The morning begins similarly to the previous morning, The twins show up for bath time. After bath time, Kazu instructed everyone to meet him in the workshop.
After everyone shows up to the workshop, Kazu pulls out the rings he made the day before. Kazu begins talking, "Today, we are going to figure out enchanting. Yesterday I made these rings, so we are going to practice with these first."
Kazu spends the next few minutes figuring out how to enchant Anna's ring with a protective air shield by inputting some energy into the ring.
Anna practices activating the spell, and after several uses, they determine that if you are touching her when activated, you end up in the protective bubble. Kazu figured that out while holding her hand and explaining how to activate it. If you are not touching her but are close, you get pushed away. Felix found that out. The final thing they learned was if you are coming at her when it is activated, you get thrown away roughly and at great speed. Kazu learned it the hard way after being knocked into a workbench.
Next, since he does not know if she can use magic or not, Kazu works on loading the ring made for Felina with fire magic. Eventually, he figured it out. With the word "augue," it would shoot a fireball in the direction her fist was pointed. Everyone heads outside so she can test it out.
Felina aims about 60* up and away from everyone and everything, then says "augue". A fireball flies from her ring, heads up in the air, travels in a straight line for 40 meters, and then dissipates.
Kazu spends the next hour teaching Anna how to enchant objects. When they are done, Anna has enchanted a pair of gloves with voice-activated fire magic for Felix. The spell is called flamethrower, it sticks to the surface it contacts and is activated by saying "graecus ignis". Sixteen metal sticks that catch fire on the tip opposite of the holding hand when you say "percutiens" and extinguish when you say "douse". With the embedded magic in the matches, each one is good for 1,000 uses before it needs recharging.
While Anna was practicing enchanting, Kazu was using the metal manipulation magic he figured out yesterday to turn some scrap steel and brass in the workshop into the parts of a faucet. While explaining the parts to Felix, he started assembling the parts and cutting leather for the gaskets, Anna came up to him.
"I am exhausted, I think I ran out of magic. I'm going to go lay down." Anna tells him.
Kazu replies, "Ok, I'll come check on you when we are done here. Felina, would you help her to bed?"
Felina nods and walks with Anna into the house. Kazu and Felix continue assembling the faucet. Rask enters as they finish assembling. "What are you two working on?" she asks.
Kazu responds, "Hello Rask, we are making the first faucet for when we add fresh water piping to the house. This will have hot and cold water flowing to it, and this lever here will adjust how hot or cold you want it to be."
Rask, looking confused, asks, "What? I have no idea what you are talking about."
Kazu smiles and then answers, "We will receive the things we ordered tomorrow, so I'll show you what I plan. You two are going to be helping me build and install everything if you want to."
Felix immediately responds, "Thys ys too ynterestyng not to help. Y am defynytely helpyng."
Rask adds, "If the kid is that interested, I'll help."
Kazu replies, "Perfect, this one is for a bathroom sink. Wanna make one for the kitchen sink?
They both nod their head in agreement, They gather a bunch of scrap metal that Kazu turns into a shiny metal ball. Metal balls drip out of the bottom of the ball. Knowing what they are thinking, Kazu explains, "Those balls dripping out of it are lead. We do not want lead in our water, it will make you sick and shorten your life."
Rask asks, "How do you know so much? I am 86 years old, trained in metalworking, and I have never seen or heard of a faucet, plumbing, or that lead can hurt you."
Kazu answers, "I have what's called an eidetic memory. Whatever I see and hear, I remember, basically forever. So, by reading everything I can, I have learned more than your average specialist in their chosen field of study. I also try to learn something new every day."
Accepting his explanation, they continue making the parts for the kitchen sink. Before too long, they have all the parts laid out on the table, ready to be assembled. Since Felix assembled the first one, Rask now assembles this one. This one has a long neck that can rotate 180* and 2 knobs, instead of a single lever. A few minutes later, she finished assembling the faucet with just a few directions from Kazu.
The three of them head back into the house and run into Lina. Lina informed them that lunch would be ready in 10 minutes.
They go into the dining room, where Anna and Felina are already waiting.
Kazu explains what took them so long to come back in. Anna explains why she had not laid down yet like she said she wanted to.
When Anna came back in, she ran into Lina and gave her the match she made, then showed her how to use it. That got Lina into making lunch, and Anna talked to her in the kitchen until just a couple of minutes before Kazu and the others came in.
As Kazu and Anna finish catching up, Lina brings in lunch.
When Kazu finishes eating, he asks, "Rask, can you build a blacksmith shop?"
Excitedly, Rask agrees, "Of course, sir, I've been wanting one on the property for years, but the merchants would not let me add onto the property."
"Excellent," Kazu replies. "Make sure that you leave a lot of extra room, there are some items I want to add, like a smelter, fractal vise, metal lathe… What do you have in a smith shop around here?"
Rask answers, "A fire pit with bellows, an Anvil, and a tool bench."
"Ok, our shop will have a lot more in it. It might be better to hire someone to build what I am thinking. A 5-meter wide, 15-meter long, 5-meter tall building will work. The structure should support heavy metal objects hanging from it. Can you find someone to build that?" Kazu asks.
"Yes, sir, but it won't be cheap." Rask Replies.
"That's not a problem, I'll pay for whatever it takes. Just make sure it's reasonable. I might have more work for them later." Kazu laughs as he replies.
Anna interrupts, asking if they could go into town. She wants to see how much they can get for the matchsticks and check for hunter quests. Kazu agrees, and they say bye to everyone. Then, head out to go to town.
On their way to town, they discuss the price she expects for the matchsticks. The metal rods are steel, costing 1 copper each if bought from the blacksmith. With the magic spell added, Anna expected to be able to sell them for 10 copper each.
Once arriving in town, they stop at the Hunter's Lodge to check for jobs and to ask who they should sell the matchsticks to.
All the available jobs are E-rank plant gathering jobs, so they eventually decide to save them for the other lower-ranked hunters.
Anna then asks Tara, "We have a magic Item we have created, and we were wondering if you know where we should go to sell it."
Tara responds, "Well, it depends on what it is and what it does."
Anna replies, "We made it to help people who can't use fire magic to start a campfire. A new one has 1,000 activations, and even our maid now uses it to cook in the kitchen."
Tara looked confused. "It's for people that can't use fire magic? But it makes fire? How does that work? It is also good for 1,000 uses? How does it not melt?"
Anna responds by handing Tara her matchstick. She then tells her, "Hold it on one end with the other end sticking up and away from yourself. Once you do that, say 'percutiens', and the end will create a small flame. When you are done, say 'douse' and it will go out. Go ahead and give it a try."
Tara looks at the metal rod skeptically. She holds it as instructed and says "percutiens," and the tip flames up. Tara is briefly startled and almost drops the stick. She then quickly says "douse," and the fire goes out.
Tars excitedly asks, "How much for one? I can't use fire magic, so this would be a lifesaver to me. Well, not really a lifesaver, but it will keep me from having to use flint all the time."
Kazu asks, "What magic do you know?"
Tara answers, "I know some earth magic, but that's it. I'm a brawler for a reason."
Kazu replied, "Show me what you can do with your earth magic, and I'll give you a matchstick."
Tara readily agrees, "I am off work tomorrow, can I come by tomorrow morning to show you?"
Kazu agrees and hands her his matchstick. "See you in the morning." He says to Tara.
Tara then points them to the general store, indicating that they would be interested in the matchsticks.
A few minutes later, they are talking to the owner of the general store. After he gets over how tall Kazu is, Anna shows him how the matchsticks work. He immediately offers 2 bronze coins for all 10 of them. Which Anna, faking reluctance, accepts.
He then asks her, "Is this all you have? Can you make more? Everyone in town will want one. When the Capital finds out about this, they will want some too. You have an item here that everyone will want. You let me sell these for you, and we will be richer than the king."
Anna replies, "That's all we have right now. We can make more, we just ran out of iron at home."
"If we are going to work with each other, I should introduce myself, I'm Chrispin." The general store owner says. He excuses himself for a moment, running to the back room of the store, then comes running back out. He then hands Anna some steel scraps he got from his back room. Would stuff like this help you make more?"
Anna hands the scraps to Kazu, who then uses magic to manipulate the metal, and several heavy metal balls fall to the floor. Kazu then stretched the metal into an iron rod with a noticeable handle area and tapered to the ignition end. While holding the handle, he then runs his free hand over the rest of the matchstick, adding magic to it. The matchstick glows blue and then fades out. Kazu hands it to Chrispin and says, "I can use most metals. I just use steel for durability. I can also make ones like that, which the rich and nobles would find more aesthetically pleasing. Relatively cheap steel rods for everyday use, to a custom silver or gold alloy for nobles. Will that work for you?"
Chrispin replies, "Oh yeah… We will definitely be rich."
Kazu chuckles as he imagines money signs flashing in Chrispin's eyes.
They continued talking for a while, and they agreed on three types. A cheap one is a firestick, a luxury style is a firewand, and the custom ones made by Kazu are named by the purchaser and come with 10,000 uses. Chrispin also agrees to register the new merchandise and business agreement between them with the Merchants Lodge.
By the time they arrive home, it is time for dinner. Dinner was steak with a fried egg and mashed potatoes.
As Kazu is getting up from the table, he speaks. "Lina, one of these days, we are going to go food shopping. As tasty as your food is, I want to show you some of the food I've come across in my travels."
Lina responds, "Of course, sir, I'd love anything you'd want to… show me... To learn." She blushes and heads to the kitchen.
Everyone gathers in the den, then Felix asks, "Kazu, we do not know about where you came from, can you tell a story from your hometown?"
Kazu ponders for a while, "I should probably start with something that does not have shootouts or car chases. I'll tell them a period piece." Kazu begins telling the story of a squire who pulls a sword from a stone. Technically a stone and anvil in this version, he runs around with a wizard, gets turned into a fish and a squirrel, and eventually becomes a king. Kazu chose to base it on the 1963 animated movie because it's more fun than the 1981 live-action movie.
After telling the story, everyone went to bed. As usual, Anna has joined Kazu in his room. They had an uneventful night with only a very small amount of her teasing.