The Silver Codex Volume II
Yes, this is the real White Silver, you can tell because I'm not going to come out of hiding to hunt myself down. Though I would ask that, if you are reading this, to keep in mind that there are fakes in existence and to use your brain to determine if this is real for yourself, to not just 'go with the flow' as it were like those who thought the last volume was real.
It's been a year since I've made my appearance in public, no doubt you have many questions. I will attempt to answer those questions , but first I have to write about what is going on in the galaxy. For Mandalore can only prosper if we have a realistic idea of what's going on outside our sector and what that will mean for the Mandalorian way of life.
War is coming, it could be next year, could be the year after, it could be tomorrow. I don't know when this war will spring upon the Galaxy exactly, but it is coming. Those in the Outer Rim have had it with those in the Core, and even though we're in the Outer Rim on many maps, we are right in the middle of two warring factions. And I think we all know what happens when you stand in the middle of a bar fight..
I have no doubt that our rightful leader, the Duchess, will attempt to enforce our neutrality in the coming conflict. This is the right choice. War is going to be terrible for the Galaxy. We've already had enough wars recently. We need to rebuild, and this is a great opportunity for us to flourish, but we'll get to that in a moment.
While we are trying to rebuild there are factions that will try and draw us into the war. The Republic will most likely want to be able to use the Mandalore Sector as a staging area to push into the Outer Rim. This is not in our interest as the Other Rim separatists will consider us as enemy combatants. If that happens we shall be forced to fight a war that few of us can claim any interest in. We cannot let the Republic position soldiers or war materials in the Mandalorian sector. The Separatists are most likely to start funding groups to cause chaos within our own sector, perhaps they've already done so with the likes of Gerr. To either overthrow the Duchess or to cause enough conflict that the Republic is brought in, making our sector a war zone either way.
Neither situation is good for Mandalore, thus neither situation must come to pass. We must resist all attempts to draw us into the war and perhaps even resist violently against both sides should we be forced to do so. The Duchess has already allowed for the creation of a Self-Defence Force on Mandalore, there are already dozens of similar organisations across all of the Mandalorian planets from the Journeyman Protectors of Concord Dawn to the Rangers of Gargon.
These organisations need to unite and standardise their operations so they can work with each other. In case one of the factions invades our systems trying and attempting to draw us into the war. We together face a time of crisis, one that we must turn away from for the good of our people.
The Mandalorian patrol is important to this, not only will we have unknown possibilities of invaders from the Republic or the Outer Rim, there is no doubt in my mind that criminal and private organisations will take advantage of the coming crisis. Dishonourable outlaws who will attempt to take the opportunity of the Republic being busy with war to set up stock on any planet they see as easy taking. This is why we should vote for our leaders to fund the Mandalorian patrol more than ever. We need to maintain sector security, but in order to do that we need to have a fleet capable of dealing with situations as fast as possible.
We must demonstrate to the galaxy that we shall not be easy pickings. That we will live in peace if approached in peace but will resist and bite with an unmatched ferocity when threatened.
A Refutation of Gerr.
I won't bother spending my time going through every single insipid word of the False Silver's inane ramblings. I would rather focus my efforts on discussing the core of his ideology, the public private partnership.
A core principle of the Silver Codex is the separation of powers. Indeed the powers that the Mand'alor has are specific and not all encompassing, the reasoning for this is twofold. Firstly, it is impractical for the Mand'alor to exercise control over every aspect of Mandalorian society, it is ineffective, unnecessary and shall only lead to a weaker Mandalore. The second reason is moral, the Mand'alor should not have the right to control every aspect of the Mandalorian life, no one should.
There is but one person who knows what is best for you, and that person is you. Any authority given away to private or public institutions, or cultural ones like clan heads, should be carefully considered to ensure that you are not being abused or needlessly restricted. The Mandalorian people do not need to be coddled or ordered about like droids.
The incestuious joining of the Public and Private leads to inefficiency and monopoly on both parts. The Private organisations will be propped up by the Government beyond all reason and laws that push out other private entities will arise.
In this section I will speak about Gerr's mistaken beliefs on how an economy should run, though I shall also take a shot at Tor Vizsla. I know it seems improper to attack the dead, but it seems that someone is still producing and updating a variant of his manifesto, the Death Watch Manifesto, and distributing it across the sector. Specifically his perfect society, his belief that warriors should rule and extort artisans, manufacturers and labourers as if they were vassals and servants.
This mindset is rife with problems as its abuse as such could easily create a caste system. A situation where a person has no control over what role they shall play in our society and shall have it dictated to them by consequence of birth. Something that has been on its downward trend ever since Mandalore the Ultimate. The best warrior might be born of a craftsman and a painter while the greatest artist might be the product of warriors.
A perfect society isn't inevitable, what we would get are caste systems and people restricted from becoming proper Mandalorians in one way or another. If you take those of us who do not go on the field of battle and turn them into nothing but slaves to continue production for that battle you have already enslaved every Mandalorian and our society will crumble.
Taking away the ability of a person to choose, if they were to, become a warrior or if they would remain a lowly labourer as this document would put it, takes away a Mandalorian's economic freedom. And without economic freedom, we would not see people like Mandalore the Binder, or Mandalore the Hammerborn come to the positions they obtained.
Binder would have remained a rug maker and Hammerborn would have remained a labourer in the perfect society that Tor Vizsla wanted, and yet this document that I have gained access to uses their names as if they're examples to be followed. Of course that's in the recruitment section isn't it. If that doesn't show you that someone's been prettying up their manifesto for consumer consumption nothing else will.
General Principles of War
I must first stress this truth again. War is a force that consumes lives and resources and I do not condone imperious conquest or bloody crusade. Nevertheless, if we are to live in peace we must remain masters of war. We shall carry our armour and our weapons proudly so that hostile powers know to speak with us softly and with respect.
The Codex aims to supply principles, not rules, and by training, develop the habit of applying these principles logically, correctly, and rapidly to each situation that may arise. Conflict is natural and war is undesirable, thus we must seek to compete with the wider galaxy and bring an end to wars in a rapid and decisive manner to the best of our ability.
War is more of an art than a science. Yet there have indeed been innumerable great minds put to the laborious task of understanding and conducting war in its most effective form possible. Yet war itself remains distinct, we shall never know what kinds of war awaits us and if the wisdom of the past might apply neatly to it.
But there are aspects of war that we might know mastery of. Elements of conflict that once carefully controlled will lead us to victory.
The fundamental principles of war shall inform all other principles. With these principles understood a commander can then expand from that into a more focused set of principles that are suited to the conflict the commander finds themselves contending with. To simplify, the most important fundamental principles of conducting a war are thus:
Aim: A single, unambiguous aim is the keystone of successful military operations. Selection and maintenance of the aim is regarded as the master principle of war. Logistics: Discover how we may gain a preponderance of forces and material advantages at a decisive point. Morale: To calculate morale factors. Morale is a positive state of mind derived from inspired political and military leadership, a shared sense of purpose and values, well-being, perceptions of worth and group cohesion. Coordination: Make the best use of the means at our disposal. This shall involve the judicious exploitation of manpower, materiel, and time in relation to the achievement of objectives while also understanding the requirement to change readily to meet new circumstances, this comprises agility, responsiveness, resilience, acuity and adaptability. Reality: To never lack objectivity and clarity. The requirement to know the capabilities of your own force and the forces of your enemy, to never allow yourself to embrace a fantasy or accept within yourself something that is not true. This principle also calls for the absolute requirement for intelligence gathering and reconnaissance to reinforce reasonable assumptions of the greater battlespace. Initiative: Utilising surprise, decisiveness, and aggressiveness to continuously strive to achieve and retain the initiative. To attack or threaten to attack any and all enemy forces we have the capacity to in order to paralyse the enemies operational capacity. To continually maintain pressure on all aspects of the enemy forces that are within our capacity to strike with highly mobile forces that can effectively withdraw from hard targets that would be too costly to continue to pressure, while pressing forward against soft targets that offer tactical or strategic advantage. When striking, if you find Beskar, turn away, if you find flesh, press on.
General Principles of Defence
Defence is the principle that is most vital to the continuation of any civilisation and is the most important aspect of any armed force. Indeed the preservation of our armed forces and our people is far more vital than the destruction of enemy forces in any situation. There are of course times when the destruction of the enemy forces is the most viable means to defend our own, though that is the exception and not the rule.
The purpose of war is not to die honourably for our cause, it is to make the other side die for theirs.
The first principle of defence is Cover. This is the use of the environment to obscure our own forces so that enemy attacks are rendered ineffective. Since we are always open to attack, even when we ourselves are attacking, we must at every instant be on the should therefore, place our forces under cover as much as possible.
The second principle of defence is Armour. This is the use of manufactured or engineered defences for our armed forces or civilian populations. As vital as the armour of our people is to a single Mandalorian, such armour also serves as protection for our forces in general and thus we can extrapolate the use of similar defensive equipment for our people as a whole. The establishment and maintenance of city or planetary shields, fortifications, earthworks, orbital defence installations, armies and navies should be considered the beskar'gam of the Mandalorian people.
The third principle of defence is Obfuscation. This is the effort to confound enemy intelligence or reconnaissance in an effort to render enemy attacks ineffective against our armed forces. The use of holograms, phantom fortifications, deployments and decoy ships as well as the careful classification of our full military capacity is vital to the defence of Mandalore.
The fourth principle of defence is Reserves. This is the coordination and dispersion of all forces and assets not currently deployed to meet an objective. There is no such thing as a great final battle and thus it is never reasonable to deploy every asset and soldier to a single objective. By maintaining a core of reserves we can meet any unexpected enemy attack wherever it might arise. It is only with reserve soldiers and assets left at our disposal after a battle is joined that we can turn the tide of said battle.
The fifth principle of defence is Depth. This is the principle that seeks to exploit the weakness of attack. All offensives have a tendency to lose momentum over time. As offensive forces push though even lightly defended areas they shall stretch logistical capacity and will be forced to disperse the forces they have available over a larger space. It is under this principle that we should not be overly concerned about the extent of our front nor should we demand that blood is spilt over any and all incursions into our territory. The principle of depth calls for the yielding of lightly defended areas to allow for later counter attack against dispersed enemy formations in such a way that shall allow the encirclement or withdrawal of the enemy forces. Therefore confounding the enemy any real gain in the offensive they have undertaken.
The sixth principle of defence is Engagement. This is the principle of never remaining completely passive. But to attack the enemy even when they are attacking us while expending the minimum possible lives, munitions or equipment. It is from these attacks that the greatest understanding of our enemies' disposition and condition can be understood. Should one of these continuous probing attacks prove to be effective, reserves can be deployed to turn it from a general engagement into a strategic offensive. Drawing enemy forces and resources to this location at the expense of other fronts.
General Principles of Offence
It is a fact that we must contend with that often the greatest means of defence is to destroy our enemy. Even so, we must be careful when contemplating the engagement of an offensive. Offensives are the most fragile elements of war and the most costly, to pursue a strategic offensive is to cast away the lives of many Mandalorians, to do so foolishly is treason.
The first principle of offence is Objective. Choose a reasonable objective for the offensive. Grand sweeping military actions that will achieve ultimate victory looks great on paper, but in reality pushing your army beyond its capabilities will only result in your forces being cut off and broken apart into smaller pieces until it is destroyed. Any objective you go after must not only be within your capability to achieve, but also be within your capability to secure its flanks in order to prevent that objective from being your last stand.
The second principle of offence is Surprise. Attack where the enemy does not expect. If you can make your enemies think you are attacking somewhere else they will weaken other locations to strengthen that threatened zone. This will give you two advantages, not only is the enemy possibly surprised at your unexpected attack at a more vulnerable location, giving you the advantage of initiative in this area, which can be worth its weight in manpower, but can leave your enemy in a disadvantageous position that will give you further opportunities to exploit.
The third principle of offence is Opportunity. When an offensive occurs the force deployed will most likely be outside of direct communication with the command structure. Thus officers must make use of opportunities they identify that can aid the spirit of the operation rapidly without compromising the operational capacity of allied forces. Pursuing an opportunity beyond your capabilities will only create an opportunity for your enemy.
The fourth principle of offence is Detail. Detail is the logistics, tactics and strategy of bringing a larger force against small enemy units in sequence rather than engaging the entire enemy force at once. Sending your army galavanting off after a smaller force only opens yourself up to opportunities for the enemy, caution is best when we do not have the manpower to spare.
The fifth principle of offence is Encirclement. Encirclement is the strategy of attacking an enemy force or fortification from multiple angles and the act of cutting off elements of enemy forces from their logistical network or communications grid. By the same token of finding opportunities that allow you to take land without being surrounded, if you find an opportunity to take land and surround the enemy this creates a problem for the enemy. They will need to free their troops which will draw forces to that area and make great opportunities in other positions in the line. Keeping an enemy unit that's been encircled locked in a position and pushing them further away from help may result in them simply surrendering andcausing any further conflict to be unnecessary.
The sixth principle of offence is Deprivation. Deprivation is the strategic focus on removing from play particular assets or the ability to produce particular assets from the enemy. Raiding parties focused on destroying Tibanna gas refineries are an example of the principle of deprivation on a strategic level. On a tactical level, preventing the enemy from getting resources to pursue war, such as food and other necessities, can weaken the enemy force over a prolonged period of time and could be accomplished by destruction of logistical capabilities. Granted, if we ever came to this phase the enemy would have the theoretical high ground and able to deploy resources wherever they wanted , and as such our fighters are most likely going to be unable to get into the air. But there is a way around this Mandalore has long been a , producer of advanced missiles of various types, arming groups with anti-air abilities or anti-orbital weapons could fill this niche and prevent logistics from running freely during a planetary campaign.
Responsibility and Command
To unify our defensive strategy we must not merely fortify hard points and defend our worlds, we must have a mastery of our entire system. To do so we must establish a command structure that can cohesively respond to any threats presented to our people.
To do so we must codify though law and by establishing a precedent for the powers and responsibilities of our highest positions of power.
The Mand'alor (Duchess Satine)
As Commander in Chief of our collective armed forces the Mand'alor has a variety of powers and responsibilities that are more specifically related to the conduct of war. The Mand'alor and the War Council they establish shall control the following elements of war directly or by trusted proxy.
Right to make war or peace or institute hostilities falling short of war. Deployment and use of armed forces outside of the Mandalorian Sector. Maintenance of the Mandalorian Navy. Use of the armed forces within the Mandalorian Sector to maintain the peace in support of the police or otherwise in support of civilian authorities. Control the organisation and disposition of armed forces. Requisition of Mandalorian civilain ships in times of urgent national necessity. Commissioning of officers in all armed forces. Armed forces pay. Regulation of trade with enemy state actors. Mand'alors right in time of war, to appropriate the property of a neutral party which is within the sovereignty of Mandalore, where necessity requires with appropriate compensation. Powers in the event of a grave national emergency, including those to enter upon, take and destroy private property.
Grand Commander of the Council
The Mand'alor will appoint one member of the War Council to serve as the Grand Commander. This person shall execute the will of the Mand'alor and will be responsible for conducting the campaign assigned to them by the Mand'alor. This person is also solely responsible for bringing weaknesses or mistakes to the attention of the Mand'alor. They must be a trusted confidant, a true servant of the people and of the Mand'alor, a person of wisdom and conviction who shall not work to usurp the position of Mand'alor.
Prime Minister of Mandalore
The Prime Minister will be chosen not by the Mand'alor but by every Mandalorian, even clanless Mandalorians. For they shall be the master of the civilian government. It is the Prime Minister who shall propose legislation and who shall manage the bureaucracy of the Mandalorian government. The Mand'alor will of course have a veto on any and all activities of the Prime Minister but should make every effort to avoid using said veto unnecessarily.
Void Doctrine
Space is the ultimate high ground, offering the greatest capacity to offer reconnaissance of forces on the ground as well as control the logistical throughput of any armed force. Control of space is absolutely vital for any military operation to be effective.
Principly, control of space merely requires the deployment of warships with superior numbers and capabilities that of the enemy within a particular zone of operation. In practice this is far more complicated. Ships are expensive and fulfill particular roles and duties, multirole ships are even more expensive and might not be as effective in any given role as specialised craft.
Indeed when considering space, while the quality of officers and crewmen cannot be overstated as vital, it is the strength of our economy and industry that is most important. It is thus imperative that we examine the situation carefully and pursue reasonable goals that can be achieved with the limited resources we have at our disposal.
The Mandalorian sector encampses many, many worlds, some barely populated and some are not even Mandalorian. For a great many worlds the investment into a small fighter force and a support ship would be all that is required to keep the ever present threat of piracy at bay. Such forces could also be folded into a larger fleet should the need arise.
In terms of a core fleet, a force that can swiftly move from one part of our sector to another, we must be careful not to rely too much on colossal ships or expensive superweapons. The fleet must be adaptable and should primarily be made up of light cruisers with gunship and fighter support. Such a force is well outside of the economic capacity at the moment of writing this but with careful investment we might soon see a modest fleet that is able to project enough strength to beat back criminal harassment.
Such modesty might not serve Mandalore forever, and doctrines must change with the times, but for now anti-piracy should be the primary focus of our void doctrine.
Ground Doctrine
In the worst case scenario of a planetary invasion, the final line of defence will be the various PDFs (Planetary Defence Forces) of a defending planet. This is a subject I am more familiar with than Void Combat as troops on the ground are a necessity to hold and secure territory. You could have the biggest fleet in the galaxy but if you don't have soldiers to fight on the ground to defeat enemies that managed to infiltrate your world, you are limited to the amount of tools available to you. If, say, an infiltration force managed to sneak into a populated and industrious planet, you can't just move your fleet in and bombard the planet to get rid of the infiltrators. For one it isn't a guarantee you'd get all of them without wiping the planet clean of life, and second, it would do more harm than good to blast your own factories and populace just to get rid of a few enemy infiltrators.
This does not mean that a fleet is useless, it means that both Void and Ground forces must work in tandem to cover all avenues of attack and cooperate for the defence of their planet.
Back to focusing on the Ground Doctrine. It is a well known fact that each planet is different, however this makes a standardised PDF a suboptimal and inefficient way to organise a PDF. A PDF organised and trained on Mandalore with infantry, vehicles, artillery, and aircraft working in sync as a combined arms unit on a wide and open desert can be an extremely versatile and capable force. However in Jakalia's dense forests, vehicles and aircraft are much less effective as they will get blocked by dense trees and vegetation, and artillery can't provide bombardment effectively as their bolts hit the trees more often than the enemy army.
On Gargon's mountains, mechanised infantry and vehicles might have a hard time traversing over the rocky terrain, the infantry at the very least could have access to jetpacks or air transport, heavy vehicles and artillery don't have that capability resulting in the Gargon PDF to rely more on their air power than their vehicles. Thus it is more beneficial for various PDFs of various planets to develop their own doctrine that can utilise their environment to their own advantage. I will leave the details to the respective PDF's doctrine organisers as they know what doctrine would fit with their own situation best.
However, there are a few concepts that are universal to modern warfare that are fairly simple to understand. The first are the various roles inside a modern army: Infantry, Vehicles, Aircraft, Artillery, Logistics crew, and Engineers. Each has their own subtype and each subtype plays a role in a modern army.
Infantry is the backbone of every army and the most versatile combat element in any army. They are the ones to hold ground, take territory, reconainances, and many more.
There is a reason I am focusing on the Company level, and that is due to the fact that it is well known to be a natural unit size of 150 personnel, and there is a reason for that. Most social sentients have a limit to the amount of other sentients that they can personally get to know and keep track of, that number is very rarely over 150. If you are in a Company, chances are that you will get to know all of the other members of the company, your officers and vice versa.
Not just their names but also what skills they might have and their family background is kept track of because it can be considered important information that is worth remembering. In battle, the Company Commander can run up to anyone in his company, immediately recognize him, shout out his name, give him an order, and expect it to be followed. That soldier would look up, see his officer, immediately recognize him, recognize his voice, and think 'Oh I've been given an order. I'll just carry it out.'. Above Company level, formality is required with signed and written orders due to the fact that the troops might not recognize the person delivering the order and might not necessarily trust that person which could mean the difference between success or failure in the middle of battle.
The Armourers handle all aspects of logistics needed to supply a combat sector, from supplying munitions to the combat divisions, maintaining the PDF's equipment, storing and transporting supplies to various bases, and even training for these non-combat personnel are handled by this group.
The Engineers handle all manner of military construction. Make no mistake, this is a very important role because their building experience can be put to use in times of peace as civil engineers. Being able to deliver vital public and military engineering services; partnering in peace and war to strengthen a planet's security, energise the economy, and reduce risks from disasters. Of course, the Brigade is divided into Engineering Groups which specialise in construction, Equipment Company that manufacture parts for the army, Vehicle Company that manufacture spare vehicle parts, and finally the Engineering Company that are made up of Combat Engineers, who handle engineering jobs on the battlefield itself like repairing bridges, demolitions, mine clearing, creating forward bases or fortifications.
I must reiterate again the need for clan formations to subordinate themselves to Sector, system or planetary command structures. While a clan army might be formidable it is only through coordinated action that we might seize victory in this modern age.
Cultural Doctrine
Conflict is not merely blasters and bombs, there are many soft factors at play. We must not only unify our internal image of the Mandalorians but we must present a useful image of ourselves to the greater galaxy. Our civilian sector is just as vital to the defence of Mandalore as our great warrior clans, every measure must be undertaken to see that the Galaxy at large partakes in Mandalorian food, watch Mandalorian holo-vids, read Mandalorian novels, watch Mandalorian plays, and dons Mandalorian clothes.
On this front it is vital that the private sector develop contemporary media from a Mandalorian cultural perspective but that such efforts are aided in grants and funding by the various worlds in our sector. While we should take great pains to export this media it should first and foremost be to the taste of the Mandalorian. It is that distinctiveness that shall be a great draw from Non-Mandalorians. A particular emphasis should be placed on producing entertainment for Mandalorian children and teenagers. Modernised tales of heroics and bravery with messages promoting teamwork and good Mandalorian morals. When the young of the galaxy partake in these stories designed for our own young it shall plant the seed of common understanding in them that shall grow into respect and dignity for our culture and people.
Our culture is unique across the galaxy and that is a great source of strength, we should lean into our long history and from it take elements that will capture the imagination of the people of the galaxy. In our plays, novels and Holo-vids we should not shy away from controversy, from elements that shock and challenge the viewer, indeed we are competing with a corporate stranglehold on entertainment and it is only authenticity that shall more effectively draw attention to ourselves on that front.
We have an abundance of common heritage that lies in ruin across our sector fortifications and clan holds filled with artefacts not seen in the galaxy for thousands of years. The refurbishment of these places so that outsiders may visit and behold our great achievements can bring vital credits to our sector.
Many of you believe yourselves, above the entertainment of non-mandalorians, and it is indeed true that many of them will not appreciate what we are offering. But any who turn away from necessary work for the good of Mandalore can hardly be respected. Did Mandalore The Great not chastise the warriors who found themselves too good to fight in the rearguard? Too proud to act as a diversion? There are many roles in our common defence that may seem less honourable than others but are no less vital when presented as a common strategy of the battles we must contend with.
The White Silver's Speech
"I have no interest in leading a movement. I have an interest in creating a debate. One to see if we can make a stable middle ground between the Old and the New and as far as I could tell we're well on our way to meeting that middle ground as people are finding things about the Codex that they like and implementing them. And that is perfectly fine with me.
What I am not fine with is pointless war. Let me be clear, my friends, those who have seen my conduct here will know that I am no novice to war. To conflict and strife. Indeed this is to be expected of any respected Mandalorian! Mastery of battle is in our blood and I do take pride in the ability I have cultivated, as should every respectable Mandalorian. But I know my heart thunders in sympathy for every scattered child of Mandalore, a burning hate that consumes every fibre of my being!
I hate war! I hate the battlecry of men and women too young to know life before they fall nameless and alone. I hate the cold calculus of orbital bombardment. I hate the savage desperation of a charge and the bloody duty of a defensive line.
I hate homes blasted to ruin. I hate industry turned to nothing but bombs and blasters. I hate the brilliance of programming twisted to produce insidious droids that do nothing but snuff out life. I hate battles across fields of grain and I hate forests turned to ash. I hate cities turned to rubble and the abundant beauty of nature turned to mud and craters. I hate wars that rage across worlds, across systems, across the galaxy!
Pointless war takes everything good and turns it into a wasteland, it fills our graves and deprives our children! It steals from us! Robs us of our best and brightest and leaves us friendless and alone! Isolated from the galaxy and residing on a desert world of our own making!
The New Mandalorians turn away from all conflict, turn away from strength and our ancient customs in the hope of never seeing a war again. I understand them, truly I do! But I do not agree with them. No, I do not. I do not fear strength, the blaster, our armor, our heritage!
I do not fear our ability to fight for what is right! No Mandalorian should! The right to unify Mandalore shall fall to the men and women who shall carry swords but know when to keep them sheathed! We are not animals! Rabid and wild and less than sapient! We are MANDALORIAN!
Each and every one of us! We can reason and debate and turn away from battle until we have no other choice! It is only then, when we have demonstrated our patience and rationality that we shall draw the sword and strike down our enemy with a ferocity that will shock and awe the galaxy! That is THE WAY!"