Chereads / Star Maze: Walking in the Storm / Chapter 6 - Chapter 3: The Beginning of the Cataclysm, Part 1

Chapter 6 - Chapter 3: The Beginning of the Cataclysm, Part 1

Everyone is happy and content, Jawara gives his speech again and everyone applauds, the girl who had gone against him was, what a surprise! And although she did not agree with Jawara at all, at least this time she decided that she was not going to impose herself on Jawara, and see if she was really right.

Now, Jawara is given the title she had been aiming for, but she knows that it is not over yet. He starts to think about the whole journey he went through to get here, he sees how people applaud, but he also observes that people reflect hope, they put all their trust in what Jawara told them, then Jawara wonders if the speech he gave would really be useful to many people in the auditorium, the eclipse was a phenomenon that in reality, although there were people who came out ahead, it was like "a day of dense darkness, a gloomy day, even the bravest felt very afraid before such an event, Jawara steps away for a moment to meditate more deeply.

_I did my best-Jawara meditates alone- but will it be enough? There are many people who want to do good, but it seems that the more we try, the worse things get, for example with that teenager who humiliated me at the presentation. Of my project and of course, in front of the whole world, but of course, if fame was going to come to me it is logical that this had to happen. What I can see in my friend Britney, she is very, very cerebral, it is not common for a girl, in fact, she finished high school and is on her way to college, and now she is advancing in her career in AI, but many have said that AI, despite the many transcendental changes it has made to technology, is very dangerous, there are things that are out of our control, but we must fight. Yes, I must fight so that the Airspace-wanderer contributes a lot to humanity, I would like to go on a tour, starting from the most isolated areas of the planet, I have to be humble and see the good in others, whoever they are, that is the quality my girlfriend Blossom has, that is why I fell in love with her, seeing the good in others will bring me benefits, one never knows if in the places where one most underestimates we could find great talents, expert scientists, talented designers, outstanding engineers. But I have to admit deep down that I would like to do everything myself, every time they give me recognition I feel powerful, that I do not need more, I must make an effort to be able to change that attitude.

Jawara feels honored, but at the same time he has many doubts, people for now have a spark of hope, and with the events of the eclipse, many changes occurred in people's attitude, but what they do not have is the absolute certainty that this will continue like this, there has been much speculation that an end of the world is coming, but it seems that it is something that many do not care about, they show indifference, but there are many other people who do fear that at some point an end of the world will come, and with everything that happened in a single day, an eclipse never seen before, so much turbulence, so much violence, Jawara wants to give his best with the Airspace-wanderer, he wants this space plane to meet all the expectations he has, they have not tested it yet, although first he wants to do aerial acrobatics in outer space, and invite all kinds of people to witness it, he is so focused on his projects that sometimes he forgets what things have to be given priority at the moment. Jawara is happy for the moment, but he wants to digest the enormous responsibility he has just assumed. Jawara loves to tell the truth, he doesn't even like white lies, for him, all kinds of lies are very bad.

His loved ones come to congratulate him. His sister, Sharon Malenfant, arrives very playful.

_Look what we have here. The new leader who will bring us peace and security

_As if you had the solution for a long time.

Sharon snatches his title from him and begins to tickle him.

_Hey wait. What's my fault?

_Guilty? Yes, you are guilty. So guilty that tonight I will eat your dinner, and everything you have stored in your refrigerator.

_Yes? Don't tell me. Come on, I'm waiting for you! Let's see if you really will eat everything. If you feel so strongly that you can eat all my food. Go right now and in five minutes finish it all. And I will respect you more.

_Of course I will! But with good organization, since we must have at least three meals a day. And that amount of food must be rationed in those three meals.

_Ok, ok. Now it turns out that you become very disciplined when it comes to eating.

_I am a disciplined woman! Responsible with what you eat. I think discipline is necessary in every activity you do.

_Yes, of course, as you say, miss. We must be disciplined, and surely discipline includes eating all the snacks you want when you have to celebrate.

_Really, Jawara, what would I do without you.

_Doctor Malenfant? - said an Andrei

was very impressed to see Jawara, he turned to look at me and it was confusing for him to remember who he was.

_ You must remember my husband- said Melanie- it's me, Melanie Ackermann

_ I remember you- said Jawara- but not you.

_ Well, fine, I'll introduce myself again, I'm Dr. Andrei Winterhall, an internist, this is my wife, Melanie, who is a nurse, and here I'll introduce you to my brother, Jaidev

_ It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm a lawyer and a very, very good one, so you can hire me if you want to protect your rights as the creator of the Airspace-wanderer.

_ But please! Not so much formality, I think we have contemporary ages.

_ Don't listen to my brother, I love formality- said Sharon interfering, Andrei is shocked to see her, as is Jaidev, Sharon extends her hand to introduce herself and be cordial and respectful, but when touching Andrei and Jaidev's hands, she felt a special connection, but not a connection that a woman feels when she likes a man, rather, something to do with natural affection.

_ Did you say your name is Sharon Malenfant?- said Jaidev shocked- Sharon?

_ Um, yes, that's right and you are Jaidev Winterhall, you said you were a lawyer, I'm glad to meet you too, I don't know, there's something in your gaze.... the same as your brother's, I don't know, I feel as if we've known each other for years, or even... there was a bond. But....-Sharon shakes the bee and answers embarrassed- but don't pay attention to me

_ Don't worry- said Jaidev- will you excuse me for a moment?

Jaidev walked away, went to a corner, he couldn't believe it, she looked just like his deceased sister! Is it her? Is it her sister who is alive and is she?

_ What's wrong Jaidev? - said Andrei taking Jaidev out of his thoughts and mixed feelings.

_ I don't know bro, she looks just like Sharon, that look, that look she had, I remember it very very well, and that smile, it's similar, not similar, just like dad's!

_ Jaidev! - said Andrei furious - I already told you that we don't talk about her!

_ Andrei, that's enough! - said Jaidev shouting - that's enough, look, I know it's a mirage, it's obvious that Sharon died and she will never come back, but, I'm tired of that way you talk about her! A child doesn't have the ability or the capacity to take care of himself, it was our parents' responsibility to take care of her! If an adult can suffer a misfortune while in his faculties, he can die, now a child! You are a doctor! You studied human development in several subjects at your university, why do you blame Sharon?

_ I already told you that we don't talk about her, why don't you understand?

_ I know why you are like this, it's not that you hate our sister, it's that you can't get over her death, just like I can't. But what if she were alive?

_ I pray that's not the case! - shouted Andrei angrily - Because if it were, she is still dead to me, I don't want to know anything about her! I can't stand the harm she did to our father, to our mother, to all of us!

_ Andrei... not only... do you feel resentment for what according to you "hurt dad". You are also suffering because you are hurting because of her death, and you are hurting because of the suffering of our entire family in losing her, because as a result of her death, over time, Denahi and Fatima were gone, you are hurting because of the suffering of all of us as a family! It is not that you hate her.

_ No Jaidev! If I hate her, I hate her, I don't love her and I will never love her again, I don't want you to mention her again because if you do, you will be the next on the list after her of never wanting to see you or speak to you again, and I don't want any more losses!

Jaidev feels helpless and angry towards Andrei when he sees how he speaks about his deceased sister, but he also feels immense pain when he sees her suffering and sees that she could lose him too.

_ It's okay! I will not mention her again, but please, I ask you to fight together to get Denahi and Fatima back, it's enough, you already said it, we have already lost a lot, Denahi and Fatima should not be on the list

After telling him that, Jaidev hugs him very tightly, although Andrei did not want anyone in the audience to see his pain, he begins to cry inconsolably, Jaidev, in his great love, takes him to a place away from the crowd so that Andrei can vent in peace and people do not look at him with indifference or think he is exaggerating

Meanwhile, Jawara's father goes to congratulate his son

My son, many congratulations - says Jawara's father, Mr. Edward Malenfant, while giving him a hug - If the aliens do not come to us, we will go to them - says Edward Malenfant very playfully

_Thank you very much Father, says Jawara, but as if they should exist, scientists have investigated a lot, but they do not agree if the information of the possible existence of aliens is reliable or not.

At that moment, his girlfriend Blossom arrives

_Congratulations my love- he gives her a hug and a kiss-. Hey, I'm glad you liked it.

You left me very intrigued with your speech and I would like to ask you: Do you really believe that humanity is in a labyrinth?

_Thank you, darling, because if we think about it carefully, there are many advances, but there are many questions that have not been answered. My doubt is what is beyond where humanity has been able to reach, because humans have not been able to travel to more distant places. For example, I would like that in the future humans would build something with which we could go around the entire Milky Way galaxy. Although it is also my goal to do an aerial acrobatics show in outer space and that all kinds of people can witness it, regardless of their social and economic status

_Oh my God, Jawara, that already sounds like Science Fiction-says Yadir playfully while joining in the conversation.

_But everything is possible, we are on the right path-says Jawara enthusiastically

_Look friend, I know you are very happy now-says Yadir- but you must take into account that we all have limits, the future is uncertain to a certain point.

_What a labyrinth, tell me Mr. Malenfant, will we ever get out of that labyrinth?-says Jacob, who arrived to congratulate him.

_Hello champion, well the truth is yes, we are still in it.-Jawara kneels down to listen to him and talk with him.

_Hey, is it possible that aliens exist?

_As I told you a while ago, my answer is a resounding no, but I do believe in science, and in everything it can achieve.

_If I am honest, I think so, it would be fun to see an alien invasion.

_And why do you want to see an alien invasion?

_To fight them. Can you imagine that there are aliens that look like us?

_Similar to us- answers Jawara, playing along- similar to us in what sense?

_That they see themselves as people, that they feel like us, that they get happy, sad, feel angry, but like us.

_And why would you like to see an alien like that?

_To play with them, to talk to them, and it would be fun to see that even they are surprised by our existence, and that they see us as a threat.

_Oh my, what an imagination you have, champion- Jawara is surprised by the visionary attitude of little Jacob- you would be a very good scientist, if you would like to investigate that in depth.

_The truth is that I want to be like you, to travel to the stars on a motorcycle similar to the Airspace-wanderer.

_Please, tell me Jawara, and tell me about yourself, because now we are friends. Also, I would like to continue talking with you, maybe you can give me a good idea of ​​what I'm going to build next

_Yes! - Jacob shouts with excitement as he starts jumping, his mother arrives and takes him away, Jawara sees how Jacob walks away and leaves him thinking about the possible existence of life on other planets, but what surprised him the most was that he thought that life was surprised by the existence of humanity