Chapter 2 - Valhalla Calling Me

As the blinding light fades, Kazu opens his eyes. Standing in front of him are 12 people, some smiling, some not. The gathered people's ages range from what looks to be mid-20s to early 80's. All of them look like they have something to say, but are yet to say anything.

Kazu breaks the silence, "Hello, Umm... who are you... where am I... what am I doing here..." After a moment Kazu continues speaking, "Just pick a question and answer it. I would appreciate some answers."

One of the older-looking people steps forward and begins to talk. "Holla Kazu, we art, f'r the want of a better w'rd, gods. We haveth an important job f'r thee."

Kazu laughs, "I'm pretty sure I got zapped by one of my machines and am currently knocked out on the floor of my workshop right now. To continue this strange dream, let's just say I believe you are gods, what is the important job you are blessing me with today?"

God #2 steps forward, "We haveth realities yond needeth a "protect'r", someone to guideth the people, and after watching thee, and seeing all the valorous deeds thee haveth done in thy w'rld. The way thee defend the helpless. The way thee useth thy intelligence to better thy world. The way thee shareth thy knowledge without res'rvations. We hath decided thou art the p'rfect choice."

Kazu retorts with a smile, "So, let me guess... you need a hero... and he's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast, and he's gotta be fresh from the fight."

God #3 steps forward, "A hero, nay. Someone to protecteth and guideth the world. Someone who can putteth those folk on the path of progresse, without the destructive aspects of thy first world. Forsooth more than a hero."

Kazu asks, "What makes me so qualified to be this protector, my good looks, animal magnetism, my 218 IQ... why me as this guide person, over everyone else you were... watching?"

God #4 steps forward, "Thy knowledge, thy understanding, thy empathy, and thy driveth to pusheth the world forward. Thee understand enow about how the universe works to createth parallel universes. This knowledge in itself is enow to moveth thee to the top of the list, but actually building a device to createth and seeth into other realities, puts thee high-lone in thyn own category. If 't be true we doth not recruite thee anon, in less than a quarter of an hour thee shall be lost to us They're art six versions of yourself yond made the device so far. Only two of thee did qualify for this offer, the other you… hath just did accept."

Kazu responds, "What kind of world are you planning on sending me to? Modern world? Fantasy world? Futuristic world? One where all the men have died due to a strange virus? Or maybe one that... Wait, you said I'd be lost to you? How would that have happened?"

God #5 steps forward, "The square thee hadst with the thief of females, did cause a blood clot in your neck to… dislodge and was cutting off blood to thy brain. In a few minutes, thee wouldst haveth hath passed out and hath passed on bef're reaching the hospital. We couldst not alloweth yond befall bef're recruiting thee. Anon, what kind of world doth thee wanteth? If 't be true thee can bethink of, t is available."

Kazu replies, "I never figured a blood clot would kill me, but for some reason, I know it's true. It could just be that you are gods and are influencing my judgment. It could be that I think this is still just a dream and want to see where it goes. It might also be because I like new challenges and to learn new things. And a new world sounds like a lot of new things to discover and learn. So… after very little to no thought, I'll accept your challenge, and I'll guide them into the best world in the multiverse. Let's see… Oh… I know what kind of world I would like, how about a medieval times-like world with magic, monsters, dragons, and beastkin... a kind of Tolkienesque world, and it does not have to be all women, so no weird viruses I need to worry about, OK?"

God #6 steps forward, "Thee wouldst not prefer a world similar to the one thee cameth from?"

Kazu thinks for a bit, then answers, "No, the world I come from is too hard to get back on the right path. Too many smart and stupid people have led people down the wrong path, I'd like to teach a better way before the damage is done. As for the Tolkienesque part, I'd like to be able to do magic, real magic, not the illusionist stuff from my old world. Magic that is not some kind of trick with mirrors or sleight of hand."

God #7 steps forward, "Actually, there is charm in all worlds. Thy first world switch'd from charm to science about 4,200 years ago, and did reset thy development as a people. Thousands of years ago people were using charm all the time, some were using charm to liveth longer, a few people hath lived up to 900 years. Now thy peoples tis just trying to keepeth people alive once those gents reacheth 80. Charm hath been used by many f'r various uses through out thy hist'ry. They're wast once a sir hath built a boat that gent hath used spacial charm on, yond did allow that gent to putteth ev'ry animal that gent couldst findeth in 't. Anon, answer this f'r me, without charm how wouldst someone buildeth a pyramid in a desert on a mountain? Thy craftsmen now wouldst haveth problems recreating those using current tools and machines. Wouldst those gents not?" 

Kazu responds, "If I knew magic was an option, I would have tried to figure it out myself. Well... I guess it's a moot point thinking about it now. Ummm… Will I automatically know how to use magic in the new world? I have an off-topic question, what's with taking turns and stepping forward to answer, and the pseudo-Middle-English speak?"

God #8 steps forward, "We shall answer any question thee haveth, but once thee respond, yond god is nay longer alloweth to talketh to thee anymore. The next god hast to answer thy questions, 'r continueth explaining wherefore we hath brought thee h're. " After waiting for Kazu to respond, and seeing that Kazu is not asking anything else, he smiles and continues talking. "I seeth thee wanteth to saveth any remaining questions thee may haveth f'r at which hour 'r if 't be true thee needeth our council lat'r. Art thee ready to traveleth to thy new world, and beginneth thy new life?"

Kazu smiles and nods his head to indicate a yes.

God #8 smiles, "Excellent, thee shall arriveth in the world with your items liketh clothing, useful things liketh toiletries, 'n a bottomless container we calleth a spatial bag. Thee monies 'n thy Japan bank hath been converted to thee monies of the new world, 't beeth enow wage in 't to lasteth thee quite a while. All other holdings are hence transferred t' thy son. Anon, bethink of thy Tolkienesque world, and beest sure to guideth 't well. Those gents currently haveth nay god those gents w'rship, though those gents knoweth what a god is, and evil. 'twill beest up to thee to addeth religion, 'r not. Knoweth yond evil shall not waiteth f'r god to bewray himself. To most wondrous op'rate in thy w'rld, thee shall beest able to talketh to any intelligent being 'n the'r native language. Guideth those folk well Kazu, thy w'rld shall needeth thee."

As Kazu's vision fades to black he hears god #8 say, "I know why we have to talk like that, it's just so tiring having…" and at that point, all sounds cease. 

For a second or an eternity, nothingness envelopes him. Time loses all meaning, and yet at the same time, it means everything.

Without warning existence finds him again.