Chereads / Fifth Chaos God / Chapter 2 - Chp 2: Meeting New Friends?

Chapter 2 - Chp 2: Meeting New Friends?

It was here that I found myself pondering.

I could ether stop the Birth of my fellow Chao God(which I still need time to process) or I can help it along but by changing the amount of casualties ow I know that not all should be saved because if I wasn't mistaken the drukari would need to be sacrificed and any who wanted to follow them.

Yes this sounds better already and I have a theory on Slannesh. If there was someone there to calm the newborn would it still be as unhinged?

Oh I know who I'm referring to Slaanesh the Prince of pleasure, She Who Thirsts and other fun names but what if Slaanesh had a counter balance to there everything?

I had noticed my powers are suited more to calming or that was just my Presence in the Warp.

But why not it could be a fun challenge and a way to pass the time.

Now back to my 'escort' I noticed right away something was off there was a excess of Aeldari on the planet,

Why was I calling them Aeldari and not Eldar?

All factions of Eldar appeared to be here including to my internal horror Drukari yep they were already here which ment I ether misses my Fellow God's birth or it's eminent birth was Fast approaching.

Thankful it wasn't right this second but I had 10 years, 15 tops before Slaanesh was ready, how could I tell?

For some unknown reason I could sense it.

So it was understandable whe I was brought before the Aeldari Council that I was just a little distracted.

I did snap out of it though when the asked me something I had not thought of until now.

"Oh great one what shale we call you."

A shaking female Aeldari asked.

I couldn't use my earth name unless I was trying to go under the radar in the Emperium but no they were expecting a True Name or at least a Grand one that they could spead.

Well I think I have one Paxamor it was combination of Pax which is Peace and Mors which means Death, Ironic considering how I died. not like they would know Latin.

There was another surprise I noticed Aeldari didn't care about gender norms it seams because the head of the council was a young (to Aeldari) woman. Good for them.

Back to the introductions. I started of with adopting a mix of a salesmen voice with the voice of a 'humble' aristocrat. " Hello fine lady's and Gentlemen of the Aeldari Council My name Is Paxamor."

That had an interesting reaction because apparently they expected me to start causing wonton destruction, how do I know this?

I've be absorbing latent Warp energy plus wandering souls on the way here and the look on their faces when I gave a greeting that was all intense and purposes kind looked like I messed with their heads a wee bit.

Then eventually one other them snapped out of their stupor and asked the big and intriguing question.

"My lord Why are you here?"

Now that is a interesting question there are may ways I could answer and they would accept them because this was pre-slannesh Aeldari they looked at the chaos gods with less fear than they would later, that and I'm not hellbent on eating all of their souls, you might ask if that's not what I've been doing this whole time? May I have but it's not the same as Slaanesh or the others I asked them they agreed, big difference.

Anyway my response,

"I am here to watch the Birth of a fellow God but to also minimize the damage to All but the deserving people."

Now the Council was nervous again and finally asked.

" What do you mean the deserving? And there will be another such as you?!"

It was her I finally recognized who it was that was leading the Council her name was Aera Sae, I know this because I had absorbed her parents and a couple of her comrades that were In the Warp. She was the Ruler of the Aeldari Faction and would later be known for the creaton of the Biel-tan and the Exodites Founder.(OC)

As I'm looking around I'm noticed a interesting fact all the Aeldari here are female and It caught my curiosity because despite being an advanced society from my memories the Aeldari are still a Patriarchal Society. But all the High ranking officials here are Women so it caught my interest.

Oh right I haven't Answered them welp I should probably do that before I upset them.

"Hello My name is Paxamor it is like I said I'm here to minimize unnecessary casualties that a newborn god would unleash but we'll I'm also bored, so I'm interested in your Current situation."

That understandably terrified them that

1. A Chaos God was going to be birthed by them.

2. It requires ANOTHER Chaos God to MINIMIZE the Danger

3. This one in front of them was Both bored and interested in their Situation.

So it was understandable when a couple of them fainted from the news.

Now I will admit I got a little chuckle out of this but otherwise I maintained my composure.

"My dears I'm here to help you if I don't I could show you the alternative?"

I offered knowing someone would take the bait.

Sure enough someone did and it was a bit of a Suprise that it was actually Aera Sae.

"Can you verify this my lord?"

She must know I can or she would ask right? Well whatever ask I slowly walked towards her I speak.

" I can but it will be both horrifying and enlightening are you sure of your decision Aera Sae?"

You could see the tension rising as I approached and increased exponentially when I addressed her by name when she didn't introduce herself.

But I'll give her this she wasn't a Coward she knew what the outcome would be and didn't falter.

"Yes my lord and may I be the first to say this formality notwithstanding welcome to the planet of Biel-tan."

Then I implanted what would have happened to the Aeldari if I don't interfere.

It should be said but she became my most devoted first follower and Head Priestess afterward.