Chereads / A Story of Franklin Richardson / How the First Galactic War Began

A Story of Franklin Richardson

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How the First Galactic War Began

In the far and distant future of 2994 (Earthian Time/Gregorian Time), the QDNP (Quadaric Democratic Nationalist Party) won a sweeping victory in the Quadaric Sector-Wide Elections, beating its rival, the QISP (Quadaric International Socialist Party). The citizens of the Quadarium had no idea that their decision to bring the QDNP to power would forever alter the course of their history. Many of the members of the QDNP were ex-QNP (Quadarian Nationalist Party) members with pro-nationalist, Dinen ideals which were mainly fascism, and many of them had climbed through the ranks of authority from a political party in Dinach to winning an entire sector-wide political election. What began as a promise of strength and unity quickly morphed into something far darker. The rise of the QDNP laid the foundation for the I.F.Q.S. (Interplanetary Federation of the Quadarium Sector), a dual government formed of two main bodies: the Quadaric Senate and the Quadaric House of Representatives. The Federation had managed to unite every planet in the Quadarium Sector under their rule.

These two governing bodies represented a tri-governance hierarchy of power, with the Q.H.C. (Quadaric High Council) reigning supreme over both. This council made decisions that would impact the Quadarium Sector and, eventually, the entire galaxy. The I.F.Q.S., with its iron grip, ruled over hundreds of light-years worth of territory. The Quadarium Sector was a collection of sixteen colonized planets, quintillions of moons, and a couple hundred star systems. Before this rise to power, the sector had been known as the U.Q.N. (United Quadaric Nations), a more peaceful confederation of planets that aimed to preserve the interests of its citizens. But by 2994 (Earthian TIme), those ideals had been twisted by the QDNP's authoritarian rule. When they came into power, they immediately abolished all international communications and forcibly disbanded all other political parties besides them. With this, the I.F.Q.S., staying true to their democratic side of things, allowed all Quadaric citizens with voting rights to vote for their planetary senators who were still under the I.F.Q.S. but had the freedom to lead their people personally, though most liberals were unaccepted. They could make changes and have progressive ideals as long as they didn't get too political or start to rival the political power of the QDNP. To enforce their ideologies for the hatred and degradation of the Alarics, they started the new citizenship policies as well as sending possibly trillions to work in forced labour. Regions in the Quadarium Sector were the Alstimian region (Home of Alstimian people, who were mainly Quadaric), the Brogsthenn region, the closest to the Alarion sector (And were mostly Alarics), and the Dimutien region (Pure Quadarics). Regions after the new policies and laws were set into place: the Alstimian region was fully purified and the Brogsthenn region was cleansed of all the Alarics and sent to Denizen districts with some being sent to death camps.

The ascendance of the I.F.Q.S. marked the birth of the First Quadaric Empire in 3005 (Or at least that's what they called it, although it wasn't an empire by definition). The Federation was now a fierce militaristic force obsessed with control and of course, nationalism and capitalism. It was only a matter of time before this lust for power and the mindlessly gullible patriotic citizens (And denizens) led to conflict, both within and outside their territorial borders. By 3005 (Earthian Time), the empire's ambitions reached beyond its home sector, culminating in a devastating inter-sector conflict that became known as the First Galactic War also known as the Century-Year War or the Inter-Sector Wars.

The first strike in this war came when the First Quadaric Empire, under the control of the I.F.Q.S., invaded a foreign sector and seized a moon for ''mining operations''. The entire thing was fittingly named ''An Ancestral Conquest!''. It was an operation to integrate Earth into their system, their way of life, and society, disguised as simply a minor visit of Earth's closest and only satellite, Luna. However, even their propaganda seemed to contradict this. The act violated the Inter-Sector Treaty of the Quadarium-Alarion Sectors, a long-standing agreement that had kept peace between the sectors for centuries. The foreign government, the A.U.N. (Alaric United Nations), immediately condemned the I.F.Q.S. and brought the issue to the S.G.C. (Supreme Galactic Council), sparking a galactic-wide debate.

In typical fashion, the I.F.Q.S. used its influence over the S.G.C. and manipulative tactics, particularly through the I.P.P.Q.S., to have the issue dismissed. It was blatant what they were doing. Despite this dismissal, the Alarics, now rivals to the Quadarics, would never forget the incident. Their people had long-standing tensions with the Quadarics, exacerbated by cultural differences. The Alarics had a deep-seated obsession with ownership due to their history of repeated catastrophes and loss. To them, the moon was more than a resource—it was a symbol of stability and control, to keep a watchful eye over their home of origin which was quite hypocritical considering that they claimed that they believed no one should own Earth. When the Quadarics took it, it was seen as an existential threat.

A barrier of nuclear bombs, each equipped with proximity sensors and thermal radars, separated the two sectors, their ways of life and ideologies. These devices, larger and more powerful than the infamous Tsar Bomba, were designed to act as galactic mines, detonating in space upon detecting intrusions. Though they were spread out to prevent a catastrophic chain reaction, the psychological and physical divide between the Quadarium and Alarion Sectors was monumental though the technology was rather primitive compared to what would develop just a few decades later. Border gates—space stations that functioned as checkpoints—regulated the few legal crossings between the two sectors. It was a tense, yet seemingly stable, stalemate.

But that fragile peace was shattered when a bombing occurred at the I.F.Q.S.'s mining facility on Luna, Earth's moon, where Quadaric forces had secretly begun positioning themselves to occupy the planet. The I.F.Q.S. immediately blamed the Alaric government for the terrorist attack, accusing them of retaliating against the illegal occupation of the moon. The accusation set off a chain reaction of events that would plunge the galaxy into chaos. The Quadaric propaganda machine immediately blamed the Alarics, framing them as if they had done the bombing. However, it was more likely than not Martians.

The S.G.C.'s private investigators were dispatched to conduct a sector-wide investigation in the Alarion Sector. Their findings revealed a web of espionage, sabotage, and deceit, all orchestrated by the I.F.Q.S. within the Alaric government. This revelation sparked outrage across the galaxy, but none more so than among the Alaric people, who had already been simmering with resentment. They had never forgiven the I.F.Q.S. for their earlier transgressions, and now, with this fresh betrayal, war seemed inevitable.

Meanwhile, the Quadarics were also seething. The bombing had killed hundreds of workers, most of them of 'Quadaric ethnic' origin, a term used for anyone who was born in the Quadarium Sector. The concept of ethnicity in the Quadarium Sector was complex. Most of the I.F.Q.S.'s control only extended to Quadaria, the central planet of the I.F.Q.S., and a slither more. Still, after a decade of expansion and control, the Federation's reach extended across dozens of planets, with citizens of varying backgrounds being absorbed into the fold.

The root of the Quadaric power lay in Quadaria itself, a planet with eight massive continents, each one vastly different in landscape and culture. The countries of Quadaria—all twenty-eight of them—had long been the seat of power for the Quadarium Sector. However, all were now part of a superstate, part of the I.F.Q.S, part of the First Quadaric Empire. But it was the nation of Dinach that was particularly notable. Dinach, often called Dinak in ancient times, was the birthplace of the QDNP and the hub of Quadaric Nationalism. The Dinen people, who hailed from Dinach, were considered the most loyal followers of the I.F.Q.S., and it was from this planet that the authoritarian policies of the QDNP first took root.

As the conflict escalated, both sides dug in deeper, entrenching themselves in their beliefs and their hatred for the other. The Alaric people, whose culture revolved around the sanctity of ownership, were particularly enraged by the Quadarics' attempt to take control of Earth, their ancestral home. Earth, isolated from the rest of the galaxy, had become a symbol of pride for the Alarics, a monument to their origins. The idea of it being governed by a foreign power was unthinkable.

Tensions reached a boiling point when a simple trade deal went awry. An infamous Alaric trader named Kamish Najjar illegally sold an export of items at an exorbitant price to a Quadaric buyer on a route of the Q.A.C.R. (Quadaric-Alaric Commerce Route) or more specifically, the Thirty-Second Route. Mr Walbert P. Falloue, the Quadaric buyer who happened to be the head of the Q.I.S.E.T. (Quadaric Inter-Sector Exchange Transit), led to a series of events that became known as 'Kamish's Chain Reaction'. The investigation and manhunt done on the man led to the discovery of a huge underground network of illegal immigration organizations which was revealed to be the cause of the ''Alaric Immigration Crisis'' of the Quadarium Sector in 2999 due to the Kazaranian World War, Kazaran being a planet in the Alarion Sector. Quadaric authorities quickly framed the situation as an Alaric betrayal, and the QNNN (Quadaric National News Network) began running incendiary headlines like ''The Alaric Treachery''. This spark ignited what would come to be known as the First Galactic War.

Kamish's actions were just the beginning. As protests erupted on both sides, sick from all the bad things being thrown at them, choosing to believe anything that would turn it around, and their jobs and homes being taken by ''aliens'', they quickly devolved into riots, vandalism, and terrorism. The I.F.Q.S., under immense pressure from its people, finally declared war on the A.U.N., marking the beginning of a century-long conflict that would devastate the galaxy. What had started as a territorial dispute over a single moon, would grow into a war that would reshape civilizations, displace trillions, and redefine the very fabric of galactic politics.

The First Quadaric Empire with its allies, the Fourth Rymmirian Empire of the Rymmiri Sector which was a neighbouring sector to the Alarion Sector, the G.U.N. (Gobristian United Nations) of the Gobrist Sector, and the People's Republic of Felci (P.R.F.) of the Felci Sector, forming the Quadruple Alliance with their respective militaries, the Rymmirian Space Fleet which was the main interplanetary transportation of troops, the Gobristian Army giving the Q.A.F. one trillion Qurzids (Quadaric Imperial Currency) with over one million vehicles and weapons, and the Felcians being a main exporter of goods and resources. The First Quadaric Empire which was the I.F.Q.S. ran a capitalist society and so, wasn't too kind towards the Felcians who happened to be communists, fearing that they might ruin their economies. The Felcians would later stop exports and break their alliance with them.

With this newly formed alliance, the Q.A.F. started their invasion by transporting their troops to their first target; Hosfarno, one of many planets on the edges of the border. The Alarics who were preparing for this, had allied with their neighbouring sectors. The Nodshrian Allied Forces of the Nodshri Sector, the small nations of the Zewher Sector, and the Kiffthian Planetary Empire of the Kiffth Sector, each with their government and governments (As not all sectors were united under one), formed the Quadruple Entente. They had unionized to fight against the one true evil. And now, as the fleet of Rymmirian transport ships arrived beyond the deathly barrier of ancient radiation and minefields of nuclear bombs which were taken care of easily (They were over a century old by this point), and as the planetary defence systems of Hosfarno (The first planet of the Quadaric invasion) activated, the war had begun.

The First Galactic War would be fought in every conceivable environment—on desert planets, frozen moons, asteroid belts, and sprawling space stations. The Federationists against the Unionists. The Quadruple Alliance against the Quadruple Entente. It would see the rise of powerful revolutionaries, the fall of galactic superpowers, and the birth of new alliances. Perhaps most devastating, it would end the I.F.Q.S., the very government that had started it all.

Thus, the First Galactic War began on the twenty-fifth of the second month, 3005, at exactly 12:45 P.M. (Earthian Time), as the first-ever inter-sector and galactic conflict. It was an era of untold destruction and death that would not end until the galaxy itself was forever changed and a new galactic threat arose.