to Death just Like He did before
He will not Risks This Happening but Unfortunately maxs Father Had Survived
But the Good Thing was that He Lost HisLeft arm so that made the Village Leader feel less Threat by Him
Go Back to jack :
After Cultivation i Found out that i can Get 1.5 of Sea energy
Reincarnation Window
Name : Max (jack)
Age: 4 years
Default lifespan : 200 years
Cultivation : Sea Energy Tier 1 (90/1000)
Thats New Iwas Surprised ican live for 200 years
Wait System after breakingthrough Tier 1 how much Exactly my life had Increase
"System" 3 days
Wait what 3 Days so How ican live for 200 years
Host Your Race is Ice Giant and They can live for 200 years Normaly and the sea Energy can not Give you So Much Years to live With Each Break through because it makes you Stronger With every Break through and it Gives you a Strong Skills But for that it cant Increas Your life so much.