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"Are you sure you want to do this? The whole world will be after your head." "That's okay. It wouldn't be fair otherwise." -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ A world built upon the succession of the strong, where those with strength would lead, guide, and safeguard those who couldn't protect themselves. An ideal structure where everyone benefits and no one is left to suffer. For the longest time, the royals and nobles throughout the varying Continents thought they had succeeded in creating such a world. They believed themselves righteous and heroic in their efforts and felt everything was as it should be, leading to a stalemate in progression that lasted for well over a century. Then, the darkness emerged. A group hellbent on tearing apart everything the royals and nobles built. Their days of peace and tranquility was snuffed as a squad of rebels announced their intention to rip apart the very foundation to which society was built. Rather than the strong helping the weak, they desired a nation where everyone was equal and treated fairly, where even those without a crest could hold their heads high. This group was known as CrestFallen. //1 chapter a day. Way more when we get readers. Some words before you read. This novel depicts disturbing acts of violence or other implied acts that may trigger some others. Torture, bloodshed, war, and more is shown frequently.

Chapter 1 - Prologue (1/2)

A perfect night.

That's how one could best describe that particular evening. A cold yet gentle breeze wafting through the castle's courtyard, crickets and jubidals singing their hearts out, the light from the two moons bathing the area in a warm glow. It was perhaps one of the few times that Manigol could genuinely appreciate and enjoy the weather around Castle Oklaind, weather that was usually much more turbulent and chaotic than the one at present.

Rain, hail, sleet, snow. During the winter months, all kinds of conditions presented themselves, making guard duty a hell on earth for those on the outside. One minute it could be pouring rain, sheets after sheet of water slamming the sides of the castle, and the next it could be snowing, coating the environment in a blanket of pure white.

Truly, it was a rare occurrence for the sky to be as clear as it was, allowing those wandering the castle's exterior to see the sea of stars spread across the sky.

Letting out a sigh, warm breath mingling with the chilly air, Manigol readjusted his leather armor and continued on his way, tracing the route he had been assigned to protect. As a guard and Earth Knight working under the noble Earl Oklaind, he still had a duty to uphold.

Not that anything was likely to happen. Nothing had happened ever since he was assigned to Castle Oklaind some three years prior. Not a single person could sneeze in its vicinity without someone knowing about it.

"You're looking a bit more relaxed today, Sir Mani. You get that barmaids Crystal Line?"

Manigol barely flinched as a black haired youth, somewhere around his late teens to early twenties, walked onto the scene, entering from an intersecting corridor. Unlike most Knights who held longswords and spears on their hips and backs, this particular fellow had a rapier, a symbol of his status as an Air Knight. This newcomer had arrived some three months ago with a new batch of recruits, a talented youngster with a bright future still ahead of him.

"Unfortunately not. Seems she didn't really have any need for an old fogey such as myself." Manigol shook his head as the two Knights fell in step with one another. "Though we did have a pleasant conversation about some politics and day to day life."

"Sir, with all due respect, you're still young. Early thirties is hardly old." Yeager grinned as they rounded a corner, their footsteps echoing down the empty hallway. "Maybe you just need to take it slow with her. Sometimes people need time to get acquainted with one another, delve into their personalities and see what lies below the surface."

Manigol laughed. "That's quite insightful. Maybe next time you should join us and help break the ice. Give me some pointers from the sidelines."

"Well.....," Yeager let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm not sure how my wife would react to that."

"True. True. Gotta keep the missus happy." Manigol touched his beard. "How IS your wife doing anyways? I heard she was with child some time when you first started working at the castle. Knowing how dangerous being a Knight is, was she fine with you pursuing this line of work?"

"That's mainly why I asked the Church to be stationed out here. From what I was told, Castle Oklaind is one of, if not the most, safe guarded structures in the RockLer Alliance. I read up on its history and track record. It's never been attacked let alone breached due to its placement and construction."

The Earth Knight gave a small, proud nod. "You know your stuff. Even after all these years, no one dares to oppose Noble Oklaind or the RockLer Alliance. Even bandits steer clear."

Sandwiched between two large territories belonging to ridiculously powerful families, Earl Oklaind and his respective land was almost impossible to breach. A cautious and albeit rather paranoid man, the elderly noble intentionally sold bits and pieces of his previously extensive region in order to ensure he neighbors encompassed what was left. In return, Earl requested only that he was told of who entered and left the surrounding territories at any given moment. This strategy proved extremely effective at dissuading most, if not all, of potential threats.

Should one choose to pick a fight with the Oklaind, they would be faced with the whole of the RockLer Alliancs as a result.

Ergo, as Yeager had said, Castle Oklaind was one of the safest places for a Knight to be. Though it wasn't his own purpose for making it his station, Manigol admitted it was a decent perk and a rather welcome one.

"That aside, what do you think of the other recruits? If you don't mind my asking, Sir." Yeager tapped open a door to a passing room, glancing briefly inside. "I don't think you've ever shared your thoughts on the matter."

"Green. They still have a long way to go."

"Is that so?" Yeager chuckled. "I was under the impression that they had talent. Many of them hail from nobility."

Manigol tilted his head slightly. "There are two of them that stand out to me, I suppose. Alice, the one with the red hood and that weird weapon of hers."

"You mean the one with the crimson longsword?"

"Yeah. The other one is that archer, the one with the weaker Crest. I think his name was Robert Fitztooth. His background said that he was a commoner from some foreign land. Could shoot an apple from someone's head on the other side of the Castle." Manigold shook his head. "Those two give me the creeps."

"The creeps?" Yeager frowned in confusion.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

The two fell into silence after that, each one lost in their own thoughts as they traversed the halls, surveying every room they walked by as well as corners and spots the moonlight couldn't reach. Though the castle had no history of an attack, the two Knights never slacked off on their duties, giving their sections a cleep sweep every so often. After ten minutes had passed and they had a made full round, the two once again went their separate ways, Manigol taking the courtyard route and Yeager taking the longer hallway maze route.

Surprisingly, despite not having come across any other Knights besides the youngling, there was another person in the area that Manigol was currently patrolling. Staring up at the stars, crimson hair flowing in the cool breeze, sheathed longsword fixed to the hip.

"Alice?" Manigol was genuinely confused as he walked up to the girl, taking a place beside her. "You were supposed to be stationed in the west wing. Is everything alright?"

The girl didn't say anything at first, her gaze transfixed on the glimmering constellations stretched out across the vast horizon. There wasn't any sort of readable expression on her face, just a unblinking deadpan stare. It was unclear as to if she was even aware of the fact Manigol had spoken. If not for the occasional movement of her fingers and obvious breathing, it would be questionable on whether or not she was even alive at all.


"Sir? When did you get here?" Alice blinked in surprise, turning to face the Knight.

"I asked the same question." Manigol let out a small huff of relief, relaxing his posture. "You were out of it for a while. Definitely had me worried."

"Yeah." Alice smiled softly. "Sorry about that. I was just....lost in thought. That's all."

"Thinking about loved ones?"

"Sort of." The young girl placed her hands on the banister, looking up at the sky once again. "There's someone I haven't been able to see since I became a Knight. I've gotten letters and Crystal calls's hard, not seeing them in person that is. I think it's been more than a year."

"That's just part of the job." Manigol leaned over the stone banister as well, surveying the area ahead of them. "Protecting those who matter is a noble cause, though it also causes you to make some sacrifices. I went through the same thing when I was your age."

Alice laughed. "You had a girlfriend when you were younger?"

"You say that like it's an impossibility." Manigol shot her a small frown before breaking into a grin. "I'm not ugly by any margins. I would've still been with her all these years later had it not been for her unfortunate passing. I don't think I'll love anyone down the line as much as I loved her. She was one of a kind."

"Im....sorry to hear that." Alice gave an apologetic look. "That was insensitive of me."

"It happened two decades ago. I'd be a sorry excuse for a Knight if merely talking about it affected me." Manigol waved off the redheads reply. "You're fine youngling. Anyways, what brought you out here? Don't think I didn't realize you were away from your post. Sir Malcom assigned you to the West Wing didn't he? Along with Jerico if I recall."

"Just to think. There's something I'm meant to do and I honestly wish I didn't have to go through with it." Alice shook her head. "I have a mission, and I'm gonna follow through with it no matter what. However, there are times I waver. Am I doing the right thing? Am I moving down the right path? Is there no other way to achieve the dreams me and the others desire?"

Manigol mulled over the youths words carefully in his mind, her emotions and her intentions. Having trained the girl for the last few months, he was aware of Alice's personality. However, he had never seen her this way before, so torn up about something. Usually kind, headstrong, and a real energetic go-getter, she rarely ever sported a frown or really displayed negative emotions. With her immense beauty and easygoing nature, she was quite popular amongst everyone, including Earl Oklaind himself who held her in high regard. At the same time, she wasn't the type to tell others if she was upset, preferring to trudge through everything alone rather than reach out.

This was the first time it had ever happened, that she was looking to someone for emotional advice.

"Back when I began working as an Earth Knight for the Church, I was assigned to a battlefield happening near the edge of the RockLer Alliance. Two decades ago, it was the site of a small scale war between four noble houses and an uprising of commoners and peasants who weren't particularly fond of their living conditions." Manigol became expressionless as he remembered the ground stained red with blood. "It was my first real battle. Before then, I had never taken a life before. Yet, I was hurled into a situation where I would have to put down multiple lives for the sake of peace. Their were quite a few Crestless individuals but they WERE still living beings, people that had families and friends, dreams and future goals."

"What did you do?"

"I followed my orders. I grit my teeth and dove into battle, cutting down everyone. It never got easier throughout the following years, but I did what I knew was right." Manigol glanced towards Alice out of the corner of his eye. "The right path in life is never easy. The path to peace isn't easy. Every choice requires a sacrifice. Even in your circumstance. I know not of your personal missions but I understand where you're coming from. However, if you know it's the right path than push forward regardless of your doubts. Follow the road that'll lead you to the outcome you desire most."

Alice seemed to think carefully about the words, her gaze lingering over her very own hands. After a moment, she turned and gave Manigol a small smile.

"You're right Sir. Thank you."

"Of course. Any time you need my guidance. I'm only a call away." Manigol gave a small bow as he began walking away. "I need to get back to my patrol. You should head back as well when you finish up here. I'll see you at breakfast in the morning."

Giving her a final wave, the Earth Knight fully turned around, heading back to the hallway. It hadn't been too long since he had seen Yeager off, though it had felt like an eternity. It wasn't every day that he got to have a one on one with an youngling aside from Yeager and he probably would've talked longer if he hadn't been on duty.


A wave of agony, a flaming sensation focused around his chest. At the same time, he suddenly felt cold, a feeling that was quickly spreading through his whole body. He couldn't speak or move, frozen in place as his eyes slowly moved downwards until they landed on the long crimson blade sticking from the center of his chest. His eyelids felt heavy and his vision blurred in and out, strength leaving him as the seconds ticked on by.

"I truly am sorry." Alice gave the sword a small twist, fully snuffing the last bit of life from the Earth Knight. She watched as the body crumpled to the floor before pulling her crimson longsword from the corpse. "May the gods bless you in the next life."

Flicking her blade downwards, the redhead removed what blood she could before turning the weapon back into its sheath. Before departing, she gave a small bow towards the deceased Manigol.

"Is the East Wing clear?"

Alice turned slightly as a man in his mid twenties approached, bow clutched in his hand and a quiver of arrows strapped to his back. Just like Alice, he sported the outfit of a Knight, thick woolen pants with leg guards and a regular white shirt with an intricate leather armor with metal wrist and shoulder guards. He had light blue hair and eyes that depicted the exact same color. Spread across his face along with most of his armor was a generous coating of fresh blood.

"There should be one more. Yeager was also assigned to this station." Alice wiped a few splotches of blood off her cheek. Her previous expressions had all but vanished. "Have the others cleared their targets?"

The man nodded. "Yeager spotted me coming. I knocked him unconscious. He wasn't a priority."

"Very well. We only have five targets. The less casualties, the better." Alice let out a breath. "Let's see to the entrance and than take to the main target."

"Sticking to the mission this time I see." The man plucked his bows string. "Maybe you've matured this past year and a half."

"We just can't afford to mess this up." Alice walked past the bowman, stopping briefly. "He's been planning this for the longest. He deserves this closure more than any of us. I just want to help him."

"We will." The man turned around and followed Alice, putting his bow onto his back beside the quiver. "We'll change this fúcked up world. Follow him and we have nothing to fear."