Chapter 19 - LM0019 Friends

Upon reaching the second floor, where the boutiques sprawled in a gleaming showcase of elegance, Nancy came to a deliberate stop. The polished tiles reflected the boutique lights, creating a sense of endless luxury, and the faint hum of shoppers echoed softly in the background. Yet Nancy didn't head straight into any store. Instead, she hesitated, her gaze scanning the floor as if searching for something—or someone.

"We'll wait here for a bit," Nancy announced casually, her voice light but carrying an undercurrent of impatience. She adjusted the strap of her designer handbag with a flick of her wrist, her every move calculated to appear effortless. "Sophia and Andrea should be here any minute. It'd be boring to start without them, don't you think?"

Mizuki's lips twitched at Nancy's logic. Of course, it would be boring—for Nancy, at least. Shopping for overpriced clothes without her usual audience of admirers to laugh at her jokes and validate her choices? Unthinkable. But Mizuki didn't bother commenting. Instead, she smothered the smirk threatening to surface. Actually, this might work out better for me, she thought. Let her friends come—I'll make this outing unforgettable for all of them.

Feigning indifference, Mizuki nodded. "Makes sense," she replied, her tone neutral. Without waiting for a response, she wandered a few steps toward the glass railing, leaning lightly against it. Below her, the ground floor bustled with energy, a sea of activity as shoppers moved in and out of stores, their arms laden with branded shopping bags. The names emblazoned on the bags practically screamed affluence—Lavenne, Sauvage, and others Mizuki had long since stopped caring about.

Her silver-gray eyes drifted over the scene, watching the flow of people, the rhythm of their movements. It was all so perfectly curated, from the golden glow of the lighting to the soft hum of instrumental music playing faintly in the background. Everything about this place whispered sophistication—no, it shouted it. It was the kind of world Nancy thrived in, a world she clung to like a lifeline.

Nancy, meanwhile, seemed far more interested in her reflection than in the bustling activity around her. She adjusted her wide-brimmed hat with delicate fingers, tilting her head slightly to inspect how it framed her face. Satisfied, she smoothed her dress, tugging at the fabric until it fell just right.

"Lavenne's new collection just dropped," she said offhandedly, her tone casual but laced with anticipation. "Andrea mentioned it the other day. She's been dying to check it out. And Sophia—well, you know how she is. She won't let us leave without visiting Chanel. It's practically tradition at this point."

Mizuki let out a noncommittal hum, pretending to care as she watched Nancy out of the corner of her eye. Her friend was a vision of manufactured perfection, from the glossy waves of her hair to the subtle shimmer of her makeup. It was an image Nancy had cultivated meticulously, one she used to convince the world—and maybe herself—that she belonged here.

In reality, Mizuki mused, Nancy was more fragile than she let on. Her confidence wasn't built on solid ground; it was a precarious house of cards, balanced on lies and held together by the blind adoration of those around her. Nancy couldn't afford for anyone to look too closely, especially not Mizuki.

Mizuki's lips twitched again, this time in something closer to amusement. If Nancy thought she could control the narrative forever, she was in for a rude awakening. Mizuki had played the role of the loyal sidekick long enough, letting Nancy bask in the spotlight while she stood in the shadows. Payback would hit today. 

After a few minutes, Mizuki's attention shifted as two familiar figures emerged from the escalators. Sophia and Andrea, both impeccably dressed, approached with the kind of easy confidence that came from years of practice. Their tailored coats fit like a second skin, and the gleam of their designer boots caught the light with every step. Handbags dangled casually from their arms, their perfectly manicured hands brushing against the leather as they walked.

Nancy's face lit up at the sight of them, her features softening into a warm, almost childlike smile. She waved enthusiastically, practically bouncing on her toes.

"There they are!" she exclaimed, glancing over her shoulder at Mizuki. "Finally, we can get started."

Mizuki pushed off the railing, her movements deliberate and unhurried. She fell into step behind Nancy, her expression calm but unreadable. As Sophia and Andrea approached, Mizuki offered them a polite smile, her silver-gray eyes betraying nothing.

Sophia and Andrea greeted Nancy with the kind of enthusiasm reserved for close friends—or those who shared a mutual interest in status. Air kisses were exchanged, their laughter bubbling up like champagne as they complimented each other's outfits. Mizuki hung back, watching the exchange with quiet detachment.

From the very beginning, she had been the outsider. Nancy's charity case. The girl who didn't quite belong but was kept around out of some unspoken obligation. Sophia and Andrea had never gone out of their way to make her feel included, and Nancy had never encouraged them to. If anything, Nancy seemed to delight in the subtle slights, the way they ignored Mizuki or talked over her as if she wasn't even there.

In the past, that had bothered Mizuki. She had wanted to belong, to feel like part of the group. But those days were long gone. Mizuki had stopped caring about their approval, stopped trying to fit into a world that didn't want her. Now, she saw them for what they were—superficial, self-absorbed, and completely under Nancy's thumb.

Nancy couldn't afford to let Mizuki get too close to Sophia and Andrea, not because she feared Mizuki would expose her secrets but because she couldn't risk losing control. Nancy's entire persona was built on manipulation, on keeping everyone in their proper place. Mizuki's presence threatened that balance, and Nancy knew it.

Now, as the group lingered near the entrance of the boutiques, Nancy's voice filled the air, her excitement palpable. She gestured animatedly, her words tumbling out in a flurry of enthusiasm as Sophia and Andrea chimed in with practiced ease. Mizuki remained quiet, her calm demeanor masking the storm brewing beneath the surface.

She didn't need their approval. She didn't want their friendship. All she needed was an opportunity, a single moment to remind Nancy—and everyone else—exactly who they were dealing with.

Her lips curved into a faint smile, a glimmer of mischief dancing in her eyes. Let the show begin.