Chereads / The Last Heir's Awakening / Chapter 3 - RED WINTER [II]

Chapter 3 - RED WINTER [II]

**7 days left**

As the Royal family walked past the shops of their kingdom, they received many gifts, to a point that the guards and attendants were having a hard time carrying all of them.

"Seems like we have a lot of gifts this time Arin," The King said.

"Indeed. We should head back to the mansion for now." Arin, the Queen said.

"Wait dad.. Can I go see the blacksmith shop?" Renard asked.

"Hmmm, okay. Lucia go ahead with him, make sure he does not eat more Cirils on the way." The King said.

As they walked away, Renard noticed one guard whose arms were slightly shaking, struggling to bear the strain from the heaps of gifts he was holding. He walked towards the guards as he said a short chant. As he did, the guards felt the load on their arms ease up, to an extent that they could easily hold them. They all bowed as they followed the King and Queen, who smiled at their only child proudly.

"Little Renard can alter the physical phenomena of everything, but our mana reserves only allow him to lower the weight of certain objects to some extent.." Lucia thought as she led the way, holding Renard's hand.

Their Kingdom was small, so was their capital. After some several meters, they were walking past workers, who were building houses and other infrastructure on what looked like a wasteland. The ground beneath them shook very now and then, and several workers pulled carts covered by dark sheets.

"These workers are from the mines. Do you recall what mineral we mine? I taught you several days ago." Lucia asked.

"Viridin, a dark green mineral that can store mana in diverse forms." He replied as he greeted the workers while they passed, bowing down at them.

"Good. Now, let us hurry to the store."


As Lucia opened the door of the blacksmith store, a bell rung and in front of them stood a fairly old man, in his seventies. 

"Welcome to my humble store, young King." the man said as he attempted to bow down.

"Please don't.." Renard said, as he struggled to place his words together.

"He wishes to have a casual conversation with you, just like how the king and queen desire." Lucia said

"Very well young one, what a modest royal family we have," he remarked.

"So, what brings you two here?" 

Lucia turned to Renard, tugging him to speak up.

"I was curious about weapon making.." Renard said.

"Wonderful! To be curious about making weapons, which weapon would you like?" The old man asked, his eyes staring at Renard's. 


"Longsword huh, well, let's get started, shall we?" He said as he led them to the inner side of the shop. Renard looked around in awe, admiring the forge, the gigantic anvil, the display of weapons and the collection of hammers, handles and other materials.

"Young one, do you know about the structure of a longsword?" The old man asked, curious to know the extent of Renard's knowledge.

"Yes. A longsword as the name suggests, has a long blade, which needs to be made by a sturdy material to avoid breaking." He replied.

"Good, very good," the man replied as he went on, explaining more into detail as he showed Renard the several tools he uses. The two got so engaged that they did not notice when it got late. Lucia stared at Renard, who looked happy as he ingested each and every single ounce of information, and the old man who looked overjoyed to see the future king so invested in weapon making.

"Perhaps for today, I will allow him to stay outside for a little longer," she said to herself as she let out a yawn, a frosty breath accompanying it. She observed Renard,till sunset.

**6 days left**

Despite the accumulating snow, the citizens of the kingdom walked around jovially, some decorating the streets, some heading out to hunt, and some going on with their usual work. Renard had woken up quite early, even before Lucia did. She just heard the tip toeing of Renard, who was carefully walking past her quarters, careful not to wake her up. Since he now knew the way to the blacksmith, he did not want to bother Lucia. 

As he went outside, he met with Cecil, who was on a carriage full of supplies.

"Oh, you are already awake?" She asked as she alighted, hugging the boy.

"You're leaving already?" Renard asked in a low tone.

"Yes my dear boy. I will be away for some few months, but worry not, I shall be sending letters every now and then, so don't have that sad look on your face. Here, take this." Cecil said as she handed him a bracelet. It had a shiny green orb attached to it.

"Think of it as a tangible promise, I shall see you one day again. I will make sure to come with the best items I find outside. I might as well bring you some honey, I know you have not tasted it yet, but trust me, it is more sweet than a ciril."

"Is it a fruit?" He asked.

"No dear, it is a thick liquid with a very alluring orange blossom colour," She said, embracing Renard.

"Till we meet again, young King."

"Okay," Renard said as he struggled to hold in his sniffles, "May the Light Sovereigns be with you."

Renard watched her cart go towards the gates, which opened, revealing a lush landscape. The snow had already covered the bases of trees, and little undergrowth could be seen.

As the gates closed, Renard made a promise to himself: To one day welcome Cecil back, and to also walk out of the gates, not as little Renard, but as King Renard.

Cecil, inside the carriage, rested her head on a cushioned pillow, letting out a sigh. She knew it would take a very long time for her to come back, it would perhaps be more than the few months she said, but regardless of that, she had a personal mission she wanted to fulfil, no matter what.

"I might even come back when Renard is slightly older, perhaps a teenager," She said to herself jokingly as she chuckled. 

"I wish him a happy winter season, I wish happiness for the king and queen, and all other elves, oh Great Sovereigns of Light, listen to my prayers."
